View Full Version : My next mode of transportation

06-25-2007, 07:08 PM
I think this is what I need to replace the L.. although I will have to go on a serious diet with the max pilot weight of 180 lbs. :evil

anyway, check out the version that lets you fly for 19 minutes. The T-73



06-26-2007, 01:58 AM
And only $200,000, a real bargain for a 5-mpg fuel hog. Never met a gas pump that it didn't like:icon_biggrin:

TP Derrick D
06-27-2007, 06:15 PM
I saw on HistoryChannel or The Learning Channel (can't remember which)that back in the '50's the military was experminating with those to put troops into the frontlines among other things like Recon....they never passed all the tests tho, sure they have improved in last 50 years.