View Full Version : The Cost

06-27-2007, 03:40 PM
Some of us know the cost of a justified shooting all to well. It definitely isn't free to defend yourself. This is a snip of the outcome of a shooting in Florida. A 44yr old man walking his dogs in West Palm Beach we being harassed by 3 gang members in a jeep. He killed two of them and wounded the third. Now that he is free he fears gang retaliation.
Instead of spending life in prison if he had been convicted as charged, Borden gained his freedom at 8:13 p.m. after more than eight months in jail. Haughwout declined to say what Borden's plans are now, because of fears for his safety.

Williams said he also worries about threats against Borden. "I pray nothing happens to him. Am I worried? Sure. Look what they did to his house."

Two days after the shootings, Borden's house was set on fire, presumably in retaliation.

Compounding his troubles, his four pit bulls were euthanized while he was incarcerated.

"His story is very tragic," Haughwout said. "He's lost everything. He has no home to go home to. He's been in a grieving process ever since this happened."

Borden's instinctual response to the threat to his safety was "more rational" and "courageous" than would be expected of most people, she said. He has always regretted that he killed Araujo and Trejo, she said.

"There's nothing about this that Norman is proud of," Haughwout said.

06-27-2007, 11:25 PM
His only mistake was not killing all 3 and keep walking like nothing happened. Let one live and word gets out....

06-27-2007, 11:30 PM
That's normal life down there. That's why I left. The people in Texas are usually more civilized and courteous than down there.

Agreed mikelemoine, shoulda been headshot, headshot, headshot...
