View Full Version : Bad wreck on 635 today

07-27-2007, 11:40 PM
Was driving home from work about 8PM and was doing about 65-70 in the right lane. Some idiot in an older Eldorado decided they wanted to get off at the Jupiter exit at the last second-from the middle lane. They were really too far past the exit and would have had to cross the lines/reflectors to get off, aside from doing it in traffic!

They started moving over in my lane and I swerved around them and watched in the rear view. The guy behind me wasn't so lucky. The Eldo which had already slowed waaay down, cut right in front of an old 70s Ford F150 (nicely restored). He locked the brakes up and went into a fishtail, then a hard left plow across all lanes to the center median barricade, right in front of a 90s mini-blazer at full speed. They hit hard and both went spinning all over, the Blazer rolled over multiple times and debris was flying all over.

The Caddy decided not to exit at this point and took off down the highway. I was already stopped and planning to back up and offer help, but decided to chase the Caddy down once it blew by me. It was a 20ish rednecky looking chick driving with her hoodlum boyfriend in the pass. I put the window down at the next exit and told them they caused a bad wreck and needed to go back. They gave me some crap about their car having bad brakes (nothing at all to do with cutting traffic off) then hoodlum boy said yo yo yoh and wanted to start something. I showed him his tag # written on my notepad and said the cops would be visiting, and he can f*ck with them instead. Went back around and fought through nasty traffic to get to the rescue/cops who were already there (couldn't have been 5 min).

I gave them the license# and descriptions, and they said they will be contacting them about leaving the scene. The vehicles were mangled, especially the Blazer which was now 5 lanes over on it's side in the grass (from 70MPH in the left lane). Shame about the old F150 too, it looked like someone spent a lot of time restoring it....I was pleased to hear everyone walked away (surprised that old F150 even had seatbelts, may have been lap belts only).

I'll probably biatch at myself if I get dragged into a deposition, but I wanted to stick up for the innocent folks who got screwed by an impatient and ignorant driver. Nothing worse than the thieves, vandals and hit/runs around here who have no respect or concern for their fellow citizens. Not sure if they are legally responsible for the accident, since being an idiot isn't illegal and I don't think they actually hit anyone. Just pizzed me off that these morons didn't even bother to stop and offer help to what could have been a fatal crash, that they totally caused. Anyway, I'm sure those people will be hurting some in the coming days, but I'm glad everyone survived.

Scares the crap out of me that my 19 y/o stepdaughter drives that highway with people like that everyday.....

Rant over.

PS-hope none of you rednecky types out there drive an old Eldo:hammer:

07-27-2007, 11:50 PM
Thats goods that you got the plate # from those sorry bastards, last time I saw a drunk driver run some one off the road and bend up their car in a bar ditch I also followed and called the po po. After pulling into the 7-11 he got out with a knife and I got out with a gun :icon_eek: , kept him there until cops got there.
Plus one for the good guys more people should call on a$$holes like that who pleague our city.

07-28-2007, 07:30 AM
You did good..if the roles were reversed, and it was you in the Blazer you would have wanted someone to get the info..



07-28-2007, 09:02 AM
You did the right thing Mike- nice job:tu:

People need to be held accountable for their actions and quit playing the blame game.

07-28-2007, 09:03 AM
Man you don't know how much you saved those people, in dealing with their insurance companies. I wish some one had done that when the little S.O.B. pulled out in front of me and ran me into a center medium.


07-28-2007, 10:02 AM
Wow, very cool of you!

07-28-2007, 11:51 AM
Good job man.

07-28-2007, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the support fellas, sometimes its tempting to not get involved. As Dana and Charlie said, those people would be badly screwed over if someone didn't take the time to step in. I've had to deal with burglaries and vandalism a few times over the years, and I've always said "if only I could find those bast*rds". Makes me feel good to have helped these folks "find em".

07-30-2007, 09:27 AM
props....you did the right thing.

Glad everyone was relatively unscathed.
