View Full Version : Note To Self...

12-20-2002, 04:48 PM
Ever since Hallsville, I have been wondering what my "Lil Blue Button" would do if she were say...hit on the street.:D

Two words: Fu$k That.....

Went to pick up the paperwork on the wifes new F150 and decided to give it a whirl...It gave me a whirl, almost $hit myself... when I kicked it in at the end of 1st gear about 3K RPM, shifted to second and blew the a$$ end around the front end in the middle of Plano Rd. today.:eek:

I was fortunate enough that she didn't hit anything, or anyone as I waited long enough that I wouldn't be close to anyone...but what a whirl and smoke she left behind...right past the Tire place on Plano road just east of Preston.
If anyone drives by there, see if I left my shorts there ,would ya...maybe in the middle of the F1 rubbish.
My whole garage now smells like burned rubber and I may soon be in the markett for some new F1's.

In all seriousness, it probably wasn't one of the smarter things I have done, but I don't recall ever claiming to be on the brighter side of the plannet.
{Rainman Voice [on]} "I am a good driver, I am a good driver"

On a lighter note, took the Cougar XR7 (with JDM sticker on back window- see gallery pics of odd pics) in to have the fuel filter replaced and the tech. at Oil Depot started asking me how much JDM charged me to tune my motor and how much faster was it now...Moron

12-20-2002, 05:02 PM
lol....stay away from the little blue button :)


12-20-2002, 05:33 PM

I honestly think it could be useful at the top of 2nd and into 3rd (of course we're talking triple-digit speeds here) on F1s.

The problem started when you lit 'em up in 1st. If the truck has already shifted into 2nd and hooked well...and _then_ you hit it, I think it would still spin the tires, but not to the extent you're talking about; and it would go straight enough where you could stay in the throttle.

If I ever put a bottle on mine, it will have the capability of manual activation so I can vary when the nitrous kicks on based on track/street conditions. Obviously on cold(er) concrete it isn't gonna have nearly the chance to hook like it would on a warm day when the pavement is 110^F. :)

12-20-2002, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by andy_cain
...It gave me a whirl, almost $hit myself... when I kicked it in at the end of 1st gear about 3K RPM, shifted to second and blew the a$$ end around the front end in the middle of Plano Rd. today.:eek:

Cool! Wish I could've been there to see it.:tu:

12-20-2002, 10:49 PM
ok on a pucker factor on a scale from 1-10 what would you rate that???

12-21-2002, 12:21 AM
Almost drew a hickey on the Wet Okoles:eek2:

12-23-2002, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by andy_cain

If anyone drives by there, see if I left my shorts there ,would ya...maybe in the middle of the F1 rubbish.

Did you check your shorts after that one? You may not have left them at the scene but I'm sure you filled 'em up!:eek2:

I'm glad you didn't run into anything. That would be the suck-a$$ story of the week if you did.


12-23-2002, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by andy_cain
Ever since Hallsville, I have been wondering what my "Lil Blue Button" would do if she were say...hit on the street.:D

Two words: Fu$k That.....

Went to pick up the paperwork on the wifes new F150 and decided to give it a whirl...It gave me a whirl, almost $hit myself... when I kicked it in at the end of 1st gear about 3K RPM, shifted to second and blew the a$$ end around the front end in the middle of Plano Rd. today.:eek:

I was fortunate enough that she didn't hit anything, or anyone as I waited long enough that I wouldn't be close to anyone...but what a whirl and smoke she left behind...right past the Tire place on Plano road just east of Preston.
If anyone drives by there, see if I left my shorts there ,would ya...maybe in the middle of the F1 rubbish.
My whole garage now smells like burned rubber and I may soon be in the markett for some new F1's.

In all seriousness, it probably wasn't one of the smarter things I have done, but I don't recall ever claiming to be on the brighter side of the plannet.
{Rainman Voice [on]} "I am a good driver, I am a good driver"

On a lighter note, took the Cougar XR7 (with JDM sticker on back window- see gallery pics of odd pics) in to have the fuel filter replaced and the tech. at Oil Depot started asking me how much JDM charged me to tune my motor and how much faster was it now...Moron

The Blue M&M's Rock Dude! Try 'em....you'll likem :D NO BEER until afterwards though :tongue:

damn...got the munchies...