View Full Version : For Rocks.. Snake bite stories..
11-14-2007, 01:19 AM
Nope, I've never been bitten by a snake. I'm just like Daniel and want to hear Rocks' story. :icon_biggrin:
11-14-2007, 08:36 AM
I havent ever been bit, but I have had some close calls, and I hate snakes with a passion and have come to close for comfort with some. Me and a friend was running across a river bottom in Arizona when I was around 6 or so, and he was in front and yelled snake, when I looked down my foot was hovering over a coiled up dimond back rattle snake down in a little hole:eek:, i turned and run as quick as I could and got out safely, his dad ended up picking it up and keeping it alive in a bucket:hammer:, crazy fool, he played with it for a bit and it tried shooting venom at his face, went right over his shoulder:eek:
11-14-2007, 09:10 AM
I got bit by a copperhead when I was a teenager and drove to the ER with that SOB in a paper bag. The attending MD was not happy when I opened the bag to show him what kind of snake it was. My leg was pretty swollen but the Dr fixed me up. :tu:
11-14-2007, 04:55 PM
Nope, I've never been bitten by a snake. I'm just like Daniel and want to hear Rocks' story. :icon_biggrin:
OK so far so good two stories Ive heard and yes I'm waiting to here Dirty Ron's snake story:icon_mrgreen:
TP Derrick D
11-14-2007, 05:30 PM
man lastnite I had a nitemare about a big a$$ black & yellow snake trying to get me ,he kept striking but kept missing. scared the holy crap out of me when I woke up. THE ONLY GOOD SNAKE IS A D-E-A-D SNAKE!!!!!!! I don't even like snake skin shoes,belts or whatever......don't know why any idiot would go on that Rattlesnake roundup held each year.....just stupid...
11-14-2007, 05:34 PM
man lastnite I had a nitemare about a big a$$ black & yellow snake trying to get me ,he kept striking but kept missing. scared the holy crap out of me when I woke up. THE ONLY GOOD SNAKE IS A D-E-A-D SNAKE!!!!!!! I don't even like snake skin shoes,belts or whatever......don't know why any idiot would go on that Rattlesnake roundup held each year.....just stupid...
That's the kinda snake i love a dead one, same here hate anything made with snake just gives me the creeps:tex
11-15-2007, 08:15 PM
Ok Rocks.. where are you? We want to hear you story.
11-15-2007, 08:34 PM
Ok Rocks.. where are you? We want to hear you story.
It prob went something like this....
11-15-2007, 09:52 PM
It prob went something like this....
11-15-2007, 10:15 PM
11-15-2007, 10:24 PM
My story isn't that interesting, but OK. When I was around 11 or 12, I got bit on the ankle by a water moccasin. My ankle got sore as hell and swelled up pretty good. I thought I was going to die, but the snake didn't inject any venom. Doctor told us back then that snakes don't inject venom every time they bite someone.
11-15-2007, 10:31 PM
Dam your ankle swelled up that must have really sucked i cant even look at snakes i go ballistic:icon_mrgreen:
11-15-2007, 10:57 PM
The worst part of it was being afraid the venom was going to cause me to die in my sleep or something. They played hell convincing me that it wasn't some kind of creeper poison. I just knew they where wrong and that the poison was surging through my system and would kill me if I fell asleep.
11-15-2007, 11:39 PM
The worst part of it was being afraid the venom was going to cause me to die in my sleep or something. They played hell convincing me that it wasn't some kind of creeper poison. I just knew they where wrong and that the poison was surging through my system and would kill me if I fell asleep.
That's a bad joke to play on someone but funny, sorry rocks just had to crack up funny:evil
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