View Full Version : Sportsmans Wharehouse Out of Business
01-04-2008, 01:22 PM
Most stuff is 30-40% off.Guns and bows are 10% from what i saw.Some pretty good deals on stuff.I just got back,place was like a Zoo @ 11:00:AM on a friday.
01-04-2008, 07:01 PM
Damnit, I gotta work in the AM!
01-05-2008, 04:56 PM
A friend called from there earlier today and told me it was a joke. I'm not wasting my $3.10/gallon gas to see for myself.
01-07-2008, 07:28 PM
A friend called from there earlier today and told me it was a joke. I'm not wasting my $3.10/gallon gas to see for myself.
Depends on what ya want.I did good on art work and fishin stuff.Yes most highly wanted stuff didnt have the 40 off.
01-08-2008, 01:10 AM
Wouldn't mind picking up one of the new PSE split-limb twin-cam bows.:icon_wink:
01-08-2008, 07:03 AM
Wouldn't mind picking up one of the new PSE split-limb twin-cam bows.:icon_wink:
Ill be in your neck of the woods this week Ron.Bow only,Doe only:gatling:
01-08-2008, 07:09 AM
Wouldn't mind picking up one of the new PSE split-limb twin-cam bows.:icon_wink:
PSE x-force?...They shoot around 350fps and have an 80lb one now....sweeet
01-08-2008, 08:32 AM
PSE x-force?...They shoot around 350fps and have an 80lb one now....sweeet
80 lbs? who needs that much? unless you are elephant hunting.. my 60 lbs bow is more than enough.. and 350 fps? wow, you'd get a pass thru for sure.. I think this year I am going to keep my bow for another year.. the incremental technology improvement just isnt worth the change.. we'll see how things look next year..
btw, I do have a bow for sale. Barely used and in great shape, in case you know someone that is looking for a good used bow.
01-08-2008, 10:19 AM
PSE x-force?...They shoot around 350fps and have an 80lb one now....sweeet
Never heard of em.Ill be using my BrokeTech(Bowtech).I bought extra sight,arrows string guide,rest.Last time my 4 wheeler shifted in the truck @ 130MPH and busted my rest and string guide.:tongue:Never got to use my bow,and missed a 8 point with a buds.I be ready for anything this time:icon_mrgreen:
01-08-2008, 10:20 AM
Never heard of em.Ill be using my BrokeTech(Bowtech).I bought extra sight,arrows string guide,rest.Last time my 4 wheeler shifted in the truck @ 130MPH and busted my rest and string guide.:tongue:Never got to use my bow,and missed a 8 point with a buds.I be ready for anything this time:icon_mrgreen:
PSE has made some of the best bows for a long, long, time. I wouldnt ever own anything else
01-08-2008, 10:31 AM
Wouldn't mind picking up one of the new PSE split-limb twin-cam bows.:icon_wink:
One thing i didnt like about PSE is they are a big bow.Mathews,Broketechs are short and good for tree stand hunting.I have enough trouble to keep from falling out of the tree on the climber stand i use,let alone pivoting around with a big ass bow.I like the Mathews Switchback XT but am too cheep to buy one.Ill check out this new PSE next time im out.I think the speed on my Broketech is around 300-315.I have also used a PSE and it didnt shoot as consistantly as my Bowtech.:beer:
01-08-2008, 10:36 AM
PSE has made some of the best bows for a long, long, time. I wouldnt ever own anything else
I worded this wrong,i have heard of and shot PSE bows but not this new particular model.You get a nice bow for your money,but i still believe (Bowtech Who was bought out by Diamond) and Mathews are a better bow.:tu:
01-08-2008, 10:47 AM
01-08-2008, 10:56 AM
How much they want for this new bow.Bows are like computers always a faster model.Looks pretty nasty:bows
01-08-2008, 12:54 PM
They had a show on the outdoor channel where a woman trained for 14 months and used a x-factor 80lb draw to do an elephant hunt in Africa and she got one....
Crazy.....I had just purchased a bowtech black ice (blue diamond series from cabela's) and it shoots awesome. I shot a bear instinct for about a year, but the bowtech is a dream
01-08-2008, 01:13 PM
whats the reputation on a fred bear bow?
01-08-2008, 01:21 PM
Guys, I have never seen a commercial that doesnt show its product is better/faster/cheaper etc.. so watching a couple of commercials just doesnt do it for me..
What I do know is that most of the bows at the top of any large volume manufacturers line these days are pretty darned good bows. I also know that different people seem to like different brand bows because they fit that person better, for whatever reason. Since a good bow is bought and customized to the owner, any bow will do what we intend for it to do and that is shoot straight, and kill the intended target, unless that target is there for target shooting purposes only.
All of the brands of bows mentioned in this thread so far are known to be good brands. I shoot a Hoyt Vectrix and love it.. its a bit heavier than some of these other bows, but the hand shock and stability of it, IMHO, are second to none.
Whichever bow you get, if you get one of the top models in these lines, you should be very happy with your purchase. Now go out there, shoot some 3d hunts, practice a lot, so that you dont miss your targets.. :tu:
01-08-2008, 05:19 PM
I purchased mine at Cabela's for the customer service they will let you shoot any bow they have and if you don't like it then bring it back and they'll fix you up...Bear bows are good I had one for 6 months and couldn't get my groups any tighter so I took it back and Cabel's hooked me up with the Diamond Black Ice....and its dead on. (
01-08-2008, 06:28 PM
I hear that Fred Bear bows are "ok".. meaning middle of the pack.. but good enough to get out there and kill a deer with...
01-08-2008, 06:29 PM
I purchased mine at Cabela's for the customer service they will let you shoot any bow they have and if you don't like it then bring it back and they'll fix you up...Bear bows are good I had one for 6 months and couldn't get my groups any tighter so I took it back and Cabel's hooked me up with the Diamond Black Ice....and its dead on. (
Jimmy, you didnt use a blunt tip for a squirrel to do that did you?
01-08-2008, 07:22 PM
Anyone know where i can get some of these tips for my arrows.:icon_mrgreen: Got another armadillo diggin in my yard.I cant get rid of these bastards.Wonder if the 10 or so i catch and release are findin there way back.
01-08-2008, 08:54 PM
You mean you dont have a secret stash of those?
01-08-2008, 09:31 PM
Jimmy, you didnt use a blunt tip for a squirrel to do that did you?
Slick trick 100gr broadhead.....:icon_eek:
01-08-2008, 10:47 PM
Slick trick 100gr broadhead.....:icon_eek:
well, no wonder that left a mark... :icon_mrgreen:
I use Rage 2" two blade mechanicals.. I'll let you know how well they work once I get something..
btw, I have always heard good things about Slick Tricks..
01-08-2008, 11:21 PM
They do fly just like field tips, I shot a field tip then shot the broad head and cut two fletches off the first arrow...Rage broad heads leave a good sized'll be suprised.
01-09-2008, 08:56 AM
They do fly just like field tips, I shot a field tip then shot the broad head and cut two fletches off the first arrow...Rage broad heads leave a good sized'll be suprised.
My Rage mechanicals fly just like my field tips too.. isnt technology wonderful?
01-09-2008, 09:31 PM
Where are the pics of the painted Dillos? Dennis had us off to a good start. I couldn't find the pic though.
01-09-2008, 10:14 PM
Terry, I have four of them here they are almost tame, they sneak up and eat the cat food
01-09-2008, 10:25 PM
Brian feeds a family of coons corn. He is a swell fella.
01-11-2008, 07:03 PM
Wouldn't mind picking up one of the new PSE split-limb twin-cam bows.:icon_wink:
Got back from hunting today.Hunted 3 days,moring and evening didnt even see a deer.It was so windy i felt like i got off a boat when i got out of the tree.This morning was perfect,i hunted till noon.Heard a few tromping threw the woods but never saw em.Catch em again in Nov..
01-11-2008, 09:46 PM
Got back from hunting today.Hunted 3 days,moring and evening didnt even see a deer.It was so windy i felt like i got off a boat when i got out of the tree.This morning was perfect,i hunted till noon.Heard a few tromping threw the woods but never saw em.Catch em again in Nov..
I hate it when that happens.. sorry about that...
but you know what they say anyway... bros before does..
01-12-2008, 12:42 PM
I hate it when that happens.. sorry about that...
but you know what they say anyway... bros before does..
Yea i want a buck to be my first.Got a sis in Media Penn. whos husband invites me every year hunting,but i still havent taken him up on it.He never gets one,i think he just plays cards in the cabin every year.They have a bunch in there back yard though:icon_mrgreen:
01-12-2008, 02:30 PM
Yea i want a buck to be my first.Got a sis in Media Penn. whos husband invites me every year hunting,but i still havent taken him up on it.He never gets one,i think he just plays cards in the cabin every year.They have a bunch in there back yard though:icon_mrgreen:
There's a whole of that going on up here.. cards and beer.. beer and cards.. beer and beer.. and maybe another beer.. :tu:
01-14-2008, 02:16 AM
Brian feeds a family of coons corn. He is a swell fella.
01-14-2008, 02:31 AM
Nothing wrong with not seeing any wall-hanger bucks, Beau.
Some of my best deer-hunting days were spent in the top of a tree miles away from anyone and not seeing a single deer and watching turkey, bobcats, coyotes, wild-boar, etc. trot by.:)
Got back from hunting today.Hunted 3 days,moring and evening didnt even see a deer.It was so windy i felt like i got off a boat when i got out of the tree.This morning was perfect,i hunted till noon.Heard a few tromping threw the woods but never saw em.Catch em again in Nov..
01-14-2008, 07:48 PM
Nothing wrong with not seeing any wall-hanger bucks, Beau.
Some of my best deer-hunting days were spent in the top of a tree miles away from anyone and not seeing a single deer and watching turkey, bobcats, coyotes, wild-boar, etc. trot by.:)
Bad day hunting is better than a good day @ work.Been a lot of people hunting my area this year that havent in the past.Must be the economy,folks just trying to put food on the table.Never saw so many Oklahinions picking up alum. cans on the side of the road.:rll:Things get any worse around here with gas i be eatin armadillos:icon_mrgreen:Super unleaded gas was 3.39$ a gal. in Oklahoma.I have about lost my patience with bow hunting.
01-15-2008, 12:56 AM
Pay no attention to your current bow-hunting luck and keep after it. Deer are about as non-sensical as women are and defy explanation.
The one 4x4 I arrowed was one of a 5-member bachelor-herd in bow-season when scouting for the best rifle-stand.:bows
Fred-Bear "old-school" compound-bow, at the time, with aluminum-shaft / twin-blade serrated. He got away initially, but I have the recovered skull/rack. :icon_cool:
Bad day hunting is better than a good day @ work.Been a lot of people hunting my area this year that havent in the past.Must be the economy,folks just trying to put food on the table.Never saw so many Oklahinions picking up alum. cans on the side of the road.:rll:Things get any worse around here with gas i be eatin armadillos:icon_mrgreen:Super unleaded gas was 3.39$ a gal. in Oklahoma.I have about lost my patience with bow hunting.
01-15-2008, 01:02 AM
Disregard: Double-post.
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