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View Full Version : New User needs advice

Al Hughes
04-24-2002, 06:23 PM
I have a 2002 Silver Lightning arriving next wensday. I plan to use it as my every day driver. My question is : Can I add some mods to up the horsepower to 400. I know it has enough but I would just like to know it has 400 hp. I know this sounds crazy but I guess it makes as much sense as buying a Lightning for a daily driver! I race a vintage LaDawri with a 428cj engine and 4-speed toploader hooked to a ford 9inch rear end. I will try to figure out how to add my web page and post it later.
Thanks for your help and please excuse my lack of knowledge obout Lingtnings.

04-24-2002, 06:36 PM

My Silver 2000 Lightning is a daily driver and it puts out 380+hp at rear wheels... Which means that its well over 400hp at the crank...

Come to a TALON meeting and tyou can get all kinds of info rea.l time...

Plus we get to check out your truck..


04-24-2002, 06:38 PM
One word; chippenfilter. Welcome to the group. :cool:

04-24-2002, 06:39 PM
This one is even simple enough for me to answer! Get a chip (Swanson, PSP, JL, JDM, Performance Research... which ever they are all good), filter kit, and a 4lb blower pulley and you are good to go!