View Full Version : what...no cowboy game thread?

01-13-2008, 09:46 PM

01-13-2008, 10:19 PM

01-13-2008, 10:29 PM
IMHO, it was one of those "stuff happens" games.

The Cowboys didn't play well. Period. What is ridiculous is that there will be tons of people who blame Tony Romo and his vacation. The fact is if his receivers don't drop critical passes, his numbers don't look nearly as bad, and the Cowboys might very well have won the game... despite 1) being severely outplayed on special teams and 2) tons of crucial penalties.

The most talented team did not win the game. _However_, the best team today DID win the game. Gotta tip my hat to the G-men. They deserved to win the game.

Besides Tony Romo, I'm sure Wade Phillips will get ripped to. Face it... the team just played poorly overall. I don't think it has anything to do with coaching or the QB. Barber had a good game, some receivers made some plays, Romo made some throws, the defense played great at times... and then missed some critical tackles. It was just Jekyll and Hyde all day it seemed.

01-13-2008, 10:45 PM
Very good way to put it. Hats off to the giants. BUT, they are only prolonging their destiny to lose by one more week. :throw: I believe the Packers have the talent and are playing their A GAME right now, and at Lambo.........not much leaning in the giants favor IMO.

01-13-2008, 10:56 PM
i have nothing nice to say:flaming:

01-13-2008, 10:58 PM
Sad to see them give it away one play at a time. The Giants even turned it over on downs and we had the perfect shot to score. There was a more open receiver to the right in the in zone. Tony should have thrown it over there instead of to the defense. They lost their mojo 4 games ago... I hope Tony and crew can make it count when it matters soon. This is the second year of Cowboys choking in the end. I knew it was going to be a long day when TO dropped his first pass.

Tatom Mack
01-14-2008, 02:07 AM
Referee Pete Morelli when he reffs the home team only wins 33% of the time when he is in charge of a game. How can that be unless you are cheating for the visitor? League knows the tendencies of every official and assigns crews to control outcome. Result? 13 penalties on the home team. 3 on visitor. That's worth way more than 4 points.

01-14-2008, 07:13 AM
i have nothing nice to say:flaming:

+1 minus the :flaming:

Yesterday's game makes me :D:dknana.

I was so happy I went outside and yelled "Go Giants!!" I know the Giants are going to get killed next week and the Packers are just going to the slaughter in Super Bowl XLII, but at least I don't have to hear any more crap about the Cowboys...:evil


01-14-2008, 09:27 AM
IMHO, it was one of those "stuff happens" games.

The Cowboys didn't play well. Period. What is ridiculous is that there will be tons of people who blame Tony Romo and his vacation. The fact is if his receivers don't drop critical passes, his numbers don't look nearly as bad, and the Cowboys might very well have won the game... despite 1) being severely outplayed on special teams and 2) tons of crucial penalties.

The most talented team did not win the game. _However_, the best team today DID win the game. Gotta tip my hat to the G-men. They deserved to win the game.

Besides Tony Romo, I'm sure Wade Phillips will get ripped to. Face it... the team just played poorly overall. I don't think it has anything to do with coaching or the QB. Barber had a good game, some receivers made some plays, Romo made some throws, the defense played great at times... and then missed some critical tackles. It was just Jekyll and Hyde all day it seemed.

I agree, well said. There were only a couple of crucial passes and they hit the receiver in the hands and the receiver wasnt being hit at the same time. There were 2-4 penalties that didnt need to happen and they happened at crucial times in drives too.. What gets me is that after that 22 play 10+ minute drive in the 2nd quarter, I thought the 'Boys were just going to grind them down to dirt.. that is when we really controlled the game..


01-14-2008, 09:29 AM
Referee Pete Morelli when he reffs the home team only wins 33% of the time when he is in charge of a game. How can that be unless you are cheating for the visitor? League knows the tendencies of every official and assigns crews to control outcome. Result? 13 penalties on the home team. 3 on visitor. That's worth way more than 4 points.

Conspiracy Theory.....:eek:

I'm sure that's why the Cowboys lost. :rll:

01-14-2008, 10:23 AM
Conspiracy Theory.....:eek:

I'm sure that's why the Cowboys lost. :rll:

Maybe he was on the take...

Perhaps he and that one ref from the NBA are in kahoots!

Let the excuses begin. I think it was Romeaux yet again...last year is was his slippery hands...this year you can blame his slippery ho in Mexico :rll: or maybe the slippery officiating :rolleyes:


01-14-2008, 10:37 AM
Well - if recievers dont catch the balls they are thrown, and the O-line melts like butter - doesn't matter who is playing QB. I don't really blame Romo for this - they all turned in a pretty sorry performance.

01-14-2008, 10:58 AM
Crayton broke my heart on crucial plays... I died a little inside yesterday. :icon_cry:

01-14-2008, 11:06 AM
Well - if recievers dont catch the balls they are thrown, and the O-line melts like butter - doesn't matter who is playing QB. I don't really blame Romo for this - they all turned in a pretty sorry performance.

What tony needs to figure out is you can't make a play on every down....he took some critical sacks outside of the pocket where he should have thrown it away. Instead he tried to make plays and it cost them dearly on a couple of drives, the y were momentum stoppers.

He needs to learn to check to alternate receivers and not try for the big play every down.


01-14-2008, 11:57 AM
What tony needs to figure out is you can't make a play on every down....he took some critical sacks outside of the pocket where he should have thrown it away. Instead he tried to make plays and it cost them dearly on a couple of drives, the y were momentum stoppers.

He needs to learn to check to alternate receivers and not try for the big play every down.


Yep +1. One of the last offensive series he took a 14 yard sack and a grounding pently the next down. Too many stupid penaltys as well. One that hurt for sure was the defensive offsides on 3rd down that kept the giants drive alive and allowed then to score on the next play.

About the only star was Barber and he didn't do that much in the 2nd half.

01-14-2008, 04:04 PM
Some of you guys are being critical of Romo's decision-making, and I understand a few of those decisions were poor... and they are magnified in a game of this significance. If its a regular-season game, then "its a learning experience." Since its a playoff game, "he let his team down."

The fact is that if the receivers, O-line, special teams and the blown mental plays (penalties) take care of themselves or even play at 80%, then Romo isn't even in a position to make a bad decision. The Cowboys win the game by 2 touchdowns and no one cares that Romo took a sack or two when he should have thrown it away.

I honestly don't think that part of him will change much. The media refers to it as "gunslinging" and "in the mold of Brett Favre." You have to take the bad with all the good there, and live with it, IMHO.

Also, is he the only one not allowed to take a 2-day vacation? Who its with has nothing to do with it. I don't know Jessica S. personally, but I'm betting that some of the wives of these players are just as bad or worse. Everyone just assumes she's a bad influence on him b/c she's a pretty face and a pop-star.

01-14-2008, 04:07 PM
Be glad I wasn't the QB I would have been hittin that during half time.....:icon_mrgreen:

01-14-2008, 04:14 PM
:crying:leave Tony alone! that's just wrong....:crying:



01-14-2008, 04:27 PM
T.O. crying was definitely a bit over the top... but in the end it doesn't matter. They're done, just like the Mavs last year.

At least the (st)Rangers don't string us along more than a month into the season.

01-14-2008, 05:40 PM
Entertaining year...but I've already moved on. Been tired of the media circus the last several weeks. Romo played as well or better than anyone else last night IMO. :cool:

01-14-2008, 05:42 PM
I played O line in school and if our QB spent that much time on his a$$ we would have had to run to OKC at our next practice

I think the Wes's have a good read on this game IMHO

01-14-2008, 07:40 PM
Entertaining year...but I've already moved on. Been tired of the media circus the last several weeks. Romo played as well or better than anyone else last night IMO. :cool:
+1. Romo still looks better than anyone else the Cowboys have had at QB since Aikman. Next year should be entertaining as well.:o

01-14-2008, 07:51 PM
as i non-cowboy fan (not really a hater) what i saw was this...they hadn't played well in a month and during that period the running game suffered the most. the boys bread and butter all year has been the mid to deep ball but with TO hurt all that really left them was whitten and barber. ny didn't know what TO's impact would be so they played the pass and barber had a great first half. once ny knew TO wouldn't be a factor they put eight in the box to stop barber and blitzed romo into losing his cool. the o-line couldn't protect him every play. with a hurt TO and glenn, with a bottled-up barber all that left romo was whitten and crayton. crayton was absolutely NO help. frustration led to some stupid penalties that only compounded the problems. the defense gave up some pretty easy points also. romo is a great qb but he can't do it by himself. as a Packer fan i've seen Brett have some bad years because he had no weapons and tried to it all himself. this year he's got help and the difference in his game is dramatic. the future is very bright for the boys. one guy i know put it this way...when someone said that ny beat a very good dallas team he said "ny didn't beat a very good dallas team. they beat what was left of a very good team after 16 games."

01-14-2008, 09:16 PM
as i non-cowboy fan (not really a hater) what i saw was this...they hadn't played well in a month and during that period the running game suffered the most. the boys bread and butter all year has been the mid to deep ball but with TO hurt all that really left them was whitten and barber. ny didn't know what TO's impact would be so they played the pass and barber had a great first half. once ny knew TO wouldn't be a factor they put eight in the box to stop barber and blitzed romo into losing his cool. the o-line couldn't protect him every play. with a hurt TO and glenn, with a bottled-up barber all that left romo was whitten and crayton. crayton was absolutely NO help. frustration led to some stupid penalties that only compounded the problems. the defense gave up some pretty easy points also. romo is a great qb but he can't do it by himself. as a Packer fan i've seen Brett have some bad years because he had no weapons and tried to it all himself. this year he's got help and the difference in his game is dramatic. the future is very bright for the boys. one guy i know put it this way...when someone said that ny beat a very good dallas team he said "ny didn't beat a very good dallas team. they beat what was left of a very good team after 16 games."

Damn good analysis.....coming from a die hard cowboys fan. And a very true statement about Favre as well. Since he gained that trust in Jennings, he has been nothing less than spectacular. What are your thoughts on another year, on Brett coming back? (with both scenarios..win or lose in the superbowl??)

01-14-2008, 11:40 PM
Damn good analysis.....coming from a die hard cowboys fan. And a very true statement about Favre as well. Since he gained that trust in Jennings, he has been nothing less than spectacular. What are your thoughts on another year, on Brett coming back? (with both scenarios..win or lose in the superbowl??)

well...for each of the last three years i thought he was gone and was surprised each time he came back. this year i think he'll be done only IF they win the big one. if they don't, i think he'll be back for one more. so that means he'll be back cuz there's no way they beat ne. :icon_confused:

01-15-2008, 03:08 AM
well...for each of the last three years i thought he was gone and was surprised each time he came back. this year i think he'll be done only IF they win the big one. if they don't, i think he'll be back for one more. so that means he'll be back cuz there's no way they beat ne. :icon_confused:

I kinda had the same thoughts. I really have no one left to root for though besides Favre this year. I know it would take alot, but I am definitely rooting now for them to pull of the upset. SO many teams have came so close, but hell, maybe the Chargers with their back ups can pull off the upset this week and save him the extra work. <----(wishful thinking):rolleyes:

01-15-2008, 09:07 AM

Coors Lights Spoof


01-15-2008, 07:03 PM

Coors Lights Spoof


I was about to post that. It was funnier on the radio this morn b/c those 3 guys look like tools.