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01-14-2008, 08:42 PM
I'm thinkin' it's a bad idea to stare at the sky through your rifle scope after a few tall boys. :rll:


Stephenville abuzz over reported UFO sightings

Associated Press Writer

STEPHENVILLE, Texas -- In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO.
Several dozen people - including a pilot, county constable and business owners - insist they have seen a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast. Some reported seeing fighter jets chasing it.
"People wonder what in the world it is because this is the Bible Belt, and everyone is afraid it's the end of times," said Steve Allen, a freight company owner and pilot who said the object he saw last week was a mile long and half a mile wide. "It was positively, absolutely nothing from these parts."
While federal officials insist there's a logical explanation, locals swear that it was larger, quieter, faster and lower to the ground than an airplane. They also said the object's lights changed configuration, unlike those of a plane. People in several towns who reported seeing it over several weeks have offered similar descriptions of the object.
Machinist Ricky Sorrells said friends made fun of him when he told them he saw a flat, metallic object hovering about 300 feet over a pasture behind his Dublin home. But he decided to come forward after reading similar accounts in the Stephenville Empire-Tribune.
"You hear about big bass or big buck in the area, but this is a different deal," Sorrells said. "It feels good to hear that other people saw something, because that means I'm not crazy."
Sorrells said he's seen the object several times. He said he watched it through his rifle's telescopic lens and described it as very large and without seams, nuts or bolts.
Maj. Karl Lewis, a spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth, said no F-16s or other aircraft from his base were in the area the night of Jan. 8, when many sightings were reported.
Lewis said the object may have been an illusion caused by two commercial airplanes. Lights from the aircraft would seem unusually bright and may appear orange due to the setting sun.
"I'm 90 percent sure this was an airliner," Lewis said. "With the sun's angle, it can play tricks on you."
Officials at the region's two Air Force bases - Dyess in Abilene and Sheppard in Wichita Falls - also said none of their aircraft were in the area last week. The Air Force no longer investigates UFOs.
About 200 UFO sightings are reported each month, mostly in California, Colorado and Texas, according to the Mutual UFO Network, which plans to go to the 17,000-resident town of Stephenville to investigate.
Fourteen percent of Americans polled last year by The Associated Press and Ipsos say they have seen a UFO.
UFO sightings have been reported all over the world for centuries, including the infamous 1897 crash of a cigar-shaped object near the tiny Texas town of Aurora. While some thought it was a hoax, decades later investigators from UFO groups said evidence suggests the disfigured pilot's body buried that day was an alien.
In Chicago in late 2006, some United Airlines pilots and other employees reported seeing a saucer-shaped craft hovering over O'Hare Airport before shooting up through the clouds. But federal officials said nothing showed up on the radar and explained it as some type of weather phenomenon.
In 1997, dozens of people saw lights in a V-formation over Phoenix, a mystery that was captured on videotape and spurred calls for a government investigation. A few months later people reported a similar sight over Las Vegas.
One of the most famous cases was the 1947 crash on a ranch near Roswell, N.M. Although the government said it was a top-secret weather balloon, an Army officer who helped recover the debris came forward 30 years later claiming a cover-up, asserting that an alien spacecraft had crashed. Reports later surfaced that a base nurse told someone that autopsies were performed on aliens from the wreckage.
A few months after the New Mexico incident the U.S. Air Force started Project Blue Book, which investigated more than 12,600 reported UFO sightings - including 700 that were never explained - before the program ended in 1969.
Erath County Constable Lee Roy Gaitan, who said he isn't sure about the existence of UFOs, said one night last week he first saw red glowing lights and then white flashing lights moving rapidly across the sky.
"I didn't see a flying saucer and I don't know what it was, but it wasn't an airplane and I've never seen anything like it," Gaitan said. "I think it must be some kind of military craft - at least I hope it was."

01-14-2008, 09:53 PM
I also read that......:icon_eek:

01-14-2008, 10:19 PM
Damnit boy don't scare me like that! I went and got my hat on:tex

Mark #2
01-14-2008, 10:44 PM
They can't be that intelligent, they don't know how to land....must not understand gravity yet.

But how cool would it be if one day they did land?

01-15-2008, 03:08 AM
But how cool would it be if one day they did land?

Depends on how hungry they are. :evil

01-15-2008, 08:48 AM
They can't be that intelligent, they don't know how to land....must not understand gravity yet.

But how cool would it be if one day they did land?

I want to believe...


01-15-2008, 09:41 AM
They can't be that intelligent, they don't know how to land....must not understand gravity yet.

But how cool would it be if one day they did land?

Klaatu barada nikto :evil (in my best Patricia Neal voice)...lol

01-15-2008, 11:39 PM
Damn them and their anal probes:gatling:

01-16-2008, 09:18 PM
Notice the kids hats? :evil

Posted on Wed, Jan. 16, 2008

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UFO team asks if the truth is out there - in Stephenville

By Matt Frazier
Star-Telegram Staff Writer

http://media.star-telegram.com/smedia/2008/01/16/15/844-alien2.embedded.prod_affiliate.58.jpg (http://media.star-telegram.com/smedia/2008/01/16/15/410-alien2.standalone.prod_affiliate.58.jpg)
Corie White/Stephenville Chamber of Commerce
Stephenville residents are having some fun with their recent reports of UFOs in their fair city. Here, it seems an alien life form has taken over city hall. (That's actually city secretary Cindy Stafford.)

http://media.star-telegram.com/smedia/2008/01/16/15/158-aliens1.thumb.prod_affiliate.58.jpg (http://media.star-telegram.com/smedia/2008/01/16/15/987-aliens1.standalone.prod_affiliate.58.jpg)

Strange lights over Stephenville? There's more to the story (http://www.star-telegram.com/389/story/412497.html) http://media.star-telegram.com/images/external_link.gif
Take our Unidentified Flying Quiz (http://media.star-telegram.com/Multimedia/Entertainment/quizzes/ufo.php) http://media.star-telegram.com/images/external_link.gifSeen any UFOs lately?
The Texas chapter of the Mutual UFO Network is looking for people who have seen strange flying objects in the Stephenville area, about 70 miles southwest of Fort Worth.
A pilot, the county constable and business owners all insist that they saw a brightly lit, silent object about a mile long and a half-mile wide, flying low and fast.
"I've received more phone calls on this than on anything else in the past 15 years," said Kenneth Cherry of Keller, director of the UFO network's Texas chapter. "Normally we send one person to investigate a sighting. For this one, we are sending four or five investigators."
The group will begin talking to witnesses at 1 p.m. Saturday in a meeting room in downtown Dublin near the Dr Pepper plant.
To report a sighting, call Cherry at 817-379-0773 or fill out a report form at www.mufon .com (http://www.mufon.com/).

01-16-2008, 09:22 PM
Even the evangelists are getting in on this

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Strange lights over Stephenville? There's more to the story

Star-Telegram Staff Writer

Related Content

UFO team asks if the truth is out there - in Stephenville (http://www.star-telegram.com/226/story/412690.html) http://media.star-telegram.com/images/external_link.gif
Scottish evangelist predicts a 'stunning' light over Texas (http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/5954) http://media.star-telegram.com/images/external_link.gif
Stephenville's latest close encounter is weirder than any light in the sky.
Stephenville is under assault -- not by Martians, but by people hunting them.
The phones haven't stopped ringing at Steve Allen's trucking company in nearby Glen Rose. He's the guy who was out Jan. 8 watching the sunset at a friend's house near Selden when they all saw some weird flashing lights.
Now he can't work for all the phone calls from London and elsewhere around the world.
Some of the callers are scarier than space aliens.
"I'll be OK," he joked Tuesday, "as long as I don't get abducted."
I couldn't even get a call through to county Constable Leroy Gaitan. He told reporters that he and his son, 8, saw the lights from nearby Dublin.
All I can say is, if space aliens were hovering over Texas last week, maybe that explains the Cowboys.
The Stephenville newspaper, the Empire-Tribune, broke the story Thursday. But as far as I can tell, absolutely nobody in Texas paid attention until after Dallas was knocked out of the playoffs.
The news finally went national Monday.
But technically, we all got scooped.
On Dec. 11 -- more than a month ago -- a Scottish writer and evangelist wrote exactly what would happen.
Catherine Brown, 43 and a mother of four, wrote about a heavenly vision predicting a "stunning star" over Texas that would make "front-line news."
I'm not kidding.
She posted this last month on the Web site for Elijah List Ministries, an Oregon-based publishing house that seems like sort of a clearinghouse for end-of-the-world religious prophecy:
"I see Texas ablaze and a stunning star, like the star from the East rising over the land. I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying to: 'Watch for cosmic signs and wonders in Texas.'
"He said there will be a cosmological phenomenon that scientists cannot explain, and the media will carry as front-line news.
"People will begin to ask about 'the Light.' ... For a period of four months -- from Christmas to Easter -- there will be a window of opportunity for salvations, signs, healings and wonders in Texas."
Brown has never seen Texas in her life, she said Tuesday by phone from her office at Gatekeepers Global Ministries in Ayrshire, Scotland.
"I saw this huge light over Texas," she said. "It was actually just a short vision. When I saw the news today, I thought, 'How interesting.'"
In 2003, she predicted a rare earthquake in the Netherlands.
In Glen Rose, Allen said he hopes to talk with Brown. "I knew it wasn't like anything we've ever seen before in these parts," said Allen, a pilot and a greeter at a Baptist church near Chalk Mountain. "It definitely gave you a biblical flashback."
Most experts are crediting a more worldly source for the strange lights: military training or defense aircraft testing, maybe pilots testing giant flares that fire off in a circle of flame around aircraft to divert missiles.
This isn't the first time folks around Stephenville have seen weird things fly.
In 1897, six years before the Wright brothers' maiden flight, farmer C.L. McIlhany of Stephenville told The Dallas Morning News that he and more than 20 other leading citizens had seen an "aerial monster" 60 feet long land in his pasture.
The aircraft had a pilot and engineer from New York, McIlhany said, who claimed they were testing it for investors and landed to make repairs.
In yet another good prediction, McIlhany is quoted as saying: "What you reckon is going to happen when dynamiters get to riding in airships and dropping bombs down on folks and cities? Is this world ready for airships?"
Apparently, they're always ready in Stephenville.
bud@star-telegram.com (bud@star-telegram.com)
Bud Kennedy's column appears Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 817-390-7538

01-17-2008, 09:18 AM
I say they have been taking the F-35 from Lockeed down there in the middle of the night, hovering around and jacking with the drunks:icon_mrgreen:


01-17-2008, 11:38 AM
I say they have been taking the F-35 from Lockeed down there in the middle of the night, hovering around and jacking with the drunks:icon_mrgreen:

