View Full Version : The sky is falling!
01-21-2008, 10:11 PM
Well, any predictions on where the stock market and the economy in general is headed? It isn't looking good...
I am going to continue stock piling ammo and MRE's. I need another German Shepherd that can sniff out the machines:tex
01-21-2008, 10:30 PM
When you factor in the 25% loss from the past 2 weeks my 401K is at at net gain of 0% compared to 2001...:( and they say the decline is just getting started.
01-22-2008, 12:19 AM
More off-shoring. That'll fix all the US / TALON ills. :cool:
01-22-2008, 09:14 AM
More off-shoring. That'll fix all the US / TALON ills. :cool:
What does off shoring have to to do with the macro economic changes ?
01-22-2008, 09:39 AM
I am purchasing a two week supply of aluminum foil overnight was tough overseas
01-22-2008, 10:18 AM
Rome Is Burning!!! :rll: Hey for those of us older talon members we have seen the ups and downs of a bad market! For you younger investors sometimes when it really looks crappy that is the best time to buy.
Fed slashed % rates .75% this morning that is a ton, and real soon you will be able to get great rates on new or used vehicles if you need one, House Mortgages are heading back to historic lows if you need to refinance or buy a new one!
Buckle up tight and good luck!
01-22-2008, 10:19 AM
When you factor in the 25% loss from the past 2 weeks my 401K is at at net gain of 0% compared to 2001...:( and they say the decline is just getting started.
Interesting.. this tells me something about your investments and investment strategies..
I too have taken an overall 5% hit in my total net worth.. I view this adjustment like most others, temporary and that we will see a turnaround.. remember the stock market can be a fickle lady that will act and overreact at times. Remember, the stock market is great for long term gains, however, in the short term, the risk can be high.. Thankfully, at age 50, I have a few years to be able to regain any losses that are incurred in my mutual funds. I rarely ever invest in just one stock or stocks, wide based mutual funds have shown to perform better over time and be able to cushion you from drastic downturns even though the upside might not be as good.
There is some less than wonderful correcting items going on, specifically, the mortgage issues along with housing starts going down. These two items have hit some very large financial institutions and with the downturn in building, that impacts several large industries and labor.. that is the one that really hurts. As my investment advisor told me (he works for Citibank) the impact of the mortgage hit on them was the equivalent of one half of one days profits. So, it was a hit, just not a huge one.. The tax rebate idea will be moving pretty fast through Congress, since they love to give money away to everyone, even though its ours to begin with, and this should create some real stimulus in the marketplace.
01-22-2008, 10:24 AM
More off-shoring. That'll fix all the US / TALON ills. :cool:
I think I get what you mean by this tongue in cheek comment. However, if I read some of the newer info coming out, we are seeing a turnaround in the offshoring of IT support issues due to the low customer satisfaction being reported by consumers. If you mean manufacturing, well, we do get some coming this way and some going out.. sometimes it works to move it, sometimes it doesnt. What I will say, after living in Erie for 4 years, to see a union not be willing to negotiate reasonable wage concessions or even come to the table to discuss the issue, but rather put the company in a position to only be able to move out of town, state, or the country, just defies all the logic that I have in me. This town and the union reps have done more to hurt themselves than I can understand. I know I will get :throw: for my last statement, but it is my opinion and my perception.
01-22-2008, 10:28 AM
Lots of media hype does not help and the campaign trail loves this kind of stuff.
Housing market is going to continue to take a hit. If you are in the market to buy then maybe not so bad especially if you are moving up
I think North Texas has some insulators that other parts of the country don't
Energy prices need to quit trending north IMHO
PS Kroger has the heavy duty aluminum foil on sale:tex
01-22-2008, 10:52 AM
PS Kroger has the heavy duty aluminum foil on sale:tex
Thanks for the tip..
plus, I agree, energy prices are really starting to hit us and we knew this was coming going back to the Clinton admin. So its nothing new and no one has done much to do anything about it. However, other energy sources were not financially feasible until we had $3 per gallon gasoline.. it is almost as if the govt wanted this to occur.. and I am sure the gasoline companies and refiners did want it to happen.. take a look at their profit margins.
01-22-2008, 02:26 PM
They say the Fed may cut rates another half a percent at the end of the month.
What pisses me off is that I personally think the media is to blame for any downturn in the economy right now. If you all you report is "Could we be going into a recession? Are we in one right now?" Like I have been hearing for weeks, well, I think people will go ahead and assume the worst, and then BANG, you are in a recession!
01-22-2008, 02:46 PM
Dropping the interest rate that much can have the opposite affect too. Investors will begin to think "Is it really THAT bad?" I believe that is what it happening today after the announcement.
Mark #2
01-22-2008, 03:13 PM
A lttle recession is a good thing as long as you are in a position to take advantage of the cheap stocks and low interest rates.
01-23-2008, 12:31 AM
I reckon I will actually make money off this. Sure, my 401k and other investments have taken a "paper" hit, but I'm not dumping anything so I've realized no "real" losses. I have however bumped UP my contributions
to 401k and plan to aggressively buy the same things I've had my 401k in that have grown over the last two years(save of course the last month or so...although my gold/energy funds are double what they were a year ago)
01-23-2008, 01:20 AM
Dana you make a good point about outsourcing. Our factory is in Norway and while our competitors are building in China, the unions are pushing for less hours (already in the mid-30s per week) and more pay. Unfortunately we are slowing moving more and more production overseas (China). Its starting to dawn on Europe (the former USSR is a low cost supplier too-Mercedes and others have told the unions flat out they better shape up), but it hasn't seemed to dawn on our union workers yet. They are looking too short term, just like the corporations. Everyone is in it for this year's bonus, not what's necessarily good for their companies or themselves in the long term. mini-rant over.
BC Lightning
01-23-2008, 03:47 AM
I reckon I will actually make money off this. Sure, my 401k and other investments have taken a "paper" hit, but I'm not dumping anything so I've realized no "real" losses. I have however bumped UP my contributions
to 401k and plan to aggressively buy the same things I've had my 401k in that have grown over the last two years(save of course the last month or so...although my gold/energy funds are double what they were a year ago)
I have since put money into my Vanguard Mutual Fund as well as my Roth IRA and Roth 401K, and they will be drilling for natural gas on a piece of property in 60 days my dad gave me as retirement, I hope that natural gas somehow replaces oil :D
01-23-2008, 08:44 AM
Rome Is Burning!!! :rll: Hey for those of us older talon members we have seen the ups and downs of a bad market! For you younger investors sometimes when it really looks crappy that is the best time to buy.
Fed slashed % rates .75% this morning that is a ton, and real soon you will be able to get great rates on new or used vehicles if you need one, House Mortgages are heading back to historic lows if you need to refinance or buy a new one!
Buckle up tight and good luck!
Best advice yet!!:tu:Buy Buy now!!
01-23-2008, 09:14 AM
01-23-2008, 10:02 AM
01-23-2008, 07:40 PM
They say the Fed may cut rates another half a percent at the end of the month.
What pisses me off is that I personally think the media is to blame for any downturn in the economy right now. If you all you report is "Could we be going into a recession? Are we in one right now?" Like I have been hearing for weeks, well, I think people will go ahead and assume the worst, and then BANG, you are in a recession! +1:tu:
01-24-2008, 12:10 AM
Dana you make a good point about outsourcing. Our factory is in Norway and while our competitors are building in China, the unions are pushing for less hours (already in the mid-30s per week) and more pay. Unfortunately we are slowing moving more and more production overseas (China). Its starting to dawn on Europe (the former USSR is a low cost supplier too-Mercedes and others have told the unions flat out they better shape up), but it hasn't seemed to dawn on our union workers yet. They are looking too short term, just like the corporations. Everyone is in it for this year's bonus, not what's necessarily good for their companies or themselves in the long term. mini-rant over.
01-24-2008, 10:42 AM
01-24-2008, 11:04 AM
I think I get what you mean by this tongue in cheek comment. However, if I read some of the newer info coming out, we are seeing a turnaround in the offshoring of IT support issues due to the low customer satisfaction being reported by consumers. If you mean manufacturing, well, we do get some coming this way and some going out.. sometimes it works to move it, sometimes it doesnt. What I will say, after living in Erie for 4 years, to see a union not be willing to negotiate reasonable wage concessions or even come to the table to discuss the issue, but rather put the company in a position to only be able to move out of town, state, or the country, just defies all the logic that I have in me. This town and the union reps have done more to hurt themselves than I can understand. I know I will get :throw: for my last statement, but it is my opinion and my perception.
DanaTheres 2 sides to every story.
01-24-2008, 11:09 AM
Theres 2 sides to every story.Unions where brought about to protect employees from getting screwd by the company.Sure you can get some foreigner to do it cheeper.Unions bringing down the company is the biggest B.S. story yet.Sure you piss off a union worker by cutting pay,benifits,retirement and anything else the company can get its hands on to make more money for the white shirts who cant walk and chew gum @ the same.Best for the company to hire white shirts that can actually do something productive for the company other than the cheepist,dirtiest,lowest way out which is to mess with workers wages etc.:bs
I have an idea, if you dont like the way your job is going, quit and work for someone else, instead of whining like a liberal:tex
01-24-2008, 11:11 AM
American unions are just a shield for lazy incompetent workers to hide behind. They pile their sickly families on the company payroll and insurance programs. The last thing on their list of to-do's is a good job for the employer. $50 an hour floor sweepers and mechanics that spend the day in the gym are bringing this country to its knees.
01-24-2008, 11:20 AM
01-24-2008, 11:25 AM
Yeah that is why the new vehicles are snap tight pieces of crap. They have to make them cheap enough and simple enough the overfed inbred dummies in the hills of Kentucky can assemble them. American manufacturers are about to go out of business due to the unions dragging them down. GM has said 17% of the cost of a vehicle is materials the rest is overhead mostly union. GM pays more for employee insurance than they do for steel to build cars. Toyota and Honda are a lot smarter than this, yes they are built in the US now and they are not using union labor.
01-24-2008, 11:32 AM
Yeah that is why the new vehicles are snap tight pieces of crap. They have to make them cheap enough and simple enough the overfed inbred dummies in the hills of Kentucky can assemble them. American manufacturers are about to go out of business due to the unions dragging them down. GM has said 17% of the cost of a vehicle is materials the rest is overhead mostly union. GM pays more for employee insurance than they do for steel to build cars. Toyota and Honda are a lot smarter than this, yes they are built in the US now and they are not using union labor.
:rll::rll::rll: Thats funny
01-24-2008, 11:51 AM
Here ya go
01-24-2008, 11:55 AM
I think I get what you mean by this tongue in cheek comment. However, if I read some of the newer info coming out, we are seeing a turnaround in the offshoring of IT support issues due to the low customer satisfaction being reported by consumers. If you mean manufacturing, well, we do get some coming this way and some going out.. sometimes it works to move it, sometimes it doesnt. What I will say, after living in Erie for 4 years, to see a union not be willing to negotiate reasonable wage concessions or even come to the table to discuss the issue, but rather put the company in a position to only be able to move out of town, state, or the country, just defies all the logic that I have in me. This town and the union reps have done more to hurt themselves than I can understand. I know I will get :throw: for my last statement, but it is my opinion and my perception.
I said I would get :throw: for my comments.. Believe me, I am the recipient of what the unions did for the workers decades ago.. but I just believe that they are making wise decisions on some of these situations, just as I have been the recipient of poor decision making of executives as well. But I specifically listed a recent situation on purpose. The Union would not even answer or try to work with the ownership of the company to allow it to stay in town..Now look at Ford, they are offering a buyout to all of its UAW workers to try to find a way to stay in business and become competitive again. We live in a global economy and this is what we are going to have to do to survive in the long run. Those jobs that have a specific manual skill set that can be learned will have to compete with those that offer the same at lower rates worldwide. IMHO.. its just my opinion..
01-24-2008, 12:03 PM
I said I would get :throw: for my comments.. Believe me, I am the recipient of what the unions did for the workers decades ago.. but I just believe that they are making wise decisions on some of these situations, just as I have been the recipient of poor decision making of executives as well. But I specifically listed a recent situation on purpose. The Union would not even answer or try to work with the ownership of the company to allow it to stay in town..Now look at Ford, they are offering a buyout to all of its UAW workers to try to find a way to stay in business and become competitive again. We live in a global economy and this is what we are going to have to do to survive in the long run. Those jobs that have a specific manual skill set that can be learned will have to compete with those that offer the same at lower rates worldwide. IMHO.. its just my opinion..
01-24-2008, 01:20 PM
Its all good Dana.:beer:There is some lousy folks in union business.I just have to throw one in for unions who have protected me more than once.:cool:
I understand and agree, and there are crappy executives as well.. so it goes both ways.. but both of them together when they are crappy is what causes the loss of GOOD jobs here..
01-25-2008, 12:11 AM
:rll::rll::rll: Thats funny shit Terry!!:rll:Theres useless turds in every company,union and non union.
The problem is the union will back the dumbest one to the end. So you can't get rid of the moron without risking all of his toothless friends striking.
01-25-2008, 09:43 AM
Go ahead and aproach a picket line and tell em unions suck:twitch:As far as me,Im not whinning,i work for a well managed company.I quit the ones who laid me off every christmas to save a buck.
Terry was trying tro say that many Union workers are useless non working paycheck collecting thugs, that spend more time figuring out how to work less for more money than anything else
And you response is to approach a picket line and see what happens ?
Approach a line of them doing their favorite thing ? Interrupting the profits of the company and NOT working ? His point might have been that many are angry useless thugs and your reply is YES ? Doesn't make much sense to me.
01-25-2008, 10:19 AM
01-25-2008, 10:36 AM
One more
I've worked on both sides of the fence. Now a union member I do have better benefits than my non union job in the same industry. No matter what kind of group you have there will always be some that take advantage of it and the union is no exception. Keep in mind the union is not there to protect the lazy but to keep the work place fair and equal. I dont know about you but thats worth me paying my union dues for. I don't always agree with some thing that go on in the union but without them who would fight for me and my brothers. Just think I don't pay a dime for my heath insurance for me or my family. You can bet that would not be the case without the union it would be just another dollar in the companies pocket. As far as the economy goes I think I may be better off putting my money in a coffee can for my retirement.
01-25-2008, 10:47 AM
Too many people think they are owed something. Anyone/everyone should just be happy they have a job. Just b/c you work at a company for X number of years doesn't mean you have to have a higher position/more wages/ect. If you want 60$ per hour and someone else will do the same job, same quality for 40$ per hour you are only worth 40$ per hour. It's survival of the fittest. Equal employment opportunity and shit like this is what brings our country down. Instead of standing in picket lines and bitching about your job, or unemployment, find a way to make yourself more valuable.
01-25-2008, 10:48 AM
Organized labor is going to continue to work itself out of a job. The world is not flat.
The inherent sense of entitlement that most union shops have breed complacency and laziness amongst its work force.
I agree that unions once helped to shape this country as an industrial powerhouse, but the current state of this model is truthfully sad.
my .02:cool:
01-25-2008, 10:50 AM
I've worked on both sides of the fence. Now a union member I do have better benefits than my non union job in the same industry. No matter what kind of group you have there will always be some that take advantage of it and the union is no exception. Keep in mind the union is not there to protect the lazy but to keep the work place fair and equal. I dont know about you but thats worth me paying my union dues for. I don't always agree with some thing that go on in the union but without them who would fight for me and my brothers. Just think I don't pay a dime for my heath insurance for me or my family. You can bet that would not be the case without the union it would be just another dollar in the companies pocket. As far as the economy goes I think I may be better off putting my money in a coffee can for my retirement.
You have found your calling do not leave your union job it is perfect for you:D
01-25-2008, 10:58 AM
[QUOTE=L8 APEX;143486]The
01-25-2008, 11:01 AM
[quote=L8 APEX;143486]The problem is the union will back the dumbest one to the end. So you can't get rid of the moron without risking all of his toothless friends striking.[/QUO Depends how far you cross the line,being neglegent,irresponsible etc.Union is like a family they will back you to point,there is a point of no return though.Heck if your kids where imbred and had learning dissabilitys you would back em.Basically the key word is union+ brother,sister,FAMILY.:tu:
you are using a apples and oranges comparison
In your analogy you would install parts you knew to be faulty because it's wrong to not include the bad ones....
If I recall you work on aircraft tell me how that would work out in the real world for things that fly
01-25-2008, 11:07 AM
...It goes by senority of who was there the longest has promotion rights /job picks /days -off .So to say the unions are ****ing down a company is simply not true...
That is one of the things fundementally wrong with Unions. The guy with the most seniority could be the dumbest laziest guy in the company but they get the promotion because they have been there the longest. What happened to working hard and earning a promotion? Standing around with your thumb up your A$$ for 20-30 years shouldn't count but it does if you are a union member.
As an engineer we were required to take an ethics class in college and one of the main points was that it was unethical for Engineers to be part of an organized labor union.
01-25-2008, 11:16 AM
you are using a apples and oranges comparison
In your analogy you would install parts you knew to be faulty because it's wrong to not include the bad ones....
If I recall you work on aircraft tell me how that would work out in the real world for things that fly
01-25-2008, 11:20 AM
That is one of the things fundementally wrong with Unions. The guy with the most seniority could be the dumbest laziest guy in the company but they get the promotion because they have been there the longest. What happened to working hard and earning a promotion? Standing around with your thumb up your A$$ for 20-30 years shouldn't count but it does if you are a union member.
As an engineer we were required to take an ethics class in college and one of the main points was that it was unethical for Engineers to be part of an organized labor union.
Not true,
01-25-2008, 11:22 AM
I've worked on both sides of the fence. Now a union member I do have better benefits than my non union job in the same industry. No matter what kind of group you have there will always be some that take advantage of it and the union is no exception. Keep in mind the union is not there to protect the lazy but to keep the work place fair and equal. I dont know about you but thats worth me paying my union dues for. I don't always agree with some thing that go on in the union but without them who would fight for me and my brothers. Just think I don't pay a dime for my heath insurance for me or my family. You can bet that would not be the case without the union it would be just another dollar in the companies pocket. As far as the economy goes I think I may be better off putting my money in a coffee can for my retirement.
I believe Terry made this point and being in the healthcare industry, this is not a positive to me. The cost to the company/employer isnt an issue of having more profit, its an issue of whether they can do this and stay competitive in the marketplace. At some point, this cost has to be paid by someone, if not you, then probably me by virtue of what I pay for some good or service. The City of Erie employees dont pay for their health insurance, but if they paid 25% of it, like most of the rest of the folks in Erie County, then the city would save over $1 Million per year. This is a city that is on the verge of bankruptcy and having to have a state agency come in a run the city. Yet the union is not giving an inch on this, even with the prospect of having the state come in and throw the union out and redo the entire workforce.. This is what I was getting at earlier, if the state rolls in, then everyone's job is at risk and the worker will pay the price, not the union.
Ok, rant off..
01-25-2008, 11:23 AM
That is one of the things fundementally wrong with Unions. The guy with the most seniority could be the dumbest laziest guy in the company but they get the promotion because they have been there the longest. What happened to working hard and earning a promotion? Standing around with your thumb up your A$$ for 20-30 years shouldn't count but it does if you are a union member.
As an engineer we were required to take an ethics class in college and one of the main points was that it was unethical for Engineers to be part of an organized labor union.
01-25-2008, 11:29 AM
Same with most non union jobs too.
That is one of the things fundementally wrong with Unions. The guy with the most seniority could be the dumbest laziest guy in the company but they get the promotion because they have been there the longest. What happened to working hard and earning a promotion? Standing around with your thumb up your A$$ for 20-30 years shouldn't count but it does if you are a union member.
As an engineer we were required to take an ethics class in college and one of the main points was that it was unethical for Engineers to be part of an organized labor union.
I can't speak for all unions but that's not how we work. Seniority would only play a part in a promotion if you had a couple of guys that were both qualified for the same position. We still have to apply for the position and pass the required test for that job. The only thing seniority is good for is schedule and vacation.
01-25-2008, 11:31 AM
Not true,you have to be trained/educated and capable of performing the position you apply for,if not opportunity goes to the next ELGIBLE union member.:tu:
But what if you are fourth on the list, the other guys have been there longer, meet the min requirements, but YOU are heads and shoulders better than them? This is what matters. Believe me, I was fortunate that at 27 years old, there were a lot of other "older" folks who met the requirements to do the job of administrator of the medical group I first managed. But those in charge felt that I was the best person for the job.. this is where the difference really is..
I also remember walking the Corvette plant in Bowling Green, KY with my brother in laws father. He worked for GM at the Corvette plant going back to when it was located in St Louis. Even he told me how guys would show up for work drunk, how there were guys sweeping the floor (although there wasnt much to sweep in a modern plant) for over $10 an hour and this was well over 10 years ago. He went on and on about how once you got in and were there for a few years, there wasnt anything "they" could do to you because of the union. Just one thing, you had better drive a GM car to park at the plant.
:ron:I really enjoyed watching the Vette's being made, it was fantastic to me. My wife got to ride in the shake down run of a brand new ZR1 corvette that day. :ron: off
My point is that while it is apparent that you support the union and see its benefits, there are many many others that see the positive side for what they do, however, I (and others) feel that the good does not equal or out weigh the bad. IMHO
01-25-2008, 11:31 AM
I am done,
01-25-2008, 11:38 AM
Anyone who noingly is a SAFTEY hazard/neglegent/irresponsible wouldnt be backed by the union,company and might find his tool box injected with sealant,turned upside down on the way out.As far as the real world there is always the FAA looking over your back.They pull liscenses,fine you/etc. for such things.Union members also get fined by FAA for incompetence.Its not a perfect world.:tu:
After being an FAA repair man and owning an FAA repair station and signing thousands of FAA forms - I learned one thing - FAA is a paperwork processing organization. I had 2 FAA guys in suits come inspect the Station about 20 years ago - they stood silently behind us - in our way, for over an hour, "observing" before one finally asked us what we were doing. We could have told them ANYTHING - they had NO clue because their checklist didnt cover it...
That mentality works great in a union environment... No need to know what you are doing or have any real skills or knowledge - just make sure the paperwork is right...
responding to another post
Being a huge consumer of health benefits, I disagree that the employer should pay 100% - that just keeps people from caring what is being billed an how much it costs. In the end it drives everyones premiums up.
01-25-2008, 11:55 AM
After being an FAA repair man and owning an FAA repair station and signing thousands of FAA forms - I learned one thing - FAA is a paperwork processing organization. I had 2 FAA guys in suits come inspect the Station about 20 years ago - they stood silently behind us - in our way, for over an hour, "observing" before one finally asked us what we were doing. We could have told them ANYTHING - they had NO clue because their checklist didnt cover it...
That mentality works great in a union environment... No need to know what you are doing or have any real skills or knowledge - just make sure the paperwork is right...
responding to another post Repair stations operate under totally different rules than airlines.No mechanic lisence is required to work on the A/C there.
Being a huge consumer of health benefits, I disagree that the employer should pay 100% - that just keeps people from caring what is being billed an how much it costs. In the end it drives everyones premiums up.
Repair stations operate under totally different rules
01-25-2008, 11:59 AM
I can see some of the personal advantages of being with a union. Sure it is nice to have someone "stick up for you". IMO it's not good for society as a whole. Unions don't promote the American Way. What they do promote is laziness and a sense that your are entitled to keeping your job amongst other things. Most workers should be happy they have a job and the only thing anyone should be entitled to is a pay check for the work they have done.
01-25-2008, 12:17 PM
I can see some of the personal advantages of being with a union. Sure it is nice to have someone "stick up for you". IMO it's not good for society as a whole. Unions don't promote the American Way. What they do promote is laziness and a sense that your are entitled to keeping your job amongst other things. Most workers should be happy they have a job and the only thing anyone should be entitled to is a pay check for the work they have done.
Thats just wrong Mathew
01-25-2008, 12:28 PM
01-25-2008, 01:54 PM
Perfect example
01-25-2008, 03:33 PM
Thats just wrong Mathew:rll:There is no better pride,being any more american than a union worker.I just cant see one badmouth a union worker like that.Remember we are all imbred,beer drinking,baseball bat swinging imbreds.:rll::rll::rll::rll::rll:
Little confused by your next two posts but I will read them again. However there is more pride and a more American way than being in a union. I started my own business two years ago, no union, my hard earned money, and my dedication which has taken me to where I am today. I built my business from scratch. That my friend is the American Way.
01-25-2008, 03:40 PM
Perfect example of stereotyping Mathew.Oklahahinians Vs. Union workers.See how easy it is to get a bad rep..Simply faulse:tu:
Are you trying to stereo type people from Oklahoma living in mobile home parks and being inbred?:rll:
01-25-2008, 03:41 PM
Repair stations operate under totally different rules than airlines.No mechanic lisence is required to work on the A/C there.However repair stations can work on airliner aircraft.Terrible isnt it.Which is why its for all our benefit not to farm out aircraft maintenance to some repair stations.However a repair station can require you to have an A+P so there is some good ones out there,the key is to be sure anyone working on the A/C is qualified and educated to perform the job..As far as FAA,we deal with them all the time{they are always physically present in the work area) union,non union,repair stations.I had to jump in one more time:icon_mrgreen:Excellent point Doug.
I think you are confused. Airline service depts are simply Repair Stations to the FAA - Nothing more nothing less - If its not required by the FAA to be an A/P at an independent repair station then its not required at the Repair Station run by the Airline either. The airline is free to make additional requirements.
And there are dozens of Types of Repair Stations apparently some require more over sight than others. We were doing X ray inspection and NDT inspection for other Repair Stations - Clearly not a critical task or the FAA would have had closer over sight of us...:evil [Sarcasm off] Either that or they trusted we were following procedure and didnt need to be looking over our shoulder
01-25-2008, 03:50 PM
Are you trying to stereo type people from Oklahoma living in mobile home parks and being inbred?:rll:
01-25-2008, 03:57 PM
I think you are confused. Airline service depts are simply Repair Stations to the FAA - Nothing more nothing less - If its not required by the FAA to be an A/P at an independent repair station then its not required at the Repair Station run by the Airline either. The airline is free to make additional requirements.
And there are dozens of Types of Repair Stations apparently some require more over sight than others. We were doing X ray inspection and NDT inspection for other Repair Stations - Clearly not a critical task or the FAA would have had closer over sight of us...:evil [Sarcasm off] Either that or they trusted we were following procedure and didnt need to be looking over our shoulder Very critical job
01-25-2008, 04:13 PM
Doug,i would have to look up the regulations on repair stations
01-25-2008, 04:15 PM
I am done,enjoyed this thread and in no way meant to disrespect any other member here.:beer::popcorn
Don't you just love controversial topics....:D :tu:
01-25-2008, 04:37 PM
Don't you just love controversial topics....:D :tu:
You guys are wearing me out.:tongue:
01-25-2008, 04:38 PM
Doug repair station is FAR part 145
01-25-2008, 05:37 PM
Doug repair station is FAR part 145 There is bits and pieces in other FARS. Now theres some reading for ya Your company would fall under FAR 21 Click on current FAR
I havent done that work in 15 years - I was the Anti drug plan manager, the Repair Man ( signer ), the Radiation Safety officer, etc etc - we were up on all the regs at the time - .
01-25-2008, 05:39 PM
The funniest part I've read thus far is that you can't get any more American/be more American than working in a Union :rll::rll::rll:
01-25-2008, 05:45 PM
The funniest part I've read thus far is that you can't get any more American/be more American than working in a Union :rll::rll::rll:
:rll: pie.:rll::rll:
01-25-2008, 05:47 PM
01-25-2008, 05:48 PM
:rll: Whats more american than a union worker with a baseballbat eating an apple pie.:rll:
Depends on if he is standing in a picket line in Texas with that bat.......:evil
Actually, Did I previously mention something about Oklahoma or are you just being a stereotypical Texan trying to play that card?:rll:
01-25-2008, 05:56 PM
Depends on if he is standing in a picket line with that
01-25-2008, 06:06 PM
Depends on if he is standing in a picket line in Texas with that bat.......:evil
Actually, Did I previously mention something about Oklahoma or are you just being a stereotypical Texan trying to play that card?:rll:
Its the license plate Native America :rll:
01-25-2008, 06:15 PM
So you don't like Indians? :eek: :D I actually have a tribal tag. Not an Oklahoma plate.
01-25-2008, 06:26 PM
So you don't like Indians? :eek: :D I actually have a tribal tag. Not an Oklahoma plate.
No seriously
01-25-2008, 06:31 PM
OK/TX are both nice places. 95% of my family lives in or is from Texas. I'm barely Indian. Mostly Irish/German so no offense taken about anything said. Wow....this has gotten way off topic. Sorry!
01-25-2008, 06:34 PM
Unions are destroying our economy........:evil:rll:
01-25-2008, 06:36 PM
OK/TX are both nice places. 95% of my family lives in or is from Texas. I'm barely Indian. Mostly Irish/German so no offense taken about anything said. Wow....this has gotten way off topic. Sorry!
01-25-2008, 06:40 PM
Unions are destroying our economy........:evil:rll:
01-25-2008, 06:42 PM
Wow.....never thought a cartoon beer mug would look so appealing! Looks like it's time for a beer!
Mark #2
02-12-2008, 03:37 PM
Unions again, ;)
02-12-2008, 04:34 PM
Unions again, ;)
Now you can expect slapped together pieces of crap.Theyll probally hire Bushes migrant workers.Its not the unions fault american auto makers dont have a product to compete with the foreigners.Perfect example of how the workin man gets screwed.Makin a livin on automakers union pay is bad enough.Way to stir the hornets nest Marcus.:rolleyes:
Mark #2
02-20-2008, 10:01 AM
This was sent to me.
"Spend some time in Detroit and you’re bound to see a lot of “For Sale” signs. What you don’t see are many that read, “Help Wanted.” Not with the headlines filled with word of the latest layoffs and buyout offers.
But could things be ready to turn around? Just possibly, it seems.
As part of the new contracts between the United Auto ( Workers Union and the Big Three, the automakers have the right to not only cut way back on their high-cost U.S. workforce, but to replace many of those hourly employees with workers earning half as much. Suddenly, things start looking competitive again.
According to General Motors Vice Chairman Bob Lutz, the new contract brings labor costs down nearly to par with the likes of Toyota’s super-efficient “transplant” assembly lines. Better yet, it may now be possible to produce low-cost auto parts and components as efficiently as low-wage nations like Mexico, or even China, reports the Detroit Free Press (
“We are looking at every single part and every single plant and every single product,” the paper quotes Ford ( executive Joel Hinrichs, who suggests that Ford is giving serious consideration to insourcing – bringing back production of parts that had been farmed out to suppliers.
Ford isn’t alone. The same strategy is being considered by GM and Chrysler ( — and pushed by the UAW, the quid pro quo for the huge concessions the union accepted, last summer.
That could be good news in Detroit, which has seen nothing but cutbacks, in recent years. At least for the Big Three, anyway. The situation could be a lot tougher for suppliers, who have reaped the benefits of outsourcing.
Dozens of automotive parts makers are already in bankruptcy, so industry sources tell that the new development could push even more off the edge.
02-20-2008, 10:08 AM
Mark, interesting post.. so things could get better for the big 3.. not sure how I take the news on the suppliers.. on one hand, the big 3 could bring things in house, but if their volumes go up because they can sell more cars competitively, wouldnt the demand for such parts go up? and hence their margins?
my brother works for a company that supplies the automakers in Bowling Green, KY and they are still growing like crazy. Of course the owner also owns Gander Mountain..
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