View Full Version : More fake cops

02-13-2008, 10:31 PM
This time they are raiding homes and handcuffing you while they rummage through your stuff. They got 10 grand in one home and 48 bucks in another. I am aiming for the head in case they are wearing armor:icon_eek:. Of course my new Teflon bullets would probably pierce armor:D

Mark #2
02-14-2008, 11:20 AM
David Spigelmyer Crime Prevention Officer Richardson Police Dept Residential Burglary can be a devastating experience for anyone. Regardless of where you may live a burglar could show up on your door step at any time. Although there are many different ways to enter into a home, the burglar usually wants to ensure the home owner is not at home. The easiest way to check to see if the owner is at home is by knocking on the front door or ringing the door bell.

When the door bell rings many folks will either answer the door or if they do not know who the stranger is, they simply don’t do anything. If the home owner is at home, the burglar will quickly tell the home owner they are looking for a person and must have the wrong address and will walk away. If there is not an answer at the door the burglar will normally go around to the rear of the residence and attempt to make entry into the home. This can really cause an upsetting situation for the home owner when the suspect begins to kick on the back door or begins breaking out glass windows while the home owner is inside the house.

There are several steps the Richardson Police Department would encourage everyone to follow. When you answer your door and the stranger informs you they have a wrong address please take a minute to get a physical description of the stranger and the description of the stranger’s vehicle, obtain a license plate number if possible. Call the police department at 9-1-1 or 972-744-4800 and tell our dispatcher all the information including the direction of travel of the stranger.

If you are not comfortable answering your door to a stranger the police recommend you make some kind of noise or comment behind the closed door so the stranger will know you are inside. Never tell the stranger you are home alone. Simply state you are unable to answer the door at this time and you will call the police if they don’t leave or if they need assistance. After you have alerted the stranger that you are home call the police.

Recently our patrol officers have been responding to residential burglaries where the burglars are knocking on doors to see if anyone is home. The police officers would like to contact these individuals and need your assistance to call the department if and when this does happen. If you have experienced this type of activity at your home during the past month would you please call a patrol officer to your house so you may pass along all of the information.

We had this happen during the Superbowl, but I was around back when we didn't answer the front door. I didn't get a plate number just a green Pontiac, that I look for everyday now.

02-14-2008, 11:47 AM
Dear bad guy,

This is a bad idea at my house.

Thanks in advance,

Johnny :D

Are you kidding me. What is the solution for this kind of chit. This is really pretty ballsy on the part of the bad guys

my feathers are officially ruffled

02-14-2008, 01:38 PM
Dear bad guy,

This is a bad idea at my house.

Thanks in advance,

Johnny :D

Are you kidding me. What is the solution for this kind of chit. This is really pretty ballsy on the part of the bad guys

my feathers are officially ruffled

with the gun laws in Texas - think how stupid or brave they have to be.

02-14-2008, 02:19 PM
I think it is due to all of the foreigners in Texas. They are use to much more restrictive laws and don't know what they can or cannot do. They are very passive and expect the govt to protect them. I don't know a handful of people that regularly carry on their person and answer their door with a gun every time. I have heard folks consider it paranoid or rude etc..
I was at a buddies house a few weeks ago he always leaves his garage door open when he is home. I asked what he would do if someone walked in and robbed or attacked him. He said he would defend himself with his cool SWAT shotgun. Okay, you are sitting on the couch by the back door where is your shotgun?... In the bedroom closet on the opposite side of the house.... So you do understand you won't be able to get to it in time right.... Uuhhhh. A false sense of security is all he has to count on. A gun does you no good if it is out of immediate reach or unloaded etc.
The folks that plan on defending their home with a trigger locked, unloaded gun stored in a small safe entertain me the most:icon_eek:.
I believe the masses have lost their fighting drive to survive. In the pre 1960's world neighborhoods were door to door with war veterans. People still hunted regularly to eat vs. for sport. People were tougher back then before lawsuits and fast food.

02-14-2008, 02:35 PM
When seconds count, it's comforting to know that the police are only minutes away. :icon_rolleyes:

02-14-2008, 02:58 PM
When seconds count, it's comforting to know that the police are only minutes away. :icon_rolleyes:

LOL. Too true. No one is going to protect you in the moment of need other than yourself.

02-14-2008, 03:08 PM
I think it is due to all of the foreigners in Texas. They are use to much more restrictive laws and don't know what they can or cannot do. They are very passive and expect the govt to protect them. I don't know a handful of people that regularly carry on their person and answer their door with a gun every time. I have heard folks consider it paranoid or rude etc..
I was at a buddies house a few weeks ago he always leaves his garage door open when he is home. I asked what he would do if someone walked in and robbed or attacked him. He said he would defend himself with his cool SWAT shotgun. Okay, you are sitting on the couch by the back door where is your shotgun?... In the bedroom closet on the opposite side of the house.... So you do understand you won't be able to get to it in time right.... Uuhhhh. A false sense of security is all he has to count on. A gun does you no good if it is out of immediate reach or unloaded etc.
The folks that plan on defending their home with a trigger locked, unloaded gun stored in a small safe entertain me the most:icon_eek:.
I believe the masses have lost their fighting drive to survive. In the pre 1960's world neighborhoods were door to door with war veterans. People still hunted regularly to eat vs. for sport. People were tougher back then before lawsuits and fast food.
As many on here have said, "We need to let Darwanism work its magic":gatling: