View Full Version : Rynoskin
04-02-2008, 09:49 AM
Have any of you guys heard or this product before or used it?
I am going on a guided black bear hunt in Canada in August.. and well, the bugs can get pretty bad.. was thinking about getting a suit in this stuff..
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04-02-2008, 09:54 AM
just dust yourself with sulfur.
04-02-2008, 09:58 AM
just dust yourself with sulfur.
That will make you popular, but I didnt know about that, that should be pretty cheap too... I was thinking about just buying a Thermocell unit too.. I hear they work really well. But they dont work if you are moving around a lot, meaning from place to place.
04-02-2008, 11:44 AM
Hunt a GRIZZLY.....and use do it with a bow......thats a trophy.....:icon_eek:
04-02-2008, 12:10 PM
Hunt a GRIZZLY.....and use do it with a bow......thats a trophy.....:icon_eek:
uhhhhhh, no thanks.. not without a few guys with guns backing me up.. I forget his name, but the one guy that got a polar bear with a bow.. wow..
04-02-2008, 01:45 PM
uhhhhhh, no thanks.. not without a few guys with guns backing me up.. I forget his name, but the one guy that got a polar bear with a bow.. wow..
Fred Bear...from 20yrds......:tu:
I would myself not hunt a bear...but I would give my left nut to hunt an elk.
04-02-2008, 09:36 PM
Haven't tried the Rynoskin brand, but I've tried several insect/mosquito suits, and none of them has worked for me. If you get different results please let me know.
04-02-2008, 10:29 PM
Have any of you guys heard or this product before or used it?
I am going on a guided black bear hunt in Canada in August.. and well, the bugs can get pretty bad.. was thinking about getting a suit in this stuff..
Post up
Black Bear hunt? can gun em down with that pea shooter you just bought.:evil
04-02-2008, 11:26 PM
Black Bear hunt? can gun em down with that pea shooter you just bought.:evil
Don't forget your back-up........
J/K Hope your hunt goes well.....:tu:
04-03-2008, 01:37 AM
Black Bear hunt? can gun em down with that pea shooter you just bought.:evil
nope, bow and arrow.. cant carry a pistol thru NY or Canada.
04-03-2008, 07:33 AM
Use anything with a high concentration of deet.Reccommend Deepwoods Off.Bring Marshmellows if your baiting em.Funny thing about Canada is if your from Texas they always ask wheres your 44 :rll:.Good Luck.Bear meat tastes like >>>>>>>>>Ya know.Red Knecks just rub beer on themselves,believe it or not it actualy works.Just dont use Keystone,most tastless disgusting beer ever made.BTW does Rynoskin make condoms.
04-03-2008, 08:14 AM
Use anything with a high concentration of deet.Reccommend Deepwoods Off.Bring Marshmellows if your baiting em.Funny thing about Canada is if your from Texas they always ask wheres your 44 :rll:.Good Luck.Bear meat tastes like >>>>>>>>>Ya know.Red Knecks just rub beer on themselves,believe it or not it actualy works.Just dont use Keystone,most tastless disgusting beer ever made.BTW does Rynoskin make condoms.
Thanks, DEET works, and thats why I am thinking the Thermocell.. the place already has bait stations out and have them set up so that it helps you make sure you are shooting at a decent sized bear. They have to reach up for the bait, if they cant reach it and have to jump, then they are too small. I do hear that since these bears arent eating trash from trash bins that they do taste better. Their diet up there is mostly berries, bark from trees, etc.. My best guess is that since I will be about 6-8 hours from Toronto, Labatts and Moulson will be the beer of choice.
I just about blew the coffee out of my mouth when I read you comment about condoms.. that is pretty d***** funny:rll:
04-03-2008, 08:18 AM
04-03-2008, 11:06 AM
.....................the place already has bait stations out and have them set up so that it helps you make sure you are shooting at a decent sized bear. They have to reach up for the bait, if they cant reach it and have to jump, then they are too small. ..........
Dana when one wacks out a trained bear, does one mount it and tell really cool stories about what a big challenge it was? I have to ask. You posted that you where going on a guided bear "HUNT". Where in the scenario above does the hunting part come into play? This looks more like a guided bear slaughter.
04-03-2008, 11:37 AM when one wacks out a trained bear, does one mount it and tell really cool stories about what a big challenge it was? I have to ask. You posted that you where going on a guided bear "HUNT". Where in the scenario above does the hunting part come into play? This looks more like a guided bear slaughter.
Well, almost but not quite.. you still have to be there and shoot it with a bow and arrow.. not quite like shooting it with those cannons you carry around.. :icon_mrgreen: this actually does require some skill.. :evil
04-03-2008, 11:49 AM
Well, almost but not quite.. you still have to be there and shoot it with a bow and arrow.. not quite like shooting it with those cannons you carry around.. :icon_mrgreen: this actually does require some skill.. :evil
Hmmm...Interesting thought, so the bow makes it a hunt?:tex
04-03-2008, 11:54 AM
Hmmm...Interesting thought, so the bow makes it a hunt?:tex
Makes it more of a challenge, a clean kill would be in the 20 to 30 yard range....and your hearty beating out of your chest....:D
04-03-2008, 11:58 AM
Makes it more of a challenge, a clean kill would be in the 20 to 30 yard range....and your hearty beating out of your chest....:D
Oh...I see now. So what happens if you wound the bear and he wants some payback?
04-03-2008, 12:03 PM
Oh...I see now. So what happens if you wound the bear and he wants some payback?
If you good that won't happen...but if it does you better hope your in a good tree stand and he's hurt to bad to climb....:icon_eek: Usually they run off, equipment plays a role..... (http://javascript<b></b>:;)
04-03-2008, 12:05 PM
So if you wound him, they let him have his way with you? If he chooses to fuc you be it? If he runs off, so be it? I have always heard that a wounded bear is dangerous. Wouldn't that be dangerous to others...having a pissed off bear running all over the woods?
04-03-2008, 12:11 PM
So if you wound him, they let him have his way with you?
I think Dana is pretty good with shot placement and probably will not get molested by the bear....:icon_mrgreen:
04-03-2008, 01:09 PM
Bear hunting isnt at all what its cracked up to be. Most that go and actually kill one, only do it once. When you hit one they scream and it sounds just like a man screaming, and the meat is useless. Took the fun out of it for me....
04-03-2008, 01:14 PM
Killing is theraputic but not when you have to go all the way to canada to do it. I'll just keep trying to kill these east texas rooter hogs, they are cheaper to kill than deer. I have come to realize that killing animals is not as hard as people make it out to be. I know of a guy who shot a deer while eating nachos from his deer stand.
04-03-2008, 01:31 PM
Killing is theraputic but not when you have to go all the way to canada to do it. I'll just keep trying to kill these east texas rooter hogs, they are cheaper to kill than deer. I have come to realize that killing animals is not as hard as people make it out to be. I know of a guy who shot a deer while eating nachos from his deer stand.
Hogs AKA "The Poor Mans Grizzly" are fun to hunt, there is no limit, you can hunt 365 days a year, and you can hunt at night.......:tu:
04-03-2008, 01:45 PM
Rocks, you normally have to be within 30 yards to shoot the bear.. at least that is what ethical hunters do.. you shouldnt be out there unless you are a good shot.. just like hunting with a gun..if you cant hit what you aim at, you shouldnt be there.. if you wound an animal, you should track it to see if it dies, otherwise, one could be out there with a wounded bear.. however, black bear are not known to attack humans, unless they are incredibly hungry. These bears are generally in the 150-225 lb range.. they arent grizzly's for goodness sakes.. could they mess you up? sure, but the chances of that happening are very small..
Bear meat is not something that you purposely go out hunting for, like deer meat is.. but it is edible.. most folks I hear mix it with bbq sauce and make a pulled pork type of affair with it.. but again, this bear is not living in the trash eating area.. but rather where they eat a lot of wild food that are already there.. Most hunters that hunt bear, want to get their first one, then they look for the trophy bear after that.. whether it be large or a special colored one like cinnamon colored..
A lot of guided hunts are this way, including deer, hogs, elk, etc..
I would like to do some hog hunting as the meat can be good and it gets rid of a real pest issue.. Tx admits to having 2 million too many feral hogs in the state..
04-03-2008, 01:57 PM
Hogs AKA "The Poor Mans Grizzly" are fun to hunt, there is no limit, you can hunt 365 days a year, and you can hunt at night.......:tu:
I would love to come on down and do some hog hunting... all I need is an invite.. :icon_wink:
04-03-2008, 05:45 PM
I do not condone the killing of bears for grins:Bullshit
04-03-2008, 05:54 PM
I do not condone the killing of bears for grins:Bullshit
its population control.. just like killing deer or a lot of other animals..
04-03-2008, 05:58 PM
is it still population control when they are raised and managed on a game ranch?
04-03-2008, 06:09 PM
is it still population control when they are raised and managed on a game ranch?
nope, but these bears arent.. but there are those that do that for all kinds of critters..
04-03-2008, 07:24 PM
I'm being serious with you here, have you actually ever been hunting, either with a rifle and/or bow before and taken an animal? Just wondering. Shooting at paper and actually taking an animal are two very different things. I've known of people that can't actually "pull the trigger" when the time comes. You have to be ready in your mind and just do it.
Honestly, if you can't take large-bore pistols into Canada, check into some of the .45-70 and .444 Marlin back-up lever-actions as a Plan-B, in your situation. It's a standard practice for guides going after the African Big-5 I understand.
You don't want to be without options if someone wounds one of them and you're miles away from your vehicles and the situation turns "unfavorable" for you.
Regarding how "difficult" it is depends on alot of factors: wind, noise, scent, etc. My first 4x4, I took took from a stand at 109 yds. with a .30-06. My 5x4, I took moving slowly/scent-free with him trotting side-ways to me at around 30 yds. with all conditions right and me walking to my stand - he never saw me. Conditions were perfect. I took the shot and that was that and they're now in my freezer.
Deer make almost no sense sometime. They seem to be very smart at times, but other times...not so much, as I've experienced.
My cousin's husband goes to MN for black-bear rifle all the time, so they can be hunted in the US.
04-03-2008, 08:06 PM
I'm being serious with you here, have you actually ever been hunting, either with a rifle and/or bow before and taken an animal? Just wondering. Shooting at paper and actually taking an animal are two very different things. I've known of people that can't actually "pull the trigger" when the time comes. You have to be ready in your mind and just do it.
Honestly, if you can't take large-bore pistols into Canada, check into some of the .45-70 and .444 Marlin back-up lever-actions as a Plan-B, in your situation. It's a standard practice for guides going after the African Big-5 I understand.
You don't want to be without options if someone wounds one of them and you're miles away from your vehicles and the situation turns "unfavorable" for you.
Regarding how "difficult" it is depends on alot of factors: wind, noise, scent, etc. My first 4x4, I took took from a stand at 109 yds. with a .30-06. My 5x4, I took moving slowly/scent-free with him trotting side-ways to me at around 30 yds. with all conditions right and me walking to my stand - he never saw me. Conditions were perfect. I took the shot and that was that and they're now in my freezer.
Deer make almost no sense sometime. They seem to be very smart at times, but other times...not so much, as I've experienced.
My cousin's husband goes to MN for black-bear rifle all the time, so they can be hunted in the US.
yes I have been hunting.. no, I havent taken anything yet. But there has to be a first time for everyone. at least on this trip I will be there long enough to hopefully get something. If not, there is a lot of fishing to be done.
It is not common to need to take additional weapons with you to hunt black bear. Most dont.. a couple of the guys going with us are taking rifles, but we dont anticipate needing to use them.. Yes, I know about people not being able to shoot an animal, but I can tell you that I dont think that will be a problem. Had I had a doe tag this year, I would have had my first deer within 45 minutes of season opening.. but it just didnt happen. If I do freeze up, then so be it, I will go fishing and just enjoy my week away from computers and the rat race.. I know it will be nice way up in Canada, surrounded by 10 lakes and living out of a cabin for a week..
04-03-2008, 08:11 PM
I watched a bear hunt on TV a while back. It was up in Canada. They shot it with a big rifle and it ran into the woods, thick brush on the other side of the river bank. It got dark so they camped and stalked it the next morning. The two guides had tactical 12gauges with slugs. The bear was laid up quiet in a thicket still alive. He gave them one last charge and almost clawed their asses before the guides mowed him down. It was very brutal and nasty. The camera crew and guest would have died if the guides didn't shoot so well. That wounded bear came charging out of nowhere at top speed!
04-03-2008, 08:12 PM
I watched a bear hunt on TV a while back. It was up in Canada. They shot it with a big rifle and it ran into the woods, thick brush on the other side of the river bank. It got dark so they camped and stalked it the next morning. The two guides had tactical 12gauges with slugs. The bear was laid up quiet in a thicket still alive. He gave them one last charge and almost clawed their asses before the guides mowed him down. It was very brutal and nasty. The camera crew and guest would have died if the guides didn't shoot so well. That wounded bear came charging out of nowhere at top speed!
We are talking black bears here..not brown, not grizzly.. black bears run from humans..
04-03-2008, 08:19 PM
I heard some of those bears are all hoped up on speed
Dana enjoy your hunt and be safe. If you do shoot a bear use the meat and keep the hide
Some have called my prairie dog hunting wrong so who am I to judge
PS. If things go to shit you don't have to outrun the Bear just the others you are with
04-03-2008, 08:35 PM
What!?! You kill poor precious prairie dogs:flaming:
04-03-2008, 08:37 PM
I never shoot the poor ones
04-03-2008, 09:12 PM
I just don't want to see you get in a tight-spot, bring the proverbial knife-to-a-gun-fight and some bear makes a Dana-buffet out of you. :icon_smile:
yes I have been hunting.. no, I havent taken anything yet. But there has to be a first time for everyone. at least on this trip I will be there long enough to hopefully get something. If not, there is a lot of fishing to be done.
It is not common to need to take additional weapons with you to hunt black bear. Most dont.. a couple of the guys going with us are taking rifles, but we dont anticipate needing to use them.. Yes, I know about people not being able to shoot an animal, but I can tell you that I dont think that will be a problem. Had I had a doe tag this year, I would have had my first deer within 45 minutes of season opening.. but it just didnt happen. If I do freeze up, then so be it, I will go fishing and just enjoy my week away from computers and the rat race.. I know it will be nice way up in Canada, surrounded by 10 lakes and living out of a cabin for a week..
04-03-2008, 09:15 PM
Just remember Dana take a deeeeeep breath and let that arrow fly..:tu:
04-03-2008, 09:49 PM
Hmm....So what we are talking about here is hiding in the bushes about 20-30 foot from where the bait is hanging in the tree. That way we know for sure we won't miss. When the trained bear reaches up to get the bait, we shoot a razor tipped arrow from a modern compound bow, so we don't actually have to pull 70 pounds of weight to load it up...through the bear. The bear will then scream in terror and run off. We only hunt the "nice" bears, that way we don't have to worry about them fighting back. Then we will wait for him to bleed to death, alone in the bushes, so that we can make a pork like BBQ, that tastes like sh!t anyway, out of his dead carcass.
I think I've got it now.
04-03-2008, 09:52 PM
I knew you would catch up
Your smarter than you look
04-03-2008, 10:05 PM
I knew you would catch up
Your smarter than you look
I was beginning to wonder if he had lost some brains with the new Bow Flex body of his:evil
04-03-2008, 10:06 PM
Hmm....So what we are talking about here is hiding in the bushes about 20-30 foot from where the bait is hanging in the tree. That way we know for sure we won't miss. When the trained bear reaches up to get the bait, we shoot a razor tipped arrow from a modern compound bow, so we don't actually have to pull 70 pounds of weight to load it up...through the bear. The bear will then scream in terror and run off. We only hunt the "nice" bears, that way we don't have to worry about them fighting back. Then we will wait for him to bleed to death, alone in the bushes, so that we can make a pork like BBQ, that tastes like sh!t anyway, out of his dead carcass.
I think I've got it now.
btw, Rocks, I really hate it when you sugar coat it like that.. :twitch:
04-03-2008, 10:10 PM
I'm not sure I see where the challenge part comes in. :confused:
04-03-2008, 10:14 PM
Maybe you should take up seal hunting while you're at it tough guy:(
04-03-2008, 10:15 PM
I'm not sure I see where the challenge part comes in. :confused:
Rocks, shooting an animal with a bow and arrow is a challenge, even at 20 yards and even if there is bait out there.. bears arent stupid.. you have to be incredibly quiet and still.. plus have good camo.. and then you have to have a reasonable decent shot avail itself to you. Then you have to hold your shot until it comes open.. then you have to hit the bear where it will count. Yes, they do bleed to death internally mostly. Hopefully, this wont take long if you get a double lung or double lung and heart shot. If you dont bait them, then hunters will "drive" them to areas that narrow down so that other hunters can shoot them.. believe me, this is more sporting. No, its not more sporting than tracking them and hunting them without this in the woods. But in todays world, who has the time to do that unless you are one of those professional hunters on TV?
04-03-2008, 10:17 PM
Maybe you should take up seal hunting while you're at it tough guy:(
not sure who this response is to.. but it doesnt deserve one in return.:icon_neutral:
04-03-2008, 10:20 PM
Rocks, shooting an animal with a bow and arrow is a challenge, even at 20 yards and even if there is bait out there.. bears arent stupid.. you have to be incredibly quiet and still.. plus have good camo.. and then you have to have a reasonable decent shot avail itself to you. Then you have to hold your shot until it comes open.. then you have to hit the bear where it will count. Yes, they do bleed to death internally mostly. Hopefully, this wont take long if you get a double lung or double lung and heart shot. If you dont bait them, then hunters will "drive" them to areas that narrow down so that other hunters can shoot them.. believe me, this is more sporting. No, its not more sporting than tracking them and hunting them without this in the woods. But in todays world, who has the time to do that unless you are one of those professional hunters on TV?
So the challenge for you is in hitting what you are aiming at with a bow?
04-03-2008, 10:21 PM
not sure who this response is to.. but it doesnt deserve one in return.:icon_neutral:
You don't see that kind of killing as hunting?
04-03-2008, 10:23 PM
You don't see that kind of killing as hunting?
absolutely not..
04-03-2008, 10:26 PM
So the challenge for you is in hitting what you are aiming at with a bow?
to a degree yes.. it is not as easy as you think... have you done it? if you ask the other bowhunters here, they will tell you the same.. its also not like sitting in a blind shooting a gun and hitting something that is 100-300 yards away either. That has its own set of challenges.. but hitting something with a bow and arrow, is not easy.. I have been shooting for 1.5 yrs and have progressed very quickly according to others.. even so, hunting is not easy..
04-03-2008, 10:32 PM
The seal hunting thing is a challenge. Hell, you could slip and fall, busting a leg. Then the seal would kick your ass. He might even use your own club on you.
04-03-2008, 10:37 PM
I hope everyone signs this petition!
04-03-2008, 10:39 PM
to a degree yes.. it is not as easy as you think... have you done it? if you ask the other bowhunters here, they will tell you the same.. its also not like sitting in a blind shooting a gun and hitting something that is 100-300 yards away either. That has its own set of challenges.. but hitting something with a bow and arrow, is not easy.. I have been shooting for 1.5 yrs and have progressed very quickly according to others.. even so, hunting is not easy..
Dana used the hunting word again. I am still not sure I see the part of this that would be considered hunting.
Training a bear to come to a hunk of bait hanging in a tree, so a guy can pay for the pleasure of killing it is hunting...but the seal clubbing thing is wrong? Not sure I see the distinction.
04-03-2008, 10:44 PM
Glad to see Dana is seeing things our way now:tu:
04-03-2008, 10:55 PM
Glad to see Dana is seeing things our way now:tu:
Alright Dana....:tu::tu:
04-03-2008, 11:06 PM remember the last time we went seal clubbing? I sure do. I tell you what. Them damned seals are some dangerous mo fo's. There was a couple times I didn't know for sure we would get out of there alive.:eek:
04-03-2008, 11:45 PM
Most of the hunting is done for population control, like deer hunting they use proper game managment to thin out the bucks that are mature 5+ years, in order for good genetics to be passed on. I don't know about the bears but I thimk they only give out a limited number of tags based on population. I know you have to have a lot of patience for bowhunting so Dana has to have wind just right, good cover scent( bears have a good nose) camo, everthing has to come togather and be just right. I don't dis bear hunting but wouldn't do it...everything I shoot goes in the freezer and is eaten...:tu:
04-04-2008, 12:53 AM
I think all hunting is wrong - I only shoot at Paper and if need be people
Leave the defenseless animals alone :nono:
04-04-2008, 05:43 AM
Alright Dana....:tu::tu:
:rll: That would be my other brother Dana in Dallas...
04-04-2008, 03:34 PM
Black Bear gullbladders are worth big bucks.Some kind of afrodesiac???
04-05-2008, 01:30 AM
:rll: That would be my other brother Dana in Dallas...
Looks like Kim is putting some pressure on you about this. :cool:
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