View Full Version : Moved the " Ouch......" Thread to the Talon Members Forum

01-03-2003, 12:07 AM
I moved the thread not because of Andys Link but because of my responses. I didn't feel comfortable letting the free world see them.

Plus its a TALON marketing ploy - From now on all the juicy stuff will get moved to the Invisible Members only forum to convince people to join ... LOL :banana:


Here is Andy's original Post


I keep reading reoccuring themes of this nature.... Isn't the named company a supporting vendor for this forum?
I would hate to endorse any part of the associated behavior to our local family...guess i have to now remove the sticker from my Cougar....

Terry: Can ya spare a "PR" sticker for the Cougar XR7

Doug: Not trying to flame anyone here, and don't want the thread to be locked down because of its content...seems to be legit, just don't want to see anyone in our Lil' TALON family have similar issues...