View Full Version : Dog experts

06-11-2008, 01:26 PM
I am in the market for a new pup and growing up I have always had German Shepards. Recently I have came across a new breed(new to me anyhow) and I am just seeing if any of you have heard or had any experience with them. They are a breed from the German shepard but they are called King Shepards. They look to be amazing animals. Any opinions are welcome.


06-11-2008, 07:06 PM
I have never heard of a King Shepherd and they are my dog#1. I only look at European and very select bloodlines. I buy nothing AKC! Make sure it has a working dog square stance not the articulated sloping show hips... Watch the activity level and buy accordingly. If you get a working dog bloodline and don't wear them out daily they will be destructive. Leerburg.com has good pups for a reasonable price 1,200-1,500. The Dallas Working Dog Club would be a good place to inquire. A lot of govt agencies are buying Malinois now for their better health and higher drive. Mark Minnerly, owner of the Dallas Dog Trainer may know where good local breeders are.
These are the local experts. http://www.dfwworkingdogs.com/ Randall and Dawn trained my last dog. Miracle workers at the least! Maybe they have a link for local breeders. Go to one of their Tuesday night training meetings to meet them! Flag Pole Hill in Dallas. http://www.dfwworkingdogs.com/directions.asp

Mark #2
06-11-2008, 07:25 PM
We have had Shepherds,
The long hair look on the "King" would not be good for a big dog in Texas IMHO.

06-12-2008, 09:50 AM
Thanks for the links T, Im going to do a little more research but I may just go with whats proven:tu:

06-12-2008, 06:33 PM
German sheperds are awesome dogs remember having one as a kid, I have had rottweilers also (a breeder pair) for the last 15yrs. they were good too.

06-12-2008, 11:14 PM
The local working dog club should have info for well bread dogs. I would stay away from anything considered a show shepherd. There is supposed to be a large shepherd rescue place south of Dallas also. it never hurts to rescue a dog...

The smaller the dog the longer it lives, the bigger the dog the better it needs behave.

This looks to be a decent local breeder, but upon reading their page they look amateur.... http://www.angelfire.com/extreme/draggahaushepherds/

06-13-2008, 12:07 AM
Well shit, it looks like Leerburg is taking a beak in 07-08 from breeding... Maybe they would know another good source. He also went up to 2500+.

The uglier the shepherd the better they are!

I think my next shepherd will be evil looking:evil
Or a Mally that hits like a sledge hammer.
My next dog will be a Dutch Shepherd:bows
You have to teach them the basics like how to properly attach a bicycle!:D
Now I am sad, sitting in my apartment with no dog...:(