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View Full Version : Wanted: It's time for tires on my Gen 1

07-01-2008, 08:03 AM
I found a screw in my LF tire and after looking closely, all the tires are on their last miles.

What, where and who and how much $?

Funds are tight so I need the best deal I can get.


07-01-2008, 07:56 PM
You know, I just got new tires myself & on the advice of Chris tried the Falcon Ziex S/TZ01's & so far I'm very happy with them. I have had Toyos for the last 2 sets of tires, so I was a little concerned about trying a new tire (The Toyo's were the best that I had had on the truck so far). To my surprise, they handle great & they are a little smoother than the Toyo's + the cost a few hundred less than the Toyos.
I got em' from Discount tire for $114.00 ea + mount & balance. Out the door with taxes was about $530.00 if I remember right. Just watch em' when they lift your truck. They didn't realise that the tranny crossmember on the L's hangs down further than on a reg F-150 & they lifted the truck on the crossmember. ... It didn't do any damage, but I was a little worried for a while as it wobbled around, before they could get it back down.
Anyway, they seem to be the best tire I could find for the price & they are great so far.

07-01-2008, 08:01 PM
I looked at the Falkens online. I'd like to get something with a bit higher treadwear rating and more of a year round type tread pattern. I've been driving the L a lot more since it's paid for and we got rid of my wifes car (with note). :icon_confused:

07-01-2008, 08:16 PM
Well, there is the Yokohama Geolander H/T-S G051. it has a 60K warranty vs. the 50K warranty of the Falkens, but they cost a little more... $153.00ea + mount/bal & taxes. the Yokos are a pretty good tire... Used to have some AVS/ST's on my truck & I enjoyed them. They will still keep a bit of that sport feel & look, vs an LT, A/T, or touring tire.

There is also the Goodyear Fortera silent armor. I'm not that big of a Goodyear fan, but it is supposed to be a good tire. It's got a 70K warranty... You'll lose some of that sporty feel/look, but it should give you great wear & wet traction. Of course, once again, the price goes up... $197.00 ea less a $40.00 rebate @ discount tire.

It is going to be hard to find a decent tire with a long wear tread for small beans though.

07-01-2008, 08:18 PM
I just saw another one... The BF Goodrich Long Trail T/A Tour. Not so much of a preformance tire, but it should have good manners... $127.00 ea. + mount/bal & taxes.

07-01-2008, 08:22 PM
I just saw another one... The BF Goodrich Long Trail T/A Tour. Not so much of a preformance tire, but it should have good manners... $127.00 ea. + mount/bal & taxes.

Thanks. That sounds like a tire that would fit my needs at this time. The way gas prices are, mashing the go pedal is a no-no. It's sooooo hard to resist though. :evil

07-02-2008, 05:41 AM
Well, there is the Yokohama Geolander H/T-S G051. it has a 60K warranty vs. the 50K warranty of the Falkens, but they cost a little more... $153.00ea + mount/bal & taxes. the Yokos are a pretty good tire... Used to have some AVS/ST's on my truck & I enjoyed them. They will still keep a bit of that sport feel & look, vs an LT, A/T, or touring tire.

There is also the Goodyear Fortera silent armor. I'm not that big of a Goodyear fan, but it is supposed to be a good tire. It's got a 70K warranty... You'll lose some of that sporty feel/look, but it should give you great wear & wet traction. Of course, once again, the price goes up... $197.00 ea less a $40.00 rebate @ discount tire.

It is going to be hard to find a decent tire with a long wear tread for small beans though.

The wife has the Yokomama's on her Suzuki.. they arent great and they wont last that long either.. We had the similar GoodYears on the Acura and loved them a LOT. Were great in all conditions up here and I am not a Goodyear fan but these tires changed my mind.