View Full Version : New To Texas
07-09-2008, 08:52 PM
Im moving down to Ft. Hood on sunday. Just tryn to see if there are any L owners in the area. i have and 03 L its sonic blue and has 58k on it. Im pretty much stock. all i have is a valve body and a CAI. I ran a 13.2 up in alaska. Im on Lightningrodder alot.
07-09-2008, 09:12 PM
welcome :beer:
07-10-2008, 01:58 AM
Welcome home, Soldier. :nana2
07-10-2008, 06:15 AM
hey man il be there in late aug after i leave this crap hole (jackson) got my orders changed from korea back to hood. you in cav? iv only seen 2 ls in that area, one is black and the other is white but they dont look all that great. i have a borla cat back sitting in ft worth if you are interested PM and il hook you up.
07-10-2008, 11:24 AM
Im in the neqw LRS unit that is down there. I have a buddy who just got to the cav and he says they are really low over there. Whats your MOS? Im 11B2P (airborne infantry). I prob would be down for that borla, i heard an L the other day with it and it sounds alot better then mine:beer:
07-10-2008, 11:42 AM
welcome to the club.:tu:
07-10-2008, 12:49 PM
Welcome to the club :beer:
07-10-2008, 01:10 PM
Im in the neqw LRS unit that is down there. I have a buddy who just got to the cav and he says they are really low over there. Whats your MOS? Im 11B2P (airborne infantry). I prob would be down for that borla, i heard an L the other day with it and it sounds alot better then mine:beer:
63BH8 (wheel vehicle mechanic w/recovery ASI) use to be a 63HH8 (track vehicle mechanic w/recovery ASI) but i just changed my MOS thats why im here.
im supposed to be going to 3rd brigade 1st cav but i have braces and cant deploy with them (they leave soon) so im gonna try to go to another unit like coscom. if you want the borla its all yours but you might have to go pick it up in ft worth unless you can wait till i get back in mid aug. if you wait you can drive up to ft worth and we can use my ole mans lift to put it on.
07-10-2008, 01:53 PM
Welcome Buzz..seen you on LR as well. I am on there quite a bit also.
Welcome to TALON!! :beer:
07-10-2008, 06:52 PM
63BH8 (wheel vehicle mechanic w/recovery ASI) use to be a 63HH8 (track vehicle mechanic w/recovery ASI) but i just changed my MOS thats why im here.
im supposed to be going to 3rd brigade 1st cav but i have braces and cant deploy with them (they leave soon) so im gonna try to go to another unit like coscom. if you want the borla its all yours but you might have to go pick it up in ft worth unless you can wait till i get back in mid aug. if you wait you can drive up to ft worth and we can use my ole mans lift to put it on.
Right on man. Sounds like it will be fun. Cant wait to hang with some L guys. Only other guy i knew with one was in alaska at my last duty station. Im tired of hanging out with all my friends and all they have is F-bodys, or gto's
07-10-2008, 06:54 PM
Welcome Buzz..seen you on LR as well. I am on there quite a bit also.
Welcome to TALON!! :beer:
Glad to see that i know some ppl here from LR. Your pic cracks me up every time
07-10-2008, 07:07 PM
Good to see you made it over to TALON Buzz. I too am over on LR(00SVT).
07-10-2008, 07:10 PM
Good to see you made it over to TALON Buzz. I too am over on LR(00SVT).
Sweet, i just read a post sayn u r leaving. where u off to?
07-10-2008, 07:25 PM
Sweet, i just read a post sayn u r leaving. where u off to?
Back up North to Gardner KS., I will be leaving in two weeks.
07-10-2008, 07:54 PM
welcome !!
Thanks for your work to keep the USofA the USofA
07-10-2008, 08:24 PM
Back up North to Gardner KS., I will be leaving in two weeks.
i live in Overland park KS, well my folks do its where i grew up. i think ill be back up in KC in late aug. ill hit u up
07-10-2008, 08:59 PM
Right on man. Sounds like it will be fun. Cant wait to hang with some L guys. Only other guy i knew with one was in alaska at my last duty station. Im tired of hanging out with all my friends and all they have is F-bodys, or gto's
well shit... i have a 95 TransAm too. when i get back il get it running again :icon_mrgreen: gonna very fast :evil
07-10-2008, 10:29 PM
dont get me wrong i love f-bodys. heck i almost bought an 02 SS till i came across the lightning. always wanted to be dif then my boys. it is kinda funny to see 6 t/a's and camaros ridding around with one SB lightning. lol good times
07-11-2008, 08:27 AM
TP Derrick D
07-18-2008, 07:33 PM
Buzzn & Boostaholic..
glad to see another GI on here...I was in the US Army from 1981-1992...I did 3 years in 1st Cav from '89-'92 in C-battery, 1/82 Field Artillery (Desert Storm) I put one of my 1st Cav avatars up for holidays and just hadn't changed it. I was there during the restart of the Pony car competion.(Mustang 5.0 vs Z28's & TA's) I had a '89 Mustang GT 5.0. and was in a Mustang club there, we had fun with the IROC Z28's but could'nt mess with the 1 seriously fast '87 Grand National there owned by my friend Mike Johnson who also had a '87 Mustang LX 5.0. We (GI's & Killeen citizens) had the strip(Rancier Ave) hot on a nightly basis. But they(city of Killeen) were trying to crank down on parking and crowds in parking lots of businesses by putting up "No Parking -No Loitering" signs, cutting out stop light to stop light racing,we moved the racing east on Rancier near where the Harker Heights city limits started, they even had Sergeant Major's riding in police cars with city cops, but that was a long time ago. I been out the Army 16 years and you guys seem to be really young so I'm sure you'll find what ever is the going thing for your generation there now. Remember Ford only made the Gen 2 for 6 years with between 5,000-6,000 made per year so that's only 36,000 max ever made. GM made a billion Fox bodies but they didn't out sell Mustangs. With L's getting old & cheap, young buyers can afford them more now than when they were $30,000 new. The DFW area is 160-170 miles or more north of Hood, so its close but not THAT close. You'll see pleny of L's up here, but not as many in this club as used to be. Have fun at Hood, I did, a million trips to Austin, San Antonio & Dallas with a few to Waco & Temple here and there.
07-18-2008, 07:51 PM
derrick to be exact ft worth is 126 miles from the main gate of hood the the actual ft worth city limits :icon_cool: i make that trip every weekend, well when im at hood. i cannot believe yall raced on rancier thats crazy, you can barely drive on that crap road now. im sure you prolly seen the track at temple but its not all that great so the race scene in killeen isnt all that great. i only got a few more weeks till i get back. we just got out of a FTX here and boy was it a gagle we (all reclass NCOs) actually took over all the training and the cadre sat on their asses and were lazy GRRR any ways i can wait to be back in cav where i belong. well im out for a beer or two yall keep it safe.
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