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09-26-2008, 07:57 PM

09-26-2008, 08:10 PM


09-26-2008, 08:39 PM
How about ice fishing?


09-26-2008, 08:41 PM
This guys no stranger to alchohol


09-26-2008, 11:22 PM
Helocopter one looked like they put the fish on the hook....

RPG fishing looks like the shit.

Gernade fishing looks like RPG fishing!!

Wish I would have been a ice fish while those hotties were there!! Bet some could have cut through the ice... if ya know what I mean!!

09-28-2008, 09:44 AM
7d9P2TINEGg :rll::rll:

09-28-2008, 09:56 AM
8sHWusYMahQ&NR=1 Busted:tu:

09-28-2008, 10:01 AM
There are few jobs more dangerous than Game Warden. My buddy wired up cop cars as a job through college. The game wardens trucks were the best. They had kill switches for everything and were armed to the teeth. Confronting multiple possibly drunk rednecks with high powered rifles is scary business...

09-28-2008, 10:14 AM
Always wanted to be a G.W..Deff. a dangerous job.Talked to one in Oklahoma and asked what was the worst offense he encountered.Someone was trout lining turkeys with small trepple hooks and corn.:eek:Pretty devious/cruel.

09-28-2008, 01:29 PM
There are few jobs more dangerous than Game Warden. My buddy wired up cop cars as a job through college. The game wardens trucks were the best. They had kill switches for everything and were armed to the teeth. Confronting multiple possibly drunk rednecks with high powered rifles is scary business...

Always wanted to be a G.W..Deff. a dangerous job.Talked to one in Oklahoma and asked what was the worst offense he encountered.Someone was trout lining turkeys with small trepple hooks and corn.:eek:Pretty devious/cruel.

Beaudee the first video would have been better if it was Chuck Norris!! 2nd one... sorry ****ers. Poachers/road hunters can lick my ballsack.

My grandparents were good friends with a game warden through North Texas Field and Stream (they were exe. members). He had some good stories. He was also killer at stealth tactics. He used to sharpen his skills (hide and seek basically, and to teach the youth how you should always do the right thing because even though you dont see a game warden he might be there) anyway... it was out in this big wooded field and he almost always scare the shit outa all the kids!! I too wanted to be a Texas game warden however, mandatory relocation (they choose where you go) does not appeal to me, they also can move you out whenever (say if someone with seniority wants to work at your location, if your lowest on the totum pole you get transfered), 30 week academy which you are REQUIRED to live at the Game Warden Training Center at Hamilton in a barrick with the other cadets sucks, and finally for doing all they do and the risks they take, pay is pretty low and the raises aren't much better:
Game Warden Cadet, $2,914/month, Entrance Salary
Game Warden I, $3,183/month, Completion of Training Academy
Game Warden I, $3,758/month, One year after graduation
Game Warden II, $4,076/month, Four years after graduation
Game Warden III, $4,389/month, Eight years after graduation
Game Warden IV, $4,593/month, Twelve years after graduation
Game Warden V, $4,811/month, Sixteen years after graduation
Game Warden VI, $4,811/month, Twenty years after graduation
Stipend for education or certification: $50 - $150/month
Stipend for second language: $50/month

Also a college degree is REQUIRED. IMO thats REALLY low pay for a college grad. Altho being in the outdoors most of day would be rockin! I think I'm still debating in the back of my mind.