View Full Version : 2nd Presidential Debate
10-07-2008, 08:41 PM
I feel like McCain is loosing this one... He came out attacking Obama and that is not the feel of the room. Obama seems more balanced.
10-07-2008, 10:07 PM
McCain just isn't inspiring unfortunately. His ideology is so much more what I agree with than Obama's.
Obama's claim about only raising taxes on those making over $250k sounds ok, but I bet that ends up being more like $65k or even less when he actually takes office. I just don't believe the man.
10-07-2008, 10:17 PM
I would call it a draw, which is a win for Obama since he made no big errors.. While I am more in line with McCain, I am not sure he can make up the shortfall in the polls.. however, if one looks to the past, the polls dont always tell the real story in the states where they are close.
10-07-2008, 10:24 PM
Rather than watch this on the FoxNews channel or any of the other regular channels.. I watched it on one channel on DirecTv where they had folks posting via twitter.. some were funny, some werent, some were just plain boneheaded.. but it was good to see a lot of thoughtful posts and where the candidates are really missing the boat on communication to the masses.. best way to watch it for me in a long time.. I tried the CNN thing and it was just plain annoying..
10-07-2008, 10:41 PM
I think a smart man will go with the records and character. Obama is doing more to say the right thing regardless of what his record is. McCain has the stronger record and military experience.
10-07-2008, 10:56 PM
I think a smart man will go with the records and character. Obama is doing more to say the right thing regardless of what his record is. McCain has the stronger record and military experience.
The key word here is "smart". As you and I discussed as recently as just 7 hours ago... America isn't very smart anymore.
But yes, Obama is the second-coming of "Slick Willy" Bill Clinton when it comes to being a professional politician and saying all the right things. The fact that he's even more of a socialist than Clinton is scary.
BC Lightning
10-08-2008, 07:20 AM
McCain just isn't inspiring unfortunately. His ideology is so much more what I agree with than Obama's.
Obama's claim about only raising taxes on those making over $250k sounds ok, but I bet that ends up being more like $65k or even less when he actually takes office. I just don't believe the man.
Obama isn't planning on keeping the tax cuts that Bush made, which the bill expires in 2011, so there will be tax increases to people making as much as $42K
The key word here is "smart". As you and I discussed as recently as just 7 hours ago... America isn't very smart anymore.
But yes, Obama is the second-coming of "Slick Willy" Bill Clinton when it comes to being a professional politician and saying all the right things. The fact that he's even more of a socialist than Clinton is scary.
Obama kept saying we need to send our troops home, yet don't we still have troops in Bosnia when Clinton sent them around the same time he was getting a hummer in the Oval Office
10-08-2008, 04:35 PM
Man... I think McCain was a little frazzled last night. The thing about the ARM's and buying them wasn't even discussed with his top advisors. Ugh...
McCain just needs to take the high road when Obama brings up the current administration... good gosh; Obama is running against McCain not Bush.
And when we hear the trash about how McCain voted 15 years ago on the S&L bill (or any other reference to his voting past) McCain should say "This is my point exactly, I have history and a proven record, where is yours?"
There is no way on earth I am voting any other way but McCain. It's not how I voted in the primary although I am much more comfortable with Sarah on the ticket.
Not sure if y'all saw the article in the editorial section of the Dallas paper today by Thomas Sowel from Hoover Institution/Stanford. I've attached it and it is pretty good reading. Interesting that it points out Obama's first political victory was due to the fact he was the only candidate on the ballot... achieved by disqualifying his opponents petitions. Ugh again!
I get a lot of stuff from a person that is in error when it comes to this election. Most the time I dismiss it but on occasion, I correct the person and send it back... I hate seeing stuff that is can't be verified.
I got an email not long ago with the reference sources included... it is an eye opener to say the least.
There are going to be some pretty difficult decisions that are going to be made in upcoming years and I can't imagine someone without experience callin the shots.
10-08-2008, 05:05 PM
Where I believe that McCain has lost it in the debates is by saying anything negative.. what people want to hear at those events are HOW you are going to fix things, WHAT to expect and HOW long it will take.. people do not want to hear you being negative on the other guy.. its that simple.. Also, be specific with some of the details, frankly, the second debate sounded like a bunch of stump speeches to me.. the only thing new was the plan that McCain put forth to have the govt buy the bad mortgages.. ( I really dont like that plan, because, had I known, I would have bought a LOT more house than I could ever afford;)) or as we used to say in my business, no good deed goes unpunished..
10-08-2008, 05:52 PM
Unsecured credit is a huge problem and allowing more bailouts of individuals and businesses is not the answer I want to hear. Good ol fashioned accountability is what I expect to see. I grew up in a house that never financed cars and toys. We financed a small home and the essentials not the wants. Society finances wants these days... We drove used cash cars and lived within our means. Magical seemingly limitless financing has been the demise of our society. I remember in the 80's we had to have a LOT of money in the bank to buy a new home. I think it was 10%...
BC Lightning
10-08-2008, 06:48 PM
Unsecured credit is a huge problem and allowing more bailouts of individuals and businesses is not the answer I want to hear. Good ol fashioned accountability is what I expect to see. I grew up in a house that never financed cars and toys. We financed a small home and the essentials not the wants. Society finances wants these days... We drove used cash cars and lived within our means. Magical seemingly limitless financing has been the demise of our society. I remember in the 80's we had to have a LOT of money in the bank to buy a new home. I think it was 10%...
When American's realized they can vote somebody into office that will give them money, is the downfall of this economy
were well on our way to becoming a third world country
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