View Full Version : Check your fences

10-10-2008, 11:57 PM
The old adage that good fences make good neighbors still rings true. A buddy of mine got his dogs taken away today. No history of violence before just family pets. A common fence was aged, his 2 and the neighbors 5 dogs had a daily ritual of barking at each other through this fence. Today one 4" picket fell out of place and a little bitty 3mo old puppy got chewed up. Even though they never "left their yard" his dogs are still guilty according to the ACO. The ACO told him they would be deemed dangerous dogs and not allowed in the city limits again... We are looking at legal defense but there doesn't seem to be much for dogs. It is pretty much at the discretion of the ACO.
So check your fences and make sure you don't end up fighting city hall.:(

10-11-2008, 07:27 AM
Is this better...now I know who you're talking about....ass hat. :hammer:

Was curious...that kinda sucks.

10-11-2008, 07:45 AM
Way to remain anonymous there asshat:hammer:

10-11-2008, 08:39 AM
Fixed......asshat. :icon_eek:

10-11-2008, 10:42 AM

10-11-2008, 01:56 PM
That is an unfortunate incident and don't agree with their dogs getting taken away. If the city ever tried to do that with me, it wouldn't be peaceful. With that said, it is kind of stupid on most homeowners part that they think a POS wooden fence will keep their dogs in their yard. I have a chain link fence to keep my dog and it's not 100% but these standard wood fences that are built are not adequate for keeping in animals once they get more than a couple of years old.

Isn't state law that the portion of the fence dividing the properties is the shared responsibility of both home owners? If that is the case then the neighbor with the puppy is just as much to blame.

10-11-2008, 03:13 PM
They say you have to call code dept to determine whos fence it is. The ACO said she could see where he had been maintaining his side. Met with the ACO this morning and got the same story it is kind of a leverage deal. Pay 50 bucks a dog to surrender them for adoption. If he chooses to keep them they will be deemed dangerous and either put down or face severe fines and restrictions on continued ownership. So the city is saying we want them out of the city limits otherwise we'll bend you over.

10-11-2008, 03:42 PM
That kinda sucks...hope everything works out. I wouldn't go down without a fight though, they seem like really good dogs.

10-11-2008, 03:52 PM
The officer isn't budging says forfeit them or we make your life miserable by deeming them dangerous. Dangerous dog means you must keep them caged at all times, 100K in liability insurance, locked gates, signage, 50 annual fee, if you transfer them the new city must be notified they are dangerous etc.

The officer said they have a guy with a good dog in a similar pickle. He chose to do all this and keep his dog. Officer said they get called out daily by neighbors just to check on this guy. It is the neighbors way of harassing him. It just isn't worth it at that point.

10-11-2008, 03:58 PM
I think along the law of nature and survival of the fittest. My old shepherd piled up lesser animals his whole life. I can't punish him for being top dog. they were all from invading his territory etc. He tallied up a few cats, shit tzu, cocker, some pit bull pups. It was nature at work. He was from the streets.:cool: