View Full Version : SVT Club State Fair Car Corral

10-14-2008, 01:54 PM
It's that time again. The SVT Club has a corral at the state fair this Saturday. If you'd like free admission to the fair and a fenced off place to park your L, this is your chance. We're allowing non-members to participate again this year provided they have a clean Ford-powered vehicle.

You have to stay at the fair from ~8 AM to ~6 PM, and you need a piece of tape on your gas cap.

Anyone interested can send me an email at vetetr@svttexas.com or send me a PM until the box fills up.

10-14-2008, 04:16 PM
This is tempting. Think I'm going to have to miss this year though. Unless I can find a friend that wants to hang out all day long.