View Full Version : Meeting stuff POLL

01-19-2003, 01:58 PM
After meeting with Doug and Dennis we came up with an idea to run by the masses. We are thinking about moving the monthly meeting time to the second Saturday of every month about 4-5pm. Reasons for this are... We are trying to increase participation for members and family, aleviate issues with rush hour traffic, work, and school conflicts that keep some members and family from attending regular meetings. The meetings will be early enough to get pictures outside, and still let out in time for the wild singles to go out on the town as usual. I think this will relieve a lot of the stresses of crossing town right from the office just making in time to eat & leave, and trying to get home in time to make the wives happy. Another reason for second Saturday is because FFW circuit runs on first Saturdays and we would have members attending those events:tu: Thanks for your input!

01-19-2003, 07:09 PM
Sounds well thought out, and I like the reasoning.

I'm all for it. :tu:

01-20-2003, 08:24 AM
I hate change. Well reasoned or not. :)

01-20-2003, 10:31 AM
The guys who read the forum on the weekends 10 to 1 wanted the weekend meeting

Now that the guys who read from work are voting the poll is getting closer....

Hmm... Wonder what that means

Since Terry stated the reasons we are considering changing the meeting day - It would be helpful if a few of the folks who want to stick with Thursday would reply with details as to why....


01-20-2003, 10:39 AM
I voted to stick with Thursday PM for two reasons;

1. It's about half the drive for me to meet wherever we ens up meeing if I go directly from work, rather than from home.

2. I often have other things I need to do on the weekends during daylight hours, particularly during warm weather.

01-20-2003, 10:57 AM
I voted for Saturday, only because there wasn't an "Either" option.

With that said, Saturday seems to be better from about November to March. Where Thursday evenings are nice April through to October.

Whatever ..... just a thought. :)

01-20-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Logan
I hate change. Well reasoned or not. :)
No Lightning no vote:D

01-20-2003, 01:27 PM
That's funny comin' from a Z06 wannabe Chevy owner.

01-20-2003, 02:43 PM
I like Thursdays because I dont have things going on that night. The weekends I am pretty busy so my vote is to stay on Thursday! That can be the slogan on this vote...


01-20-2003, 03:08 PM
My reason mirrors crawfords...

Mark #2
01-20-2003, 03:23 PM
Agree, Thursday's, preferably BoneDaddy's. Although BoneDaddys is pretty good on Mondays too, wasn't it? :)

01-20-2003, 03:25 PM
Stick to Thursday's


1. SO is in school Thursdays late
2. Have my daughter every other weekend so I would miss a few times a year
3. If it is a North Dallas meeting then I work in the office that day and save half the drive time

01-20-2003, 04:26 PM
There is an L in my garage minivan owner:throw: What an upset I should have closed the pole Sunday!:hammer: Interesting..

01-20-2003, 05:16 PM
I know I missed the two last meetings, but I would prefer thursday because sometimes I have to play/practice on the weekends (with my Mexican band) and I had the dates moved once, and because is most of the time the weekends are full of thing to do out of town family, kids(if separated),
girl friend/wife/lover/

just my 2c.

01-20-2003, 05:24 PM
If the change to Saturday will exclude some of our more senior members, we should stick with Thursdays and understand that quality is better than quantity any ole day. For the most part................. There have been times in my life when I actually prefered quantity over quality, but thats a whole nother deal or something and its really not that interesting of a story. And it certainly didn't have anything to do with trucks.............directly. So I won't bore you with the details, but lets just say its like buying cheap beer cause its cheap, even though it tastes like crap you don't mind cause you bought it to get drunk on anyway. I'm not really sure there is a better quality hangover just because you spent your money on a higher quality brewski. But I digress.

Thursdays, I can live with. :cool:

J.D. Blackwell
01-21-2003, 01:02 PM
Well whatever you guys decde is fine with me. I am kind of an outkast anyways since I have to drive 135-155 miles depending on location. So if I vote and won't be able to make 3 or 4 a year anyways I would think that I am a hipacrit (sp.)
So back to my first sentense, whatever you guys decide is fine by me.:) I will try to make each meeting, no matter what day it is on.

Oh, I might change my mind to vote if/when get my truck back. I will be ready to drive it since it has been 14 1/2 months since I have driven it last.:(

01-26-2003, 12:23 AM
Well the Saturdays will count me out. Wow this change is rough!:crying: :crying:

01-26-2003, 09:47 AM
It looks like the club is not ready for this change. Doug you can close or rename the thread whenever you are ready. Meetings will remain on first Thursday's. We are still working on a rotation to make it easy for each area at least once every three months. I have not missd a meeting in almost two years now. But driving from Arlington to Richardson @ 5:30 wears me out. I may have to miss a few to keep my sanity, or what is left of it:twitch: There is a high concentration of active members in Arlington/GP. Steve White, Laurence, Wesman, Mike & Jeff, Rob, Jacob Black, Myself, Curtis7571 George, and a few others. Many of these guys have expressed an interest in a more central meeting place or weekend date so they can participate.

01-26-2003, 10:43 AM
There is no reason we cant do an informal ( like our meetings are formal ) Saturday meeeting as well... While keeping the Primary meeting on Thursdays.

I am sure our social misdirector can come up with a decent solution....

I say we keep the Poll open to continue to collect opinions


01-29-2003, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
It looks like the club is not ready for this change. Doug you can close or rename the thread whenever you are ready. Meetings will remain on first Thursday's. We are still working on a rotation to make it easy for each area at least once every three months. I have not missd a meeting in almost two years now. But driving from Arlington to Richardson @ 5:30 wears me out. I may have to miss a few to keep my sanity, or what is left of it:twitch: There is a high concentration of active members in Arlington/GP. Steve White, Laurence, Mike & Jeff, Rob, Jacob Black, Myself, Curtis7571 George, and a few others. Many of these guys have expressed an interest in a more central meeting place or weekend date so they can participate.

I would vote for this option. The long long drive is what keeps me from coming.....it's quite a trek from S Arlington. We live in the same MetroPlex yet it takes 2 hours to get across it


02-04-2003, 09:48 AM
Stick with thursday, I work weekends.
I'm okay with changing the location if that what people want.

02-10-2003, 09:53 PM
Long drives I understand. I'm 120miles from Dallas and traffic is too rough. I use to tell my boss I had to be off at 3 to make it and it would cost 30 in gas. So what about the next meeting at Micky D here in Tyler?:bs Oh well my Lightning buddies is worth my time and trouble. I hate it when I miss. It kinda puts tears there, doesn't it?:crying: I love ya man!! Thats the Corona talking!:beer:

J.D. Blackwell
02-11-2003, 05:26 PM
So when are we going to have a meeting at the Hooter's in Mesquite? It is only an hour forty-five minutes from me. (doing 80mph) I don't ever recall having a meeting there since I have been hanging with ya'll. (Nov. 2001) Have you guys met there before?


We need to get Rodney, Mike Ivy, you, and I together at the Cruise Night in Longview. It is the first Thursday of every month and it is just frickin awesome.

The second Thursdays are in Tyler at the Whataburger next to the Wal-Mart on Hwy.69

02-24-2003, 09:14 PM
If the masses do agree on Saturdays I know I'll be able to finally make another meeting . . . been way too long . . .:d