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12-18-2008, 02:38 PM
It takes a couple times to get my truck to turnover, is this normal?

I usually try it a couple times, let it sit for about 15 seconds and try again and it starts right up. Is this normal? :confused:

12-18-2008, 04:22 PM
MIght be time for a new battery. Check the volts and see if it's going dead.

12-18-2008, 04:38 PM
might be time for a new battery. Check the volts and see if it's going dead.


12-18-2008, 04:47 PM
MIght be time for a new battery. Check the volts and see if it's going dead.

Not to thread steal, but.
On the subject of cold weather oddities, Is my truck "smoking" until the engine gets warm normal? It's like foggin' the freeway in the mornings. It seams to be mainly steam tho. I drive a '98 f150 at work and it does the same thing so I'm assuming that it's normal.

Mark #2
12-18-2008, 05:02 PM

Not to thread steal, but.
On the subject of cold weather oddities, Is my truck "smoking" until the engine gets warm normal? It's like foggin' the freeway in the mornings. It seams to be mainly steam tho. I drive a '98 f150 at work and it does the same thing so I'm assuming that it's normal.

Normal it is water a by-product of combustion.

12-18-2008, 05:05 PM
Normal it is water a by-product of combustion.

Yep, what mark said...:rolleyes:

I usually set in the garage and let mine warm up though on cold mornings, before tearing down the road in low temps. Your engine will thank you later.

12-18-2008, 06:56 PM
If it is not turning over that might be the starter solenoid going bad.

12-18-2008, 08:02 PM
Alright I will check the battery...

Terry, for the past couple months I have had a short between the key ignition and the starter solenoid...so I have had to bypass it with a switch in my cab to connect the two posts, to start together. I will check those connections too I guess.

12-18-2008, 10:38 PM
Yep, what mark said...:rolleyes:

I usually set in the garage and let mine warm up though on cold mornings, before tearing down the road in low temps. Your engine will thank you later.

Yeah, I let her warm up in the morn. (and watch like a hawk from the window) Ok thats my last thread steal.

I still vote battery. But, Terry knows his stuff.

12-23-2008, 10:00 PM

Alright so...after I made this thread was when the weather got a little warmer and it went away pretty much. But the past 2 days I have started it twice and it started acting up again...

Last night though....I tried to start it and it wouldn't turn over a couple times, then the 4th time I tried it didn't even try to turn over...so I waited a couple more minutes and it started up on the 5th time BUT with a knocking kinda sound :eek: So I tried to listen for a minute at where it was coming and it sounded like between the engine and the transmission (it mighta been at the bottom of the engine, I didn't leave it on for long was scaring me too much)...

So then today I go out there because my girlfriend is going to take me up and get a new battery, so I go to unlock my truck and my alarm doesn't work...battery is COMPLETELY dead...well I go pick up the new battery and hook it all back up. And everything comes on light wise...so I try and turn over the engine and all it does is click.

Btw, this is all at my girlfriends house so I don't have any tools really and its late at night, and I only had a small flashlight so I wasn't really able to work on it because my girlfriend was leaving town to go see her family for christmas, so I had to leave it.

So the ideas I have so far are:

Check Starter fuses
Replace Starter solenoid (I replaced it a couple months ago)
See if starter is stuck
Check oil and see if it has any metallic in it :(

Any others?

12-23-2008, 11:02 PM
Check the battery voltage before and during cranking. it should not drop below 11 while cranking. You could have bad connections or a low battery. Check the grounds to the starter and elsewhere. You may add a ground with jumper cables. Check the positive cable connections.
You can jump the solenoid with a large screw driver.

It could be the starter if all else is right.

12-26-2008, 01:11 AM
Hey Terry first of all thanks for the help...here is what I got so far:

Today was the first day I could actually work on it for about 30 minutes...I was able to tell that I think the clicking noise was coming from the Starter, and it kind of sounds like the area the grinding noise might have been coming from.

Could it be possible that the starter gets stuck in someway that when the truck is idle it will make a noise? Thats the only thing that is making me think that it couldn't just be the starter is because why would the starter make noise while it was running idle?

Anyways, I tried to jump the battery with another truck and still it just clicks from the starter...I am going to try and charge the battery anyways and try again tomorrow...but other then that I think my next step will be to replace the starter http://www.svtperformance.com/forums/images/smilies/shrug.gif

I will also try adding a ground and see if that helps.

12-26-2008, 01:14 AM
Oh and I already do bypass the starter solenoid everytime I start my truck, since a couple months ago I have a short between the ignition and the solenoid...

So I had to run some wires to a switch inside the cab so I can flip the switch to bypass it lol

12-26-2008, 08:27 PM
my truck was going the same thing for about 2 weeks then it started running rought until you got going one morning my head gasket had a leak on the passeger side

It takes a couple times to get my truck to turnover, is this normal?

I usually try it a couple times, let it sit for about 15 seconds and try again and it starts right up. Is this normal? :confused:

01-14-2009, 10:18 PM
on the subject of cold weather, my truck is acting wierd. it fogs really bad until its gets warm and the temperature acts like the thermostat is stuck. it gets real hot and then cools down. its runningout of coolant. and it misses when its cold. other than that it runs and drives fine once it warms up. i mean all this and i still smoked a srt10.