View Full Version : No One Has Anything to Say About Obama's Inauguration?
01-20-2009, 10:33 PM
I'm kinda shocked! You guys are the least opinionated people I know :icon_eek:
Anyone else inspired? I watched most of the coverage cuz I had nothing better to do. Typical inauguration BS...but I did figure out while watching that I definitely have not lived up to what I should be...
All I have to say is one thing...get me a freakin job like you promised you tool! [even though I didn't vote for you, I still expect you to deliver!!]
01-20-2009, 10:40 PM
He said Tool....:rll:
01-20-2009, 10:49 PM
The benediction by Rev. Lowery was the most racist line of crap I've heard.
I actually didn't watch it, but I had to go read it to actually believe what was said. "when white learns to do what is right...." Bzzzt.
No one wants to hear what I really feel about any of this. If NObama does a poor job, he will set things back 100 years... trust me. I honestly hope he well exceeds my expectations ... which are honestly very simple... that he will be no different than any other tax and spend Democrat---> taking money from those who built this country and are wealthy enough to hire and employ other hard working folks, and give it to undeserving people too lazy to work. He will give us more govt programs, and turn us into a more socialist nation.
Again this isn't any different than Carter or Clinton.
If he can do better than those two, then he will have exceeded my expectations. I sincerely hope he can do it.
Another thing... if he REALLY wanted to be different (besides the color of his skin and his leftist affiliation), then he would have halted the spending of $150M on his inauguration. Now THAT would have shocked the world, this country, and rallied every opponent of his around him. I would have been the first to applaud it. If the economic crisis is as bad as all the pundits are saying (and I know it is not good, don't get me wrong), then stand up and put a halt to what was the most frivolous spending spree seen in Washington in a long time.
01-20-2009, 10:57 PM
I'm not a racist type of person but to hear these people of his color all night in interviews saying "we" finally did it. Relating to their color finally being in charge of this nation, that part really pisses me the hell off. :flaming:
That's all of my opinion I choose to share on a public forum. The rest of it would probably get me in trouble. :throw:
01-20-2009, 11:16 PM
You could almost make a drinking game out of how many times they show people moved to tears by all this. :rolleyes:
I thought the "prayer" by Rick Warren was interesting in that it really was more of a speech than a prayer. Sigh.
Anyways...I guess if Obama could at LEAST do away with the BCS that would be a start. :D
01-20-2009, 11:19 PM
I have to agree that in this economy spending 4x more for the inauguration than ever in the past is obscene, some will say that part of that came from private donations - that makes it worse - rich folks buying thier way into the good graces of the new regime - Including disgustingly, a number of banks that JUST got a buy out...
40 million by bush was decried as obscene - $150 million by Obama is reason to celebrate ...
Racism cuts 2 ways - Lets see how bad it gets
Obama has the best chance of anyone in many years to truly change many of the things that are wrong - trouble is that My view of whats wrong doesn't likely gel with his. We will see - I hope to be surprised and impressed.
Im hopeful that we all come out of this well, but I have a feeling that Obama will tax,spend and carbon credit us into oblivion.
01-20-2009, 11:33 PM
You could almost make a drinking game out of how many times they show people moved to tears by all this. :rolleyes:
I thought the "prayer" by Rick Warren was interesting in that it really was more of a speech than a prayer. Sigh.
Anyways...I guess if Obama could at LEAST do away with the BCS that would be a start. :D
So Rick Warren's is considered a "speech" and the Rev. Lowery prayer (who is a puppet of the NAACP... an organization that, if it was duplicated by the white majority would be considered criminal) is ok, I guess. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I was shocked that Warren was 1) asked to participate, 2) that he accepted the opportunity to participate, and was moderately encouraged by the fact that the left reached out to the Christian Coalition... although, being skeptical, I think it was just a way to appease the CC.
That piece of work by Lowery was so unoriginal (some of his "rhyme" was copied lyrics from some silly rapper), and the fact is he talks about protecting all the races _except_ the whites... oh, and unborn children. What color are they? Guess they don't count.
You're right Doug. Racism cuts both ways, as does socialist economic policy. Biting the hand that feeds, might come back and bite some in the you-know-what.
Frankly, I wish the media (and everyone else) would get off of the "Race"
issue. Obama is everyones president - white, black yellow, red, green, blue, and any other color you can think of. G. Bush (I voted for him twice) didn't do such a hot job and because of him the american people surrendered a bunch of freedoms. Everytime I have to take off my shoes to get on an airplane, it makes me puke. Let's all pitch in and help Obama and the current congress straighten out the economic mess that we are in (including getting a job for Tom). Just my 2-cents.
01-21-2009, 01:54 AM
So Rick Warren's is considered a "speech" and the Rev. Lowery prayer (who is a puppet of the NAACP... an organization that, if it was duplicated by the white majority would be considered criminal) is ok, I guess. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I was shocked that Warren was 1) asked to participate, 2) that he accepted the opportunity to participate, and was moderately encouraged by the fact that the left reached out to the Christian Coalition... although, being skeptical, I think it was just a way to appease the CC.
That piece of work by Lowery was so unoriginal (some of his "rhyme" was copied lyrics from some silly rapper), and the fact is he talks about protecting all the races _except_ the whites... oh, and unborn children. What color are they? Guess they don't count.
You're right Doug. Racism cuts both ways, as does socialist economic policy. Biting the hand that feeds, might come back and bite some in the you-know-what.
Oh, don't get me wrong - not defending Lowery at all. I missed most of his...talking? I don't want to say prayer. I am pretty sure if I said "Red Man" some Native Americans would be pretty pissed off. But he got a pass by everyone in the media, it seems...
01-21-2009, 01:57 AM
Frankly, I wish the media (and everyone else) would get off of the "Race"
issue. Obama is everyones president - white, black yellow, red, green, blue, and any other color you can think of. G. Bush (I voted for him twice) didn't do such a hot job and because of him the american people surrendered a bunch of freedoms. Everytime I have to take off my shoes to get on an airplane, it makes me puke. Let's all pitch in and help Obama and the current congress straighten out the economic mess that we are in (including getting a job for Tom). Just my 2-cents.
I have to agree, PUMP. I wonder why I have to take off my shoes to fly from Dallas to Oklahoma City, but not to fly a larger plane with more people from Cancun to Dallas, or from the Dominican Republic to Miami. I think they know the same as the TSA - the threat is so small its retarded, but they can't admit that its a pointless gesture here in the US.
I have to say also though I don't have much hope we are going to steer out of this mess anytime soon. We are giving away the candy store right now to the banks and anyone else (well, companies) with their hand out. Capitalism is great, until it isn't, I guess.
01-21-2009, 08:32 AM
I said all along he would be pres.,as i did when Bush Jr. made pres. we would be @ war.Seems like Obama wants to make a change.Hope he does and when the glitter wears off he doesnt turn out like another politician.Gona be an interesting 1st year.:tex
01-21-2009, 09:07 AM
Frankly, I wish the media (and everyone else) would get off of the "Race"
issue. Obama is everyones president - white, black yellow, red, green, blue, and any other color you can think of. G. Bush (I voted for him twice) didn't do such a hot job and because of him the american people surrendered a bunch of freedoms. Everytime I have to take off my shoes to get on an airplane, it makes me puke. Let's all pitch in and help Obama and the current congress straighten out the economic mess that we are in (including getting a job for Tom). Just my 2-cents.
I agree that the airport stuff is mostly BS - But how is it Bushes fault ? How could any other President have changed the ridiculous rules the TSA and FAA have ? Speaking of FAA - Lets take the FAA and the IRS and throw them both away. FAA are paper pushers in the pocket of the airlines, they dont actually inspect or check or make anything safe - all they do is fill out paperwork. IRS is worse
01-21-2009, 09:30 AM
In regard to airport rules and such.. being a person that has had positions where I had to fly A LOT and hardly at all.. yes its a bother.. but I will give W credit for no more attacks on American soil.. have you flown overseas? some of their screening is a LOT more invasive than ours.. so on balance its not so bad.. I just adapt.. wear slip ons and black socks and have learned how to pack to go through the lines quickly.. I do wish more airports would change their lines so that the travel savvy can make their way through quicker.. i.e. have lines for families with kids, lines for newbies. etc.... it works..
01-21-2009, 09:36 AM
I am in a wait and see mode with Obama.. I dont think we are sure what he is.. although, being old enough to remember, he has been impressing me as more of a Carter type of guy.. so far I think his decision making has been to coddle and mollify most constiuencies.. that just doesnt work and you dont look like you stand for anything and if you scream loud enough you can get him to change his mind.. that has me worried.. because the great silent majority wont get heard..that would be the centrist and right of centrist folks.. like most of the guys that post here..
01-21-2009, 09:57 AM
In regard to airport rules and such.. being a person that has had positions where I had to fly A LOT and hardly at all.. yes its a bother.. but I will give W credit for no more attacks on American soil.. have you flown overseas? some of their screening is a LOT more invasive than ours.. so on balance its not so bad.. I just adapt.. wear slip ons and black socks and have learned how to pack to go through the lines quickly.. I do wish more airports would change their lines so that the travel savvy can make their way through quicker.. i.e. have lines for families with kids, lines for newbies. etc.... it works..
I think the point PUMP is making and I agree with is why should you have to adapt for silly rules that don't make you any safer?
Also I wouldn't necessarily credit Bush for no more attacks on American soil - I haven't been attacked by bears since Bush became President either, but rarely do people talk about Bush's record on bear attacks.
01-21-2009, 10:14 AM
the rules are mostly for the ease of the TSA
Designed to allow the $10 an hour untrained inspectors to process as many passengers as quickly as possible
pull the laptop out since the Lithium batteries look dangerous on the screen
Take off your shoes because one nut case in France tried to light his shoes
put fluids in a clear bag because of intel that someone was making binary liquid explosives
Take off your flannel shirt because you might be hiding something that got past the visual and magnetometer inspection -
These are just some of the reasons I like to drive across country
Now you can add in the $15 per bag fee to check a bag which means that EVERY ONE has a bag to carry on and NONE of the planes have enough bin space so EVERYONE is delayed while grandma tries to stuff 40 lbs of bag in a 20 lb slot rant off
01-21-2009, 10:19 AM
I'm interested to see a younger ( my age ) President who understands and uses technology - Lets all hope for the best - and prepare for the rest
01-21-2009, 10:29 AM
I think the point PUMP is making and I agree with is why should you have to adapt for silly rules that don't make you any safer?
Also I wouldn't necessarily credit Bush for no more attacks on American soil - I haven't been attacked by bears since Bush became President either, but rarely do people talk about Bush's record on bear attacks.
Well, how do you know these rules dont make you safer? as Doug posted, it makes it easier to identify a potential issue, granted it has to be dummied down but it has worked.. in regard to the bear issue,, thats just silly... If you dont think that we wouldnt have been attacked again, I would say that you might be uninformed.. to make my point, lets see if any of the anti terror actions change with the new president, because, so far it looks like he aint changing anything..
01-21-2009, 10:31 AM
I'm interested to see a younger ( my age ) President who understands and uses technology - Lets all hope for the best - and prepare for the rest
Doug, this is the best point that he has going for him..not only that, but willing to embrace new technology and solutions for a lot of problems that exist with solutions but doesnt seem too tied to anyone in regard to having to use old solutions.. however, I have a feeling that I will disagree that his energy policies wont be enough to get us free of enough imports to help us.. I dont think we can solar, wind, grow and save enough power to get us where we need to be as a country..
01-21-2009, 10:33 AM
Now you can add in the $15 per bag fee to check a bag which means that EVERY ONE has a bag to carry on and NONE of the planes have enough bin space so EVERYONE is delayed while grandma tries to stuff 40 lbs of bag in a 20 lb slot rant off
This was an economic decision made by the airlines to try to increase revenue when fuel prices were high without a lot of forethought.. since most flyers that are of a "gold" status get free baggage, then the impact wasnt too great.. but I agree, for the infrequent flyer, what a pain..
01-21-2009, 12:01 PM
I'm in wait and see mode as well. I just hope the government and American people don't coddle him like they seem to all ready be doing...$150M for the inaguration being OK but $40M for Bush's being outrageous). If he makes a mistake they should drag him through the mud like they did Bush, not pat him on the back and say "just try harder next time."
I am also concerned about the socialistic mindset...last I heard many countries with government funding medical care provide lousy medical care....keep it private and let us get insurance dammit...if you can't afford it go to the county hospital like you do today. I just see all hospitals becoming county hospitals with hundreds of people sitting there all day waiting for care.
The other thing that just irritates me is all of the teary eyes and emotion that was associated with this inauguration. I doubt there were as many emotional people at George Washington's inauguration...why is this event bigger and more emotional than the United States' independence? We (well others, I didn't vote for him) elected him based on his promise of change. Hold the emotions and the pride and wait to see if he delivers. At that point we can be proud. It's like going out and selling product to your customers saying we're a better company now because we just hired a new CEO yesterday. He has not done anything yet...hard to sell him as a success right now.
Could go on for hours. Bottom line, regardless of skin color or creed, he's human and he's now president. Let's see if he can make government better for us. If he makes errors, understand that he is human and drag his ass through the mud like we have done with all past presidents...don't crown him as the greatest president ever on his first day...
01-21-2009, 12:09 PM
Tom, I am right there with you.. but did you see some of those quotes yesterday, some are already saying he is going to be the best president ever.. give me a break, the guy has literally done NOTHING.. NOTHING.. and NOTHING.. also, I think he is a bit arrogant.. his whole JFK, Lincoln thing is a bit over the top.. if he wants to set the bar that high then fine, but let others compare you to the greatest, dont you try to make yourself look that great until you actually do something.. oh, I forget, he did do something yesterday, he reversed all the Executive Orders that Bush did in his final days.. :rolleyes:
01-21-2009, 12:11 PM
For those of you that care to follow this:
01-21-2009, 12:42 PM
Tom, I am right there with you.. but did you see some of those quotes yesterday, some are already saying he is going to be the best president ever.. give me a break, the guy has literally done NOTHING.. NOTHING.. and NOTHING.. also, I think he is a bit arrogant.. his whole JFK, Lincoln thing is a bit over the top.. if he wants to set the bar that high then fine, but let others compare you to the greatest, dont you try to make yourself look that great until you actually do something.. oh, I forget, he did do something yesterday, he reversed all the Executive Orders that Bush did in his final days.. :rolleyes:
I understand that you have to walk with arrogance to do that kind of job, and if he thinks he's the caliber of those presidents of the past, prove it! The public will decide going forward. And for those that say he is going to be the president ever, maybe he will be...but don't give him the award yet. It's like saying the movie "Ishtar" is going to be a huge blockbuster hit and giving it the best movie of the year award before it's even filmed!
I say to you, my fellow Americans...allow the movie to be filmed and view it before you cast your opinion on its success. :tu: I shall be President one day, and everyone will freakin love me, dammit:bows...or else!! :hammer:
01-21-2009, 12:45 PM
This was an economic decision made by the airlines to try to increase revenue when fuel prices were high without a lot of forethought.. since most flyers that are of a "gold" status get free baggage, then the impact wasnt too great.. but I agree, for the infrequent flyer, what a pain..
I disagree that MOST people on a plane are gold status - If that were true the boarding process would be much different. Plus most of those GOLD people never check a bag anyway so its a null point
01-21-2009, 01:05 PM
I disagree that MOST people on a plane are gold status - If that were true the boarding process would be much different. Plus most of those GOLD people never check a bag anyway so its a null point
Doug, re-read my post.. I said that most frequent flyers that are of a gold status dont have to pay the baggage fee.. not sure where I have seen the data on gold and up FF that check vs carryon their bags..I will try to find that one..
01-21-2009, 01:07 PM
I disagree that MOST people on a plane are gold status - If that were true the boarding process would be much different. Plus most of those GOLD people never check a bag anyway so its a null point
also, having been through a lot of airports and their decent or lousy security systems.. those that segregate flyers into different groups do a better job getting folks through.. those that just have everybody go through the same lines, generally dont.. also, if you fly enough, there is a new program that will let you literally fly through the system, they do a background check on you and all, but its only set up in just a few airports now..
01-21-2009, 02:25 PM
Guys, you all are looking into all this the wrong way. The president of the united states is an Oreo, who can be vetoed and impeached at any time, he is the puppet leader of this nation end of story!
01-21-2009, 02:46 PM
Guys, you all are looking into all this the wrong way. The president of the united states is an Oreo, who can be vetoed and impeached at any time, he is the puppet leader of this nation end of story!
:eek: This is a joke right????
01-21-2009, 02:51 PM
what's not the truth??
01-21-2009, 03:00 PM
Well, how do you know these rules dont make you safer? as Doug posted, it makes it easier to identify a potential issue, granted it has to be dummied down but it has worked.. in regard to the bear issue,, thats just silly... If you dont think that we wouldnt have been attacked again, I would say that you might be uninformed.. to make my point, lets see if any of the anti terror actions change with the new president, because, so far it looks like he aint changing anything..
How do I know they don't make me safer? Because I have thought about it, as have others.
They are so good at catching water bottles now, they miss actual bombs and bomb components:
I brought up the Bear Patrol because your example reminded me a lot of a Simpsons episode where after one bear attack, the town starts using aircraft, armed patrols, etc to stop further bear attacks, even though another attack was unlikely. The flip side to saying "Bush kept us safe from evildoers" is like saying that if Gore had won, he would have welcomed terrorists with open arms. I think its a disservice to the *actual* people who keep us safe - FBI, CIA, Armed Forces, and so on, to say they would have done a worse job under a different President. Plus, even if you buy the whole kept safe thing, everything else was allowed to spiral out of control in the meantime. Not laying all of that on Bush, but I think he could have done more, sooner, to stop it - if he had appointed better people to positions of authority in those matters.
And I don't think Obama will change much stuff anti-terror wise other than closing Gitmo for the time being. Republicans did an excellent job scaring everyone into letting the government spy on domestic communications that to do so would make him appear soft in the Global War on Extremism, or whatever its called this week.
01-21-2009, 03:33 PM
what's not the truth??
I understand the veto process but please explain how he can be impeached at any time and why you think he is a puppet. And I don't mean Obama himself but the President in general.
01-21-2009, 03:42 PM
It seems alot of people are afraid, he is going to run the nation in the ground. Even though he is are president he still has to answer for his actions. President Obama can brain storm up the ways he can make this place for the better healthcare, tax cuts etc.. Its up to all branches of the goverment to pass the bill, in turn he does not have all the say so. So all the people that are crying during his parade yesterday thinking a swift changs is coming well they can get in line with the rest of us that have been waiting for a change since Clinton left the White House!!
01-21-2009, 04:41 PM
How do I know they don't make me safer? Because I have thought about it, as have others.
They are so good at catching water bottles now, they miss actual bombs and bomb components:
I brought up the Bear Patrol because your example reminded me a lot of a Simpsons episode where after one bear attack, the town starts using aircraft, armed patrols, etc to stop further bear attacks, even though another attack was unlikely. The flip side to saying "Bush kept us safe from evildoers" is like saying that if Gore had won, he would have welcomed terrorists with open arms. I think its a disservice to the *actual* people who keep us safe - FBI, CIA, Armed Forces, and so on, to say they would have done a worse job under a different President. Plus, even if you buy the whole kept safe thing, everything else was allowed to spiral out of control in the meantime. Not laying all of that on Bush, but I think he could have done more, sooner, to stop it - if he had appointed better people to positions of authority in those matters.
And I don't think Obama will change much stuff anti-terror wise other than closing Gitmo for the time being. Republicans did an excellent job scaring everyone into letting the government spy on domestic communications that to do so would make him appear soft in the Global War on Extremism, or whatever its called this week.
Garrett, I hear you and understand what you are saying, I just dont agree with you entirely.. but thats ok.. it makes for a good discussion.. we both could go on and on but I doubt that either one of us is going to change our mind.. but I do appreciate that you are much more in tune to this than a lot of others.
btw, good articles.. thanks for sharing.. however, no one said the process is perfect..however, I do think we all could agree that the TSA could be a bit more progressive on changing policy as information is found out.. but asking a government agency to be progressive always seems to be asking a lot..
01-21-2009, 05:40 PM
I think in the next few months some of Mr. Obama's luster will wear off and the Media will tend to be less forgiving.
I find humor in the fact that the Jessee Jackson's and Al Sharpton type's seem less relevant with each passing day.
I hope that no whack job gets to him because that would serve the good of no one.
PS the TSA is a joke and the funny part is we pay for it. RPM Outlet could do a better job
01-21-2009, 07:23 PM
PS the TSA is a joke and the funny part is we pay for it. RPM Outlet could do a better job
I am writing that one down for future reference.. :evil
TP Derrick D
02-05-2009, 03:52 PM
This is very interesting reading.
Dr. Manis teaches at one of the colleges here in Macon , He writes good editorials. This was in the Macon Telegraph.
Dr. Manis
When Are WE Going to Get Over It?
For much of the last forty years, ever since America "fixed" its race problem in the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, we white people have been impatient with African Americans who continued to blame race for their difficulties. Often we have heard whites ask, "When are African Americans finally going to get over it?
Now I want to ask: "When are we White Americans going to get over our ridiculous obsession with skin color?
Recent reports that "Election Spurs Hundreds' of Race Threats, Crimes" should frighten and infuriate every one of us. Having grown up in "Bombingham," Alabama in the 1960s, I remember overhearing an avalanche of comments about what many white classmates and their parents wanted to do to John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Eventually, as you may recall, in all three cases, someone decided to do more than "talk the talk."
Since our recent presidential election, to our eternal shame we are once again hearing the same reprehensible talk I remember from my boyhood.
We white people have controlled political life in the disunited colonies and United States for some 400 years on this continent. Conservative whites have been in power 28 of the last 40 years. Even during the eight Clinton years, conservatives in Congress blocked most of his agenda and pulled him to the right. Yet never in that period did I read any headlines suggesting that anyone was calling for the assassinations of presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, or either of the Bushes. Criticize them, yes. Call for their impeachment, perhaps.
But there were no bounties on their heads. And even when someone did try to kill Ronald Reagan, the perpetrator was non-political mental case who wanted merely to impress Jody Foster.
But elect a liberal who happens to be Black and we're back in the sixties again. At this point in our history, we should be proud that we've proven what conservatives are always saying -that in America anything is possible, EVEN electing a black man as president. But instead we now hear that schoolchildren from Maine to California are talking about wanting to "assassinate Obama."
Fighting the urge to throw up, I can only ask, "How long?" How long before we white people realize we can't make our nation, much less the whole world, look like us? How long until we white people can -once and for all- get over this hell-conceived preoccupation with skin color? How long until we white people get over the demonic conviction that white skin makes us superior? How long before we white people get over our bitter resentments about being demoted to the status of equality with non-whites?
How long before we get over our expectations that we should be at the head of the line merely because of our white skin? How long until we white people end our silence and call out our peers when they share the latest racist jokes in the privacy of our white-only conversations?
I believe in free speech, but how long until we white people start making racist loudmouths as socially uncomfortable as we do flag burners? How long until we white people will stop insisting that blacks exercise personal responsibility, build strong families, educate themselves enough to edit the Harvard Law Review, and work hard enough to become President of the United States, only to threaten to assassinate them when they do?
How long before we starting "living out the true meaning" of our creeds, both civil and religious, that all men and women are created equal and that "red and yellow, black and white" all are precious in God's sight?
Until this past November 4, I didn't believe this country would ever elect an African American to the presidency. I still don't believe I'll live long enough to see us white people get over our racism problem. But here's my three-point plan:
First, everyday that Barack Obama lives in the White House that Black Slaves Built I'm going to pray that God (and the Secret Service) will protect him and his family from us white people.
Second, I'm going to report to the FBI any white person I overhear saying, in seriousness or in jest, anything of a threatening nature about President Obama.
Third, I'm going to pray to live long enough to see America surprise the world once again, when white people can "in spirit and in truth" sing of our damnable color prejudice, "We HAVE overcome."
Andrew Manis is author of Macon Black and White and serves on the steering committee of Macon's Center for Racial understanding.
It take a Village to protect our President!!!
02-05-2009, 04:14 PM
interestingly enough.. I havent heard one person talk about assissination.. so I dont know where that talk is coming from.. there was that one nutcase that was arrested right before the inauguration, but that is the only time I have heard it and believe me, I would have heard it with some of the guys I know..
I do wish our President well, however, his push on the current "stimulus" package and his rhetoric regarding getting it passed today, is hurting his political power and credibility. He, unfortunately, allowed his brethren in the Democratic party in the House to craft a bill that is just untenable and frankly not good for this country. I blame him for letting Nancy Pelosi and her crew to "exclusively" craft this bill without any bipartisan input or support and now on his very first important piece of legislation is losing a battle with the centrists and those on the right. He should step in at this point and rather than try to create a sense of fear, he should say that this bill needs to be scrapped and completely redone. He said at the outset that he wanted to go line by line on bills and make sure the earmarks and pork was out, but he was given a bill that is almost all earmarks and pork.. We need him to be successful as it relates to our economy and the safety of our troops and our country. But he is beginning to lose ground and not look like a leader but someone that is learning on the job and not doing well at that..
02-05-2009, 04:51 PM
I saw as many white people crying their liberal hearts out at the inaguration as black people, so you cant tell me this is the same black and white 1960's racial stuff.
Look during the Presidential campaign Jesse Jackson said he wanted to whip Obamas arse!:icon_eek:
President Ford had Squeaky Frome shoot at him , and Regan was shot, so it dang sure does not matter the skin color, obviously we dont need to remind of Lincoln, Harrison, Kennedy, all crackers :icon_mrgreen:
Your post was probably written by a liberal person trying to make a point.
Listen I did not vote for Barrack but I am not rooting against him, but so far he has done about what I expected.
#1.Wants to close Guitmo and secret CIA prisons.
#2.Funded overseas abortions
#3. Supporting 900 Billion stimilus but lets use that word carefully it is pork laden.
#4. Nominated 3 people that have not paid their taxes and one is in charge of the IRS.:eek:
Anyway thats it from me, I hope with time you can show me what Barack is doing to help the country, but I dang sure dont want him assainated because he is a black President.
02-05-2009, 04:54 PM
Like Dana, I wish him well... both physically (no one should want the man assassinated... that is terrible, and even the most radical right-wingers don't want Biden or Pelosi in office, so anyone hoping for something this tragic is sub-human) and as he goes about a very difficult task of being President of the most powerful nation (still) in the world.
I don't like his policies b/c he stands for... uh, very little actually. What he does stand for is making an effort to make the poor man, richer and the rich man, poorer. We'd all like to see the former happen, but not in the idealogical way he wants it to take place. Sorry... let's not get into a debate on who "built" this country. That's completely laughable about the article quoted ("built the White House"... manual labor is not the only ingredient to "building" something, unless you have no friggin' clue on how economics works). If you make the rich man much poorer than he is now, you will just have a lot of poor people.
The fact is socialism does NOT work. While capitalism has its faults (we're seeing some of its negative effects now), history shows very clearly that socialism/communism doesn't help anyone...except the top 2% of the people in the country, and we know who that would be in our case... the politicians, and the few multi-millionaires who pay the politicians' salaries to help pass their own agendas.
[tongue-in-cheek rant on]
Obama is a socialist. Period. If you love that, great, you did the right thing by voting for him. Maybe you'll get to live in a place like the old Polish state under the USSSR here within a few years b/c we're heading there. We'll all drive cookie-cutter, electric cars, will all be working in factories to keep the "government machine" running, and our sons/daughters will be automatically drafted into the military after spending their educational years at schools not chosen by them, but by the government. Our houses and farmland will be divided up equally, but the government will be holding the title deed to ALL of it. Energy will be rationed, to insure that everyone has their thermostats set on 66^ in the winter and 78^ in the summer... at least here in N. Texas. There will be no more choices to eat out... you'll just get McDonald's, and don't ask for a "special order" b/c the flunkie behind the counter is getting paid the same whether he makes you happy or not. Plus, it would cost the business owner (oops, that's the govt, too) too much to train him to do it any differently. Socialism will strip the individuality of what being an American is all about. If that's what the people want... we elected the right man. If I was 25 instead of 40, I'd be moving to New Zealand, but they won't take me b/c I'm too old and don't make enough $$.
[rant off...again take it all with a grain of salt]
What I'm finding is that a number of people who voted for the man did so b/c of his skin-color (b/c that, in and of itself represented "change") and less b/c of what he/his party stand for. I'm sorry if I don't understand that. I'm with Manis on that... I don't understand it. But see, that issue goes BOTH ways, and I think he has far exaggerated the point he makes based on a few nut-cases out there and very tiny factions of whites who are racist, and represent a small minority of white people. He's just a liberal white guy who is slamming conservatives again. It's almost as if he's saying that b/c I'm a conservative, I must be a racist. That is not only offensive, it is completely ignorant and shows how much of a fool he is.
02-05-2009, 04:55 PM
#4. Nominated 3 people that have not paid their taxes and one is in charge of the IRS.:eek:
Anyway thats it from me, I hope with time you can show me what Barack is doing to help the country, but I dang sure dont want him assainated because he is a black President.
Its all making sense now why Democrats keep raising taxes...
They dont pay taxes so why not ? :evil:evil
02-05-2009, 05:03 PM
#1.Wants to close Guitmo and secret CIA prisons.
#2.Funded overseas abortions
#3. Supporting 900 Billion stimilus but lets use that word carefully it is pork laden.
#4. Nominated 3 people that have not paid their taxes and one is in charge of the IRS.:eek:
Exactly. He is showing how much of a greenhorn he really is. At least he admits he made a mistake with Daschle. But so far "change" has just meant shake everyone's pants while hanging them upside down (liberal or conservative, there is no distinction) and seeing what "change" falls out.
Stimulus is a terrible word. The last one didn't help. This one most likely won't either.
As far as the congressional tax-evaders, they need to be stripped of their seats. I mean, c'mon. If ANY of us cheated our employers, we'd be fired, right? If you are caught embezzling from you company, you would get fired and possibly go to prison. Uh, I see very little difference here. We have GOVT employees, in essence, STEALING from the GOVT. Hello...McFly??!!
I don't fault Obama for not knowing about these people's tax fraud/evasion. But it just gets to the point that he is now PAYING BACK the Democratic Party. He is doing his brown-nosing now. All Presidents have to do it to some extent. Let's see if he really is for change and getting things DONE. "Get 'er done!"... Larry the Cable Guy.
TP Derrick D
02-05-2009, 05:10 PM
interestingly enough.. I havent heard one person talk about assissination.. so I dont know where that talk is coming from.. there was that one nutcase that was arrested right before the inauguration, but that is the only time I have heard it and believe me, I would have heard it with some of the guys I know..
I do wish our President well, however, his push on the current "stimulus" package and his rhetoric regarding getting it passed today, is hurting his political power and credibility. He, unfortunately, allowed his brethren in the Democratic party in the House to craft a bill that is just untenable and frankly not good for this country. I blame him for letting Nancy Pelosi and her crew to "exclusively" craft this bill without any bipartisan input or support and now on his very first important piece of legislation is losing a battle with the centrists and those on the right. He should step in at this point and rather than try to create a sense of fear, he should say that this bill needs to be scrapped and completely redone. He said at the outset that he wanted to go line by line on bills and make sure the earmarks and pork was out, but he was given a bill that is almost all earmarks and pork.. We need him to be successful as it relates to our economy and the safety of our troops and our country. But he is beginning to lose ground and not look like a leader but someone that is learning on the job and not doing well at that..
I have heard that, maybe we listen to different sources(radio,web,news) I'm pretty sure we do. Anyway, doing him harm was widely reported on mainstream media before & after he took the oath. Some of the people the FBI were watching were White Supremist groups. Also someone above in one of the posts stated on doing him harm " I hope no whack does nobody any good." Man, I wished you and I lived near each other so we could communicate in person. To be honest I have been losing any faith I had in this forum for past 2-3 years. It has turned into constantly starting racial crap. Some of these guys no longer post anything about L's or don't even own one anymore yet these racial threads continue to start. I notice who's all involved and who's not, the guys that have ALWAYS been considered my friend never get involved in that crap and tried to discourage others from doing it also. What you and I see,feel & experience about personal choices(politics,abortion,religion,etc) are going to be different. What black,white brown,yellow,red people see,feel,experience in this country is going to be different. On black websites,radio,news etc... saying how it has become stupid how "some" people want respect the fact that President Obama IS President by refusing to use the title of President when addressing his Presidency in the media & even general public. The person anyone votes for is their right, but at the same time if the US is ever going to get past racism without "just saying it don't exist" then when any one of non-white race holds a position of importance it must be respected. If not, the racism circle will continue.People are smart enought to see it. Not just in the US but all around the world. Other countries see that the US talks the talk, but don't walk the walk. I don't know how you felt about that article but it had nothing to do with the stimulus package.I don't know what it says to non-black but to black people it's saying: Non-white people should not feel inferior because you have not been treated fairly in the history of this country, you should have the same rights & chances as whites in this country, your cultures should not be judged by whites and your cultures should not be tried to be turned into white culture just to be accepted. Your history in this country is special and should not be taken for punchlines in jokes,threats,or injust treatment because of your skin color and if the US is ever to realize its full potential it will embrace all that walk this land as Americans. Again Dana, I honestly like conversing with you(& Rocks & a few others) maybe its because we're older & wiser and have seen more. Watch the response.
02-05-2009, 05:22 PM
Anyway, doing him harm was widely reported on mainstream media before & after he took the oath. Some of the people the FBI were watching were White Supremist groups.
Exactly, Derrick... White Supremist groups. I have no doubt they are the cause of some/most/all of this horrible talk. I hope you realize that is a very tiny minority of white people in this country. It may not feel that way to you, but I believe that's the truth.
On black websites,radio,news etc... saying how it has become stupid how "some" people want respect the fact that President Obama IS President by refusing to use the title of President when addressing his Presidency in the media & even general public.
I agree with you, Derrick. I have heard some people I know say this, and I think it is foolish and being whiney. He IS the President. I will respect him just like I respected Clinton, who I couldn't stand by the time he was done. But again, I think since he is the first man of color in office, some people will look at any disrespect towards him as a sign of disrespecting the color of his skin. While I think it is wrong and immature, if nothing else, to not refer to him respectfully as "President Obama", people on both sides of the political fence have made the same type comments. Democrats said the same thing about GWB not being "worthy" of the office and not referring to him as "President", etc. It wasn't b/c he was white, it was b/c they felt like he did a lousy job, and were just mad. But I do understand the point you make on this one and agree with you... I should respect him, even if I wholeheartedly disagree with him (really his policies, not so much the man, himself).
02-05-2009, 05:26 PM
Why is it the Derrick always plays the race card:tex
02-05-2009, 05:26 PM
Derrick, I am moving back to Dallas and will be there by the end of March..Lets get together and chat and chew... He is my president too. I honestly believe that he will have to govern from the center.. I frankly dont care what color he is, WE need him to succeed in these difficult times..
I probably havent heard the assissination stuff because I dont frequent in any way any white supremecist stuff.. I do believe that there is still racism in this country because I still see it spoken and done. And its just not white on black either.. its all over, but given that I grew up in the 60's and 70's, I also know what it was like before and what it is like now.. my first post didnt deal with President Obama's ethnicity because to me, its not an issue nor the issue. Right now the issue is the economy and our safety, everything else is secondary in my view.. I am concerned that he will look as if he is pushing for a failed bill and get it passed, which will cost him a GREAT amount of political capital. From which he may not recover. Or he can pull back, redo the legislation and look to be the leader he can be and that we hope that he is.
First beer is on me.. and keep coming back to the board. We dont want nor need to have everyone saying the same thing, having diversity of opinion is always a good thing..
interestingly enough.. I havent heard one person talk about assissination.. so I dont know where that talk is coming from.. there was that one nutcase that was arrested right before the inauguration, but that is the only time I have heard it and believe me, I would have heard it with some of the guys I know..
I do wish our President well, however, his push on the current "stimulus" package and his rhetoric regarding getting it passed today, is hurting his political power and credibility. He, unfortunately, allowed his brethren in the Democratic party in the House to craft a bill that is just untenable and frankly not good for this country. I blame him for letting Nancy Pelosi and her crew to "exclusively" craft this bill without any bipartisan input or support and now on his very first important piece of legislation is losing a battle with the centrists and those on the right. He should step in at this point and rather than try to create a sense of fear, he should say that this bill needs to be scrapped and completely redone. He said at the outset that he wanted to go line by line on bills and make sure the earmarks and pork was out, but he was given a bill that is almost all earmarks and pork.. We need him to be successful as it relates to our economy and the safety of our troops and our country. But he is beginning to lose ground and not look like a leader but someone that is learning on the job and not doing well at that..
I have heard that, maybe we listen to different sources(radio,web,news) I'm pretty sure we do. Anyway, doing him harm was widely reported on mainstream media before & after he took the oath. Some of the people the FBI were watching were White Supremist groups. Also someone above in one of the posts stated on doing him harm " I hope no whack does nobody any good." Man, I wished you and I lived near each other so we could communicate in person. To be honest I have been losing any faith I had in this forum for past 2-3 years. It has turned into constantly starting racial crap. Some of these guys no longer post anything about L's or don't even own one anymore yet these racial threads continue to start. I notice who's all involved and who's not, the guys that have ALWAYS been considered my friend never get involved in that crap and tried to discourage others from doing it also. What you and I see,feel & experience about personal choices(politics,abortion,religion,etc) are going to be different. What black,white brown,yellow,red people see,feel,experience in this country is going to be different. On black websites,radio,news etc... saying how it has become stupid how "some" people want respect the fact that President Obama IS President by refusing to use the title of President when addressing his Presidency in the media & even general public. The person anyone votes for is their right, but at the same time if the US is ever going to get past racism without "just saying it don't exist" then when any one of non-white race holds a position of importance it must be respected. If not, the racism circle will continue.People are smart enought to see it. Not just in the US but all around the world. Other countries see that the US talks the talk, but don't walk the walk. I don't know how you felt about that article but it had nothing to do with the stimulus package.I don't know what it says to non-black but to black people it's saying: Non-white people should not feel inferior because you have not been treated fairly in the history of this country, you should have the same rights & chances as whites in this country, your cultures should not be judged by whites and your cultures should not be tried to be turned into white culture just to be accepted. Your history in this country is special and should not be taken for punchlines in jokes,threats,or injust treatment because of your skin color and if the US is ever to realize its full potential it will embrace all that walk this land as Americans. Again Dana, I honestly like conversing with you(& Rocks & a few others) maybe its because we're older & wiser and have seen more. Watch the response.
TP Derrick D
02-05-2009, 05:28 PM
While I was slow poke typing that last post,several post came in....see what I was talking about, people honstly missed it. That article I posted was written by a white person, I don't know why his pic didn't come out. Anyway, in the artice he was saying the things that white people need to do to get over the race issue.I didn't write it. Now it's turned into something about President Obama's politics.Not only that, he was talking about the fact that we have a black man in the very building that was built by black slaves and now that is being turned around. As far as white people crying, I agree, there was, some people really see no skin color as being a problem, honstly, believe it or not(I don't care) I don't either unless someone other than black berates me and/or my race, we are inferior to no one. Dana,see why I posted at the the response.
02-05-2009, 05:30 PM
Why is it the Derrick always plays the race card:tex
Tiff, take some time and read a book called "Black like me" (i think that is the correct name) and it will give you some insight.. I too get discriminated against because of my weight.. its a very insidious thing to happen to you.. I have been fortunate to have worked with folks that dont look at those things but rather your work performance. As a manager almost my entire career, I have learned this fact the hard way..
02-05-2009, 05:31 PM
While I was slow poke typing that last post,several post came in....see what I was talking about, people honstly missed it. That article I posted was written by a white person, I don't know why his pic didn't come out. Anyway, in the artice he was saying the things that white people need to do to get over the race issue.I didn't write it. Now it's turned into something about President Obama's politics.Not only that, he was talking about the fact that we have a black man in the very building that was built by black slaves and now that is being turned around. As far as white people crying, I agree, there was, some people really see no skin color as being a problem, honstly, believe it or not(I don't care) I don't either unless someone other than black berates me and/or my race, we are inferior to no one. Dana,see why I posted at the the response.
I get it.. let me know if you want to have a gtg once I am in town.. :tu:
02-05-2009, 05:37 PM
While I was slow poke typing that last post,several post came in....see what I was talking about, people honstly missed it. That article I posted was written by a white person, I don't know why his pic didn't come out. Anyway, in the artice he was saying the things that white people need to do to get over the race issue.I didn't write it. Now it's turned into something about President Obama's politics.Not only that, he was talking about the fact that we have a black man in the very building that was built by black slaves and now that is being turned around. As far as white people crying, I agree, there was, some people really see no skin color as being a problem, honstly, believe it or not(I don't care) I don't either unless someone other than black berates me and/or my race, we are inferior to no one. Dana,see why I posted at the the response.
No, I didn't miss it, my friend. The article is full of a liberal agenda. I know it was written by a white person. I get that. And truly I understood/agreed with _some_ of what he was communicating.
The reason I turned it into politics, is b/c that is the ONLY reason I didn't vote for the man. You don't have to believe me. Maybe we'll both live long enough to see a conservative man of color win the Republican nomination. I'll vote for him, and support him, just like I have all other Presidents, lawmakers, and judges who I agree with from a political/social/economic viewpoint. :tu:
I abhor those who are saying things about assassination attempts as much as the author of the article. What he does is take a broad brush and paint all whites in it. That is ignorant and pathetic and I stand by that statement.
TP Derrick D
02-05-2009, 05:37 PM
[QUOTE=tiffo60;161079]Why is it the Derrick always plays the race card:tex
I don't, I just respond to what I feel is the race card being played against me and my race. Why do people on here always start racial posts? Do they think I won't/or scared to respond? Over past 2-3 years several posts have been started about people/things in the black culture that you guys don't /can't understand yet jokes,solutions and all kind of BS get posted on here. I don't start any posts about white people that I know will be controversial.
Like the article I posted that was written by a white person said: As white people we must stop the insults to other races(said in private...)
02-05-2009, 05:55 PM
Derrick, I think you're a good guy. Again, I was just making a political statement, sifting through some of the obvious rhetoric in the article.
I heard Pelosi say, "if we don't pass this stimulus package, 500M (yes, million) American workers will lose their job." Obviously, she meant to say something else, given that I don't believe there are that many people in the US.:icon_lol: It's amazing how these people are preying on ignorant Americans. The "tax and spend" has only begun.
TP Derrick D
02-05-2009, 05:59 PM
No, I didn't miss it, my friend. The article is full of a liberal agenda. I know it was written by a white person. I get that. And truly I understood/agreed with _some_ of what he was communicating.
The reason I turned it into politics, is b/c that is the ONLY reason I didn't vote for the man. You don't have to believe me. Maybe we'll both live long enough to see a conservative man of color win the Republican nomination. I'll vote for him, and support him, just like I have all other Presidents, lawmakers, and judges who I agree with from a political/social/economic viewpoint. :tu:
I abhor those who are saying things about assassination attempts as much as the author of the article. What he does is take a broad brush and paint all whites in it. That is ignorant and pathetic and I stand by that statement.
It's really fustrating some of the things that's posted on here. I understand that the far majority on this forum is white, that has NEVER been a problem until recently.And then its only the people that constantly start or keep it going. I always tried to attend all events I could(local & Lfest 1 & 2) even tho I would be only black person there, so what, I didn't see it that way, just happen to be one of a few Black L owners. Then things started to change with posts about TO & how he was treated by police(+ what I posted), the Redskins player shooting(+ what I posted),the presidential elections & voting Dem(+ what I posted) and a few other topics. What I'm saying is I shouldn't have to defend things when my perspective about how blacks are treated by police, how many black people don't have/can't get firearm permit, how 92+ % of blacks vote and have always voted Dem. since the Voting Rights Act was passed and the history behind it. I shouldn't get blasted for my experiences in this country because its different than "yours".
02-05-2009, 06:08 PM
It's really fustrating some of the things that's posted on here. I understand that the far majority on this forum is white, that has NEVER been a problem until recently.And then its only the people that constantly start or keep it going. I always tried to attend all events I could(local & Lfest 1 & 2) even tho I would be only black person there, so what, I didn't see it that way, just happen to be one of a few Black L owners. Then things started to change with posts about TO & how he was treated by police(+ what I posted), the Redskins player shooting(+ what I posted),the presidential elections & voting Dem(+ what I posted) and a few other topics. What I'm saying is I shouldn't have to defend things when my perspective about how blacks are treated by police, how many black people don't have/can't get firearm permit, how 92+ % of blacks vote and have always voted Dem. since the Voting Rights Act was passed and the history behind it. I shouldn't get blasted for my experiences in this country because its different than "yours".
Fair enough. I am sure at some point in the past, you have felt that I've been too hard or "blasting", and it wasn't ever meant as a personal attack. I can't speak for others, necessarily, but only what I've felt behind the posts. I try to take my time to think through what I'm saying and base it on evidence that I believe to be true (which doesn't always mean it is right, but I try very hard not to make baseless statements).
Surely, like everyone, we'll disagree on some things. In this case, its simply political. I could have the same discussion/disagreement with the guy who wrote the article.
Have a good one.
02-05-2009, 07:07 PM
Once again, as a white male, it's all my fault, somehow.
02-05-2009, 10:20 PM
02-05-2009, 10:51 PM
I think in the next few months some of Mr. Obama's luster will wear off and the Media will tend to be less forgiving.
I find humor in the fact that the Jessee Jackson's and Al Sharpton type's seem less relevant with each passing day.
I hope that no whack job gets to him because that would serve the good of no one.
PS the TSA is a joke and the funny part is we pay for it. RPM Outlet could do a better job
Derrick I am re-posting this because I want to make sure that understand my statement. In your post I think you have interpreted my post to mean something different
" I hope that no whack job gets to him because that would serve the good of no one"
I simply was saying that if some idiot where to do this that it would be bad for all of us
02-05-2009, 10:53 PM
how 92+ % of blacks vote and have always voted Dem. since the Voting Rights Act was passed and the history behind it. I shouldn't get blasted for my experiences in this country because its different than "yours".
My contributions always seem to get twisted BUT here goes. As I have said in the past a number of times, Ive met you and like you, I appreciate your help with the group pictures from years back etc.
For presidential elections NO demographic has EVER had 92% or eligible voters vote in recent times. It may be that 92% of those that VOTE, vote democratic, but thats not what you said.
From CNN (
The percentage of registered voters casting ballots this year is projected at 60.7 to 61.7 percent, according to the center -- a figure much lower than the modern-day record set in 1960 -- 67 percent. (
From US Census
In 2004, turnout rates for citizens were 67 percent for non-Hispanic whites, 60 percent for blacks, 44 percent for Asians and 47 percent for Hispanics (of any race). These rates were higher than the previous presidential election by 5 percentage points for non-Hispanic whites and 3 points for blacks. By contrast, the voting rates for Asian and Hispanic citizens did not change. These data pertain to those who identified themselves as being of a single race. (See Table 1. [Excel]) (
I do my best to judge people as individuals. Im not always able to, but I try. If someone ALWAYS forces a stereotype in my face I start to see the stereotype. If every conversation is always about race then they are a racist in my opinion. Not all racists are white.
The extremists that are making the news for plotting against the govt or the Pres are no better than the crazies that are saying that Obama is going to pay their house payment ( are giving all Americans a bad name. Both off kilter in my book.
I dont think that its possible to tax and spend our way out of this. But then Im a middle class white guy and my opinion isnt important.
Doug :tex:tex
02-06-2009, 01:08 AM
My random thoughts:
I didn't vote for Obama either but I am hopeful that he is a strong enough leader to turn this economy around without completely weakening our military (the easiest way to shave trillions off the budget). I think he is smart and has our best interest at heart, but I still disagree with his socialist ideas especially in regards to taking from the rich and giving to the poor. I think the poor need opportunities, not handouts. The Dems are rich politicians that seem to like giving my money away, but manage to keep theirs. We all need to watch the Chinese and Indians (India not American). They work hard and are turning out more high tech workers than we can fathom. They live in horrible conditions for the most part, but are becoming more and more wealthy because they take advantage of every opportunity.
In regards to race and the election, white America seemed to embrace Obama. It almost seemed that white people wanted so bad to be able to prove they could vote beyond color that they overlooked some of the issues (abortion, taxation, weakened military, questionable associations). While there are the usual racists who talk trash, it was likely dramatized by the media like everything else in the world. Cnn will show you a broken tree branch in a storm and talk like it was a typhoon.
One thing that should be noted though is that Obama is completely unlike any other recent leader who is black (Jackson, Sharpton). He didn't focus on race, he talked about the American issues people are concerned about-the war, terrorism, health care and the economy. Jesse Jackson ran and focused on race and anger at the whites (admitting that much has changed since he ran). This shows that color is not necessarily the driving factor of prejudice, a lot of it is attitude and education. Right or wrong, people judge you on the way you dress, talk and carry yourself. Even if you are a nice/smart/qualified person, if you act a certain way people will not take you seriously.
Most people just wanted something different in office because what we had wasn't working. Best case scenario, Obama will stir things up and break up the good ol boys club of favors for favors. Worst case, he will be a mediocre or ineffective president like Carter and we'll boot him out in 4, or 8 years. As President, he can only do so much good or damage because of checks and balances. Most likely he is a newer politician who has big ideas and good intentions, but will get bogged down in the usual Washington BS and either have to cave and give favors to get what he wants, or will fight and get blocked from doing much. He does appear to have the balls to call people out in public (CEO pay for example), so I'll give him that!
02-06-2009, 08:44 AM
He does appear to have the balls to call people out in public (CEO pay for example), so I'll give him that!
The CEO pay thing is a GREAT idea and Im pleased to see its in place BUT like so many things its Completely ineffective. its NOT retroactive to companies that have already been bailed out and will not likley be applicable to any significant number of CEOs.
"Under the plan, compensation caps would apply to only firms that require "exceptional assistance" from the government in the future. While this term has not been defined, it appears to mean firms like Citigroup (C ( and Bank of America (BAC ( that had to come back to the trough a second time, not to firms like J.P. Morgan (JPM ( that just took the initial TARP allocations.
It would not even apply to Citigroup, unless they have to come back for a third dip into the pond of liquidity, since past "exceptional assistance" is grandfathered. It also applies to only a relative handful of top executives, and on Wall Street, the biggest paychecks do not necessarily go to those in the top boxes on the organization chart.
The $500,000 limit would apply to only cash compensation; firms could pay unlimited amounts in the form of restricted stock, although the executives could not sell the stock until after the TARP funds are paid back. At best, this is a first step in rolling back the excesses of Wall Street. At worst it is a way of co-opting the stronger measures being proposed by Senators Clair McCaskill (D-MO) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT)."
Its a GREAT sound bite but has little or NO meat
02-06-2009, 08:58 AM
it was pointed out this morning that between stock grants and options, plus the executives are looking to change their job titles to get around this.. when the Feds try to outsmart Wall Street, well, its like a one armed swordsman picking a fight with a Black Ops guy.
02-06-2009, 09:42 AM
:twitch: You mean the guys on Wall street have already started to figure out how to circumvent these proposed rules.
That is weird....
02-06-2009, 12:53 PM
:twitch: You mean the guys on Wall street have already started to figure out how to circumvent these proposed rules.
That is weird....
Yep, hard to believe..however, some have come back and said..fine, we will get it paid off in no time..
02-06-2009, 11:33 PM
Its a GREAT sound bite but has little or NO meat
Unfortunately you are right in regards to the ones who we've already bailed out. The others will likely find new ways to circumvent or hide their ways but at least they know that we find it unacceptable. Hopefully the middle class accountants, secretaries and others who have knowledge of these things (someone has to print the checks and file the contracts) will get sick enough to keep leaking it out. I sure won't be doing business with or investing in companies who do this kind of crap (although it might be hard to find companies that don't do it!).
In Obama's defense, if he put stronger rules in place I suppose people would complain that big brother is taking over private business (some of that is already being said). You can also compare this to radar guns and detectors. They made a gun and we found a way to get around it, so they made new bands and laser and we just keep buying jammers and detectors. Typical cat and mouse game. The difference is that we are worker bees who try to get out of a $200 ticket while "they" are making millions from employees, consumers, shareholders and now the government. Same game, just different stakes. At least Obama pretended to give a crap about our tax dollars being squandered. That is good enough for most of the masses:D
Good conversation fellas!
02-07-2009, 12:17 AM
I have a question. Isn't Obama's mother white and his dad African? If you are 50/50, why does that make you any more black than it does white?
I truly don't mean that in an offensive way, but it is something I have been wondering since the primaries.
And on the CEO pay thing, I called that one a mile away. All our C-level people make more in bonuses than they do salary...
02-07-2009, 12:43 AM
I have a question. Isn't Obama's mother white and his dad African? If you are 50/50, why does that make you any more black than it does white?
I truly don't mean that in an offensive way, but it is something I have been wondering since the primaries.
And on the CEO pay thing, I called that one a mile away. All our C-level people make more in bonuses than they do salary...
both great points
one answer to the first one is that white soceity has decided that he is black, another is that its politically more expedient to be black
second one is that the finance whizes always find a way to get theirs
snip ......
second one is that the finance whizes always find a way to get theirs
Which is why they are called "finance whizes"
Our "legislative whizes" have learned that it's not nice to fool the "finance whizes".:mad:
02-09-2009, 07:46 AM
Which is why they are called "finance whizes"
Our "legislative whizes" have learned that it's not nice to fool the "finance whizes".:mad:
Lastly, the finance whizzes and the CEO's all have legal whizzes too... if you think that we are going to get Congressman that are going to outsmart business people that get paid at least 2-3 times what a Congressman earns and many times what their staffers earn, well think again.
TP Derrick D
02-17-2009, 06:02 PM
I have a question. Isn't Obama's mother white and his dad African? If you are 50/50, why does that make you any more black than it does white?
I truly don't mean that in an offensive way, but it is something I have been wondering since the primaries.
And on the CEO pay thing, I called that one a mile away. All our C-level people make more in bonuses than they do salary...
He has been put into the "black" catagory by the rules that was set into place by white people centruries ago..the 1 drop of black blood rule. Plus, if you saw him or anyone that look like him anywhere and did not know his family history what do you see....a black man, by his facial features, his hair, his overall apperance is that of a black man, plus he said that is the way he's treated and the race he identfy with.
I'm going to answer this then I'm finished with it, we will never see the same thing when it comes to subjects that cross racial lines. Some people on here seems to laugh at a serious subject or tend to be calling me racist when I point out things I feel should be taken serious or not be a joke.(yeah, you have all the rights.." can say what you want...blah,blah, blah" like what happened in the Imus post.I see this country different as a minority than you guys do as white people, its just that simple, but its not a joke that I do. And no,just because you're white(Cobra 98) doesn't mean its your fault. But what do you do to stop injustices? Do you or everyone else let it go because it will be easier for you with your other white friends? I know who I feel are my friends and I'm not scared to speak up here or anywhere else, been doing it all way back to HS,in the Army and at my job. Guess being raised in Jim Crow south has an effect on me. Tell Tiffo(whom I never met) I don't use the race card, I speak up and some people don't like it, I have spoke up for white people against black people as well(but I don't think everyone on here believe me) I was even going to help Doug at Lfest1 when it sound like several people was waiting to stomp a mudhole in him...I had his back. And no Doug everything isn't about race, but it always turns in to that when I speak up against posts that would be completely different on a black website,but we're not ,do that make it right? I never said you were racist Doug,but I believe that you could have stopped some of the crap instead of letting your "friends" just post whatever they want because "they got the right...and yeah 92% of black people that vote are Democrats and vote that way regardless of person running for office.The RNC putting Mr Steele as leader of the Rep party will not change that. I never consider voting anything other than Dem. The Rep party has to change its attutide towards minorities in this country in order to change the way the vote goes. If you or anyone votes different than me..fine, I didn't blast anyone for it.
Dana, man yeah, when you get here and get settled in let's gtg..I would at some time like for you to come to my house....I got some things I'd like to show you, maybe it will shine a bright light on some things. Maybe you can drag Wa 2 Fst Wes of G.M. fame along also.... Wes, man, you say you get it, I do truly believe you are pretty smart person( except SEC vs Big 12 football) but I do wonder if what I'm trying to get across on here is like watching Def Comedy Jam on BET when a joke is said and the white people in the audience is looking around as if saying ,what? what? what did I miss? what is so funny? Meaning.....there are some things that black people experience that whites just don't right or wrong..not one culture is better or worst, just apology needed...
Hey Dana, I started spending more time on Mustang & military veterans websites so if you send me a PM on here and I don't get back to you right away I will, I haven't totally left this L website. Take care man :tu:
02-17-2009, 06:36 PM
Maybe you can drag Wa 2 Fst Wes of G.M. fame along also.... Wes, man, you say you get it, I do truly believe you are pretty smart person( except SEC vs Big 12 football) but I do wonder if what I'm trying to get across on here is like watching Def Comedy Jam on BET when a joke is said and the white people in the audience is looking around as if saying ,what? what? what did I miss? what is so funny? Meaning.....there are some things that black people experience that whites just don't right or wrong..not one culture is better or worst, just apology needed...
Hey Derrick,
Thanks for the reply. "GM Fame"... you realize I have a Mustang again. :burnout:I was the first to say that you were right this year about SEC > Big 12. In fact, the Big 12 was a "big flop" in the bowl games this year.
As for rest, I understand that I've never walked in your shoes and never will. I just have always asked that you/anyone of color, understand that I do try to understand the point of view, even if I've never been there. However, I do realize that even if I can intellectually understand it, that doesn't mean I "get it, 100%." This goes for political and religious matters as well as racial matters.
I do remember some of my best friends in college were black, and growing up in a white, college prep HS, I remember being very sensitive to make sure I didn't accidentally offend anyone. What was the most eerie feeling was when they would tell jokes about their own race, and there I am standing, wondering if I should laugh or not. I never did, and they would then laugh at me b/c they knew it made me feel uncomfortable. But once I got to know them better, I realized it was ok for them to make racial jokes about themselves, but I would never do it. They didn't mind if I laughed when they joked like that, though. They just wouldn't have appreciated it if I'd been the one telling the joke. Several of these guys are accountants, lawyers, etc today and are people I will always respect. I was the short, white baseball player in an athletic dorm full of high-flying basketball players, track athletes who could run 10.2 100m, and some massive football players. And they respected me just like I respected them.
Best wishes.
02-17-2009, 07:06 PM
Thanks for answering, Derrick. I guess I see it a little different though. I think the media and black people in general want, no, NEED him to be identified as black, and not mixed race, because then we can say we finally have a Black President, and that is very important to some people.
I don't care what color he is. I just want the Best President.
Also, as to viewing things from a minority, I offer you my viewpoint: I am younger than you. I was born in 1977. I know in that your formative years the country was a much different place - but to me the problem is that now, most blacks or "minorities" don't realize the rules have changed, and that just because I am in the racial majority doesn't really mean much anymore. As a society we have tried to correct past injustices through quotas, etc - no longer does being the best at what I do matter, because I can be denied for a job because I am the wrong color, or denied my school of choice because enough white people are already going there. Its kind of ironic. And as a future father, I am actually kind of scared that the same kinds of prejudices that you experienced growing up are going to be what my kids experience as they go to school, mature, and move into society.
I guess that's why my personal hope is that both sides can agree that history is history - learn from it, instead of repeat it - value and celebrate our differences, instead of continuing to drive further apart through failed policies, and the continuing lowering of the bar.
I hope you aren't upset with me. I am glad to know you. :)
Mark #2
02-17-2009, 07:18 PM
Wes, very very similar experiences, only white guy on the bball court in the city of brother love almost every day.
Please stay around here I like reading your opinions.
02-17-2009, 07:53 PM
I think healthy discussion is good. We have different experiences and we see things from different perspectives.
I want a good President and IMHO this particular one does not have the "Seat Time" and already has made some errors. My .02
02-17-2009, 10:13 PM
Derrick, I will be in Big D in a couple of months and will need to get settled in but I will take you up on your offer to come over only if you will come over to my house too.
If I recall correctly, didnt you go for a ride in my L way back in 2002 when I was the first one to get the EBC brakes and pads? I hit the brakes and just about threw you through the windshield and you said " I got to get me those brakes!!"
02-22-2009, 12:33 AM
OK, I read this and seriously...I know I think of things differently than blacks, I guess, but this is patently absurd.
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