View Full Version : Mr. Obama Presidential news conference
02-09-2009, 08:29 PM
I just disagree with the politics plain and simple.
I stand by a previous statement and think his media luster will fade.
I do not agree with this stimulus plan the free market is capable of correcting itself and I think history proves this.
Great speech the Q&A responses are at best dis jointed
The fallen service member question from CNN was handled very well and I could tell it was sincere
02-10-2009, 07:57 AM
Mr President... Do you think the "so called" terrorists are still in Pakistan?
what a freakin tool Helen Thomas is.. get her out of there.. also, get some journalists with gonads that will ask tough questions and have good followup.. nothing but softballs and lengthy replies limiting the questions to just a few canned answers that sounded like he was still campaigning..
John, I agree with you on the package.. the Congressional Budget Office says we will be out of the recession by the second half of the year without a stimulus package. If you want to stimulate the economy, suspend the employment tax (FICA/Soc Sec) for a year.. that way workers and employers get a huge jolt of cash to their pocket.. if it doesnt work, then reinstitute it.. people have to feel that the money isnt a one time shot but something that will be there month after month..
02-10-2009, 10:04 AM
The "Huffington Post" how did they get a question in last night
Anyone catch the Census move to the White House..... Can you imagine if Gearge W would have said Carl Rove is going to be in charge of the Census
Now this morning a Health care provision that gets slipped in over the weekend WTF
If we were south of the equator we could circle the drain in the opposite direction:hammer:
02-10-2009, 10:06 AM
The "Huffington Post" how did they get a question in last night
Anyone catch the Census move to the White House..... Can you imagine if Gearge W would have said Carl Rove is going to be in charge of the Census
Now this morning a Health care provision that gets slipped in over the weekend WTF
If we were south of the equator we could circle the drain in the opposite direction:hammer:
Yep,, I am hoping that the Repubs point out that the Dems want to ration healthcare to seniors.. if that gets wide play, then it will be a real game changer..
Karl Rove in charge of the census would have made for some exciting moments.. LOL
02-10-2009, 10:56 AM
I read that part of the healthcare plan cuts some healthcare benes to the retired military/spouses (tricare) :nono:. That would be a deal breaker for me.
02-10-2009, 11:26 AM
I read that part of the healthcare plan cuts some healthcare benes to the retired military/spouses (tricare) :nono:. That would be a deal breaker for me.
as if WE the people have a vote... we wont and then it will be a war to get it undone..
btw, who is that in your avatar?:tu:
The worst part of the stimulus package, including the 700 billion TARP that came before, will be the catastrophic inflation that will follow them in four to six years. It will make the inflation of the 1980s look mild. The legislative liberals love inflation because it lets them pay for spending programs with "cheap money" and automatic tax increases. If you don't believe the automatic tax increase part, just look at the effects of AMT combined with inflation and capital gains tax combined with inflation:flaming:
02-10-2009, 01:11 PM
look at the video that moonshine posted
Pay attention to the section about the Romans and the history there ...
These are NOT new problems - We dont need new solutions
02-10-2009, 07:14 PM
+ 1000
02-10-2009, 10:47 PM
as if WE the people have a vote... we wont and then it will be a war to get it undone..
btw, who is that in your avatar?:tu:
Dana, yea i know, but it pisses me off they screw with the vets. Not so much me, but the old-timers on fixed incomes who can't really afford this crap.
I don't know who she is. I stole her from another dude on LightningRodder. I just like redheads....Prolly why i married one.:d
02-11-2009, 09:06 AM
I dont think either side Dem. or Rep. could come up with a plan let alone chew gum and run.My thoughts are its a good time to pick up some investments.:icon_mrgreen:Lets see Mr. Magoo(McCaine) or Obama(havent come up with a good one yet) Plan?BBWWWAAAA!!
02-11-2009, 09:28 AM
Very long 4 years ahead. Foreign Policy is the scariest part of this administration IMO.
Mark #2
02-24-2009, 09:19 PM
Well here we go, will see if I can believe any of it.
Mark #2
02-24-2009, 10:27 PM
Well the SO said it was all BS to her...and that the automobile was not invented in the USA. Good for her.:tu:
02-25-2009, 06:14 AM
His speeches are still at least half campaign speeches.. he (and his staff)will have to grow into the job(s). I did think that Bobby Jindal, La, was decent in his Republican response. However, the tone of this country is getting worse and if things dont get better soon, then Mr Obama and the Dems are in for a rough ride. I think they know that and are try ing to get as many pieces of legislation passed as the can right now, that is why they are moving so fast on a lot of stuff.. also, he will want to put as many goals that have dates that would be in his second term as possible.
02-25-2009, 12:49 PM
I was watching MSNBC the other night, and they were talking about how legalizing marijuana could bring us out of this economic slump. It is the biggest cash crop in the U.S. producing almost twice as much revenue as wheat and cotton. "The government alone would make 16 billion a year if they were to do so" they said.
It will never happen though...
02-25-2009, 01:57 PM
This was all I was hearing....
02-25-2009, 02:34 PM
Here is my real issue.. there have been precious little details to some major parts of his economic policy.. that is driving people out of the stock market. We have seen the market drop 25% since he was elected.. that is Billions and Billions of wealth gone and hundreds of thousands of folks hurt in their retirement plan(s) and retirement income.
He just needs to really focus in on what they are going to do, say EXACTLY, how the plans are going to work and why they will improve the economy.. and then be the biggest cheerleader for the plans possible.
He said pare the budget and no earmarks, but nothing could be further from the truth.. His plans look like he is making it up as he goes along and he is just throwing it against the wall to see if it sticks.. ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!:flaming:
ok, rant off.. :o
02-25-2009, 02:43 PM
I was always told if I have nothing nice to say don't say anything.....
02-25-2009, 02:45 PM
I was always told if I have nothing nice to say don't say anything.....
true true.. at least my post was constructive criticism.. :D
02-25-2009, 04:29 PM
your post was well written and factual so I had nothing to add.... that was nice
02-25-2009, 04:33 PM
your post was well written and factual so I had nothing to add.... that was nice
well..... you could have added that the market fell again today... :mad:
02-25-2009, 04:35 PM
i just hope the beautiful lustre of this new fandangold (sp) president, where i see shirts, bumper stickers, and what not with his face planted all over it that reminds me of Hitler and other leaders who placed there faces all over their country and what not, wears off to these people and they can see that what he is doing is not all that he is cracked up to be. i couldnt agree more that his speeches are still so pre-election filled that i just cannot think but look at his face and see him talking out of his ass to a country that CAN take the truth, but if he told us the truth, the lesser educated and those not following closely would not understand and then hate him, much like Bush, and all that political history.
America jumps on bandwagons. hoooray. spend your money and do not hold onto it. we could've gotten our way out of this "crisis" without the stimulus package. its cyclical.
sorry, i know im quiet and i dont post much but i love the thoughts in here and Dana i couldnt agree more.
02-25-2009, 04:41 PM
I was watching the Daily Show last night and there was alot of talk about this :tex
02-25-2009, 04:44 PM
While I do not agree with President Obama's policies and, at this time, the way he does things, he is my president, even though I didnt vote for him. We, and I, need him to be successful in regard to getting our economy going, but all too much, he is looking more like Jimmy Carter (yes, I am old enough to remember him and I also recall trying to buy my first property, a condo at 18% interest). I am very concerned about the amount of spending that is going on and the amount being spent on non-urgent projects and earmarks. I agree that money spent on some repairs of infrastructure is needed and long overdue.. but its some of the other stuff that should have gone through the proper process of the budget, via committee, that bothers me.. while the President did not do this by himself, he is allowing the most liberal parts of his Party make the decisions and drive the process. I just dont agree with it and it makes me feel very uncomfortable..
MY suggestion to all that read here.. inflation is coming and it will hit hard.. when it does hit, if you dont own a home now, buy one that you like and get a mortgage that has low rates, because when all of the prices start to jump out of control and the price of credit jumps up and goes to double digits, your head will literally spin..
02-25-2009, 09:54 PM
I here a bunch of dissagreeing with Dem. plan.O.K. what do you think Mr. Magoo Mccain and Bam Bam could have done diff.I think Obama is using his fishing tackle from the box fairly,i still think he should tax the shit out of foreign made stuff more and firearms(him being the # 1 gun salesman of all time:tongue:).Im for someone who steps up to bat and actually hits.I still think the answer to this is a technology advance in several areas.Just have to wait and see.Love the under 2.00$ premium gas prices.As far as legalation of Marijuana Cutter:rll::rll::rll:.The system would regress:rll::rll::hammer:Fast food would be bad ass though!:rll::rll::beer:
02-26-2009, 07:38 AM
I here a bunch of dissagreeing with Dem. plan.O.K. what do you think Mr. Magoo Mccain and Bam Bam could have done diff.
Actually, I do think they would have done a better job at this point.. what the Repubs have offered up make a lot more sense and attack the very issues that are causing the problem... I dont think an $8 BILLION high speed railroad from Disneyland to Las Vegas is an answer.. or something that we need at that price tag..
I do believe that by NOT encouraging more than just alternative fuels, wind and solar, we are going to be energy independent.. we do need more access to oil and nuclear should be an option too.. closing Gitmo is foolish and one of those "feel good" ideas that when you have to really do it, you realize that it wasnt such a good idea after all..
We need politicians that are not in it for themselves and not in it to bring pork back to their districts but rather in it for the good ol' US of A.. but that day may be beyond us unless we make it that way by law..
02-26-2009, 09:43 AM
Its easy to say "tax the shit out of foreign stuff" from your living room sofa, but the reason that is actually tough in real life is because we have trade agreements with certain countries that would be violated if we did so. For others, if we raise the import tax its almost certain they would do the same to us.
02-26-2009, 11:12 AM
Its easy to say "tax the shit out of foreign stuff" from your living room sofa, but the reason that is actually tough in real life is because we have trade agreements with certain countries that would be violated if we did so. For others, if we raise the import tax its almost certain they would do the same to us.
Yes, absolutely, and I likes my cheap electronics... However, I would not have a problem with some state sponsored projects to move manufacturing back to the states.. tax free zones, low interest building loans, etc.. except the unions would want to move in a ruin it all.. (ok, that last one is my personal opinion)..
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