View Full Version : Yeee Hawwww

02-19-2009, 05:11 PM
If things go well,,, we could be hunting from helicopters!!!:tu::tu:



02-20-2009, 07:36 AM
Try that with your bow???

02-20-2009, 09:10 AM
Try that with your bow???

That would be fun and a challenge.. if they really want to get rid of those pigs, they just need to really open it up for a lot of hunters but specifically bowhunters.. the issue is that a lot of the pigs are on private property and the owners want to charge $$ for the right to come hunt them. But then again, I could be wrong about that.. however, hunting from a helicopter has got to be fun.. (even with a gun)


02-20-2009, 11:28 PM
Wild-hog problem solved.:evil:bows http://www.dillonaero.com/videos.html

02-21-2009, 07:21 AM
Wild-hog problem solved.:evil:bows http://www.dillonaero.com/videos.html

yes, but you might get a little collateral damage with some of that stuff, dont you think? :D


02-21-2009, 09:24 PM
That would be fun and a challenge.. if they really want to get rid of those pigs, they just need to really open it up for a lot of hunters but specifically bowhunters.. the issue is that a lot of the pigs are on private property and the owners want to charge $$ for the right to come hunt them. But then again, I could be wrong about that.. however, hunting from a helicopter has got to be fun.. (even with a gun)


Texans have made a bussiness about pig hunting and any other hunting.As far as helicopter hunting,unless i can have a door mounted m-60 or 50 cal auto i dont see the fun in it.