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View Full Version : For those of you wondering (video is 2 hour long)

03-15-2009, 08:18 PM
Why ammo is out of stock every where.
Why we are in a depression.
Why Oboma is all ready breaking promises.
Why gas got so high.
Why the cops refused to get rid of the illegals when they could.
Why our Governor refused federal aid.
And a few other things I did not even know had a why too ask about.


03-15-2009, 10:43 PM
some no name rapper (krs) is an analyst to them

The "oligarchy" wants the world wide depression ? That makes no sense

Where are they keeping their money ? In their mattresses ?

03-16-2009, 06:36 AM
some no name rapper (krs) is an analyst to them

The "oligarchy" wants the world wide depression ? That makes no sense

Where are they keeping their money ? In their mattresses ?

I dont think the rapper is an analyst, he is just someone that understands what is going on and is willing to speak out.

The oligarchy has set up to make the depression happen while their money is safely tucked away in their own banks. They create the "catastrophe" so that the lemmings will follow the charismatic leader and do their bidding. How else would you get the Congress to sign over 700 Billion to the Treasure Secretary with virtually no strings, as an example? I could go on but dont want to type pages..
If you are familiar with the end times in the Bible, it actually makes sense.


03-16-2009, 08:07 AM
I dont think the rapper is an analyst, he is just someone that understands what is going on and is willing to speak out.

The oligarchy has set up to make the depression happen while their money is safely tucked away in their own banks. They create the "catastrophe" so that the lemmings will follow the charismatic leader and do their bidding. How else would you get the Congress to sign over 700 Billion to the Treasure Secretary with virtually no strings, as an example? I could go on but dont want to type pages..
If you are familiar with the end times in the Bible, it actually makes sense.


Assuming I believe it

Whats the point ? How do the super rich, who have hundreds of billions and obey no laws, benefit from destroying the world economy ?

And to build one KRS-Ones credibility

September 11 comments

In 2004, KRS engendered a controversy when he was quoted in a panel discussion hosted by The New Yorker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Yorker) magazine as saying that "we cheered when 9/11 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11,_2001_attacks) happened". The comment drew criticism from many sources, including a pointed barb by the New York Daily News (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Daily_News) that called Parker an "anarchist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchy)" and said that "If Osama bin Laden (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden) ever buys a rap album, he'll probably start with a CD by KRS-One."[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KRS-One#cite_note-6)
Parker responded to the commotion surrounding his comments with an editorial written for AllHipHop.com (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=AllHipHop.com&action=edit&redlink=1), stating:

I was asked about why hiphop has not engaged the current situation more (meaning 9/11), my response was "because it does not affect us, or at least we don’t perceive that it affects us, 9/11 happened to them". I went on to say that "I am speaking for the culture now; I am not speaking my personal opinion." I continued to say; "9/11 affected them down the block; the rich, the powerful those that are oppressing us as a culture. Sony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony), RCA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RCA) or BMG (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMG), Universal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Music), the radio stations, Clear Channel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_Channel), Viacom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viacom) with BET (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Entertainment_Television) and MTV (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MTV), those are our oppressors, those are the people that we're trying to overcome in hiphop everyday, this is a daily thing. We cheered when 9/11 happened in New York and say that proudly here. Because when we were down at the trade center (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center) we were getting hit over the head by cops, told that we can’t come in this building, hustled down to the train station because of the way we dressed and talked, and so on, we were racially profiled (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_profiling). So, when the planes hit the building we were like, "mmmm, justice." And just as I began to say "now of course a lot of our friends and family were lost there as well" I was interrupted...

03-16-2009, 08:34 AM
Assuming I believe it

Whats the point ? How do the super rich, who have hundreds of billions and obey no laws, benefit from destroying the world economy ?

And to build one KRS-Ones credibility

I guess I didnt explain myself well enough in regard to the world economy issue.. history shows how when there is a disaster, it has allowed for the rise of the leader that takes power and then becomes the hard handed leader.. Hitler, Stalin, etc.. they then use those leaders to rebuild the economy but then profit from that rise in economy. Just think, if you knew that the market was going to tank, took your money out, let it drop 50% and then put it back in to ride it all up again, all the while increasing taxes and taking more of the wages of those that work, hey its a great gig and you also take more power for yourself..
in regard to KRS, I dont know the guy, dont care what his opinion is.. he is just another person that has an opinion..
I will say this, I do have to do more research on the entire thing.. I am very hesitant to believe what they say about 9/11, also these guys say that FEMA is building some camps around the country too.. I would have to see evidence of this first hand. FEMA does have the right to invoke martial law anywhere, anytime.
I do know that one of the biggests hurdles that anyone has in regard to taking over is the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Our right to keep and bear arms is a critical piece in all of this. For example, during WW2, the Japanese had actually considered invading the US. However, they decided not to given the numbers of citizens that had guns here. They felt that the resistance they would encounter would be too high with so many citizens being able to readily arm themselves and fight back.

Ok, I am not going to post on this thread anymore.. my suggestion is that you watch the video, do your research, look at events and draw your own conclusions. What I would say is that just doing things as simple as sending your local, state and federal representatives emails telling them what you think in a respectful and concise way can do a lot more than you think. They want to be re-elected, they know if you take the time to send an email you might be watching how they vote.. and then, go vote when you have the chance for the candidate of your choice.


03-16-2009, 09:53 AM
If you are familiar with the end times in the Bible, it actually makes sense.


Congratulations, I think you have invented the 21st century version of Godwin's Law.

03-16-2009, 10:31 AM
Congratulations, I think you have invented the 21st century version of Godwin's Law.

maybe.. I did say Hitler in there didnt I? but I tried to blunt the impact of it by saying that one should see it, investigate it, and then make up their own mind.. but being a Christian, I am hoping that some here have taken the time to study the end times so as to recognize the events as they occur.


03-16-2009, 11:50 AM
Congratulations, I think you have invented the 21st century version of Godwin's Law.
Godwins Law - Ill have to remember that

03-16-2009, 11:51 AM
Godwins Law - Ill have to remember that

me too..I had to go look it up..

03-16-2009, 06:32 PM
For those that don't believe.
Just look at what is going on right now.

They are introducing new taxes now based on global warming (carbon tax) to avoid the "coming catastrophe". Despite the fact that every time the Earth has warmed up, humans have prospered the most. Just like the video said they would. The solutions to every issue related to "global warming" is all ready in place and ready to go. But for some reason, they are very slow to make it to market. And don't say Hydrogen burning vehicles is not cost effective. It was worked out in the 70's and it took the guy 2 years to get a patent. Even the Dallas school district had a contest of kids that made a car get over 100 MPG. If these kids can do it, why can the brightest minds in the world do it? I'm sure they can, but I'm also sure the people making money on gas will not let it get to the light.

So lets see if 1 + 1 still = 2

1. The technology does exist to at minimum, greatly improve fuel mileage. But is not on the market due to one government block or another.

2. The government is introducing all these new carbon tax laws to generate even more revenue.

Carbon tax laws? Hummmm gas emits a huge amount of carbon.

Just one example of the tax you to death loop.

And I do mean tax you to death. Just how do poor starving people fight an oppressive government?

In short. Yes, it's about money, but it's more so about power.

And just to point out a fact.



03-16-2009, 06:50 PM
how are the starving masses going to be making money for the oppressors ?

Is it going to be the matrix again ?

03-16-2009, 06:54 PM
While I definately agree that carbon taxes are just another way to raise revenues from people, I dont think that it is quite so simple to make a 100MPG car. I mean, if DISD kids can do it, exactly what is stopping the regular guy? There are a lot of car guys on this board. None of us has it figured. Its just not that simple.

03-16-2009, 06:58 PM

OK If you and your friends had as little as 70% of all the wealth in the world. What would you do?

Answer. Any damn thing you wanted to. = Power.

And yes they are people with the means, willingness and the intelligence's to do just exactly that.

Edit: The only thing stopping them is you and me with our 1st and 2nd amendment rights. Witch is under attack every day with all the new laws that conflict with those two amendments .

03-16-2009, 06:59 PM
While I definately agree that carbon taxes are just another way to raise revenues from people, I dont think that it is quite so simple to make a 100MPG car. I mean, if DISD kids can do it, exactly what is stopping the regular guy? There are a lot of car guys on this board. None of us has it figured. Its just not that simple.

Yes it is. The world record in 73 is over 300 GPM.

The hard part is making it legal.

03-16-2009, 07:04 PM
While I definately agree that carbon taxes are just another way to raise revenues from people, I dont think that it is quite so simple to make a 100MPG car. I mean, if DISD kids can do it, exactly what is stopping the regular guy? There are a lot of car guys on this board. None of us has it figured. Its just not that simple.

actually, I think it was even posted on here, where a guy had a diesel over in Europe that met all the safety and emissions standards and got 150 mpg on the hwy and 100 in town..I think he got bought up by BMW.. it can be done.. problem is, it wont look and drive like a Lightning or a CTS.. but it can be done..



different car
http://www.king5.com/business/stories/NW_060308WAB_150_mile_per_gallon_hybrid_TP.5a43f7c d.html

I dont think this one will be a huge hit..

03-16-2009, 10:49 PM
Those links are hilarious.

No one is going to want a 20hp motor driving their car.

The second link fails to mention how much that conversion costs. Anything can be done with unlimited cash.

And the third one it says won't go on sale for three more years, and looks like a shuttlecraft from Star Trek.

Its real easy to have a press conference, or build *one* car, but building something that can do what you are talking about, meet all emissions and safety standards, be at least semi-attractive looking, low cost, low maintenance, and have warranty costs that are acceptable is not nearly so easy.

03-17-2009, 08:00 AM
Those links are hilarious.

No one is going to want a 20hp motor driving their car.

The second link fails to mention how much that conversion costs. Anything can be done with unlimited cash.

And the third one it says won't go on sale for three more years, and looks like a shuttlecraft from Star Trek.

Its real easy to have a press conference, or build *one* car, but building something that can do what you are talking about, meet all emissions and safety standards, be at least semi-attractive looking, low cost, low maintenance, and have warranty costs that are acceptable is not nearly so easy.

and this is why they havent been popular.. who wants a 20hp car, although it doesnt take much more than that to push a normal car down the highway at highway speeds.. the second one is probably very realistic and the conversion costs are most likely in the $3-5k range, but if put on an assembly line and if you produce over 20k of them, then that may move that number down a bit.. the last one, well who knows, but if and when gas hits $4 a gallon here, you will have a ton of folks looking for them.


03-18-2009, 10:48 AM
These taxes are getting out of hand. I didnt know that they were doing a carbon tax. I noticed that they raised taxes on tobacco recently, i just paid 6 dollars for a can of Cope snuff. Its crazy. Didnt we come over to this country to get away from taxes and to get freedom of religion? Now our own government that we created is doing the same thing to us. Thats why we left england if im not mistaken...(i know im not). We need to rebel or do something drastic about all the oppressions the government is putting on us. In todays world they are taxing the things that we need the most. Remember the Boston Tea Party? That was all done because of over taxing the tea....TEA! Tea isnt even addictive.......like tobacco......and you dont need it to get to the job that your working at just so that you can buy more of it cause you cant live without it.......like oil products. I mean come on, have we become that submissive? Are we just to tangled up to realize whats goin on? Probally so.....................but im sick of it. And on another note ill be god dam*** if they think they are gonna take my guns from me.

03-18-2009, 11:41 AM
These taxes are getting out of hand. I didnt know that they were doing a carbon tax. I noticed that they raised taxes on tobacco recently, i just paid 6 dollars for a can of Cope snuff. Its crazy. Didnt we come over to this country to get away from taxes and to get freedom of religion? Now our own government that we created is doing the same thing to us. Thats why we left england if im not mistaken...(i know im not). We need to rebel or do something drastic about all the oppressions the government is putting on us. In todays world they are taxing the things that we need the most. Remember the Boston Tea Party? That was all done because of over taxing the tea....TEA! Tea isnt even addictive.......like tobacco......and you dont need it to get to the job that your working at just so that you can buy more of it cause you cant live without it.......like oil products. I mean come on, have we become that submissive? Are we just to tangled up to realize whats goin on? Probally so.....................but im sick of it. And on another note ill be god dam*** if they think they are gonna take my guns from me.

So when this stuff comes up, you will write your representative and vote.. right?

03-18-2009, 11:45 AM

03-18-2009, 11:47 AM
complaining about taxes is a waste of time unless there is going to be a revolution

The ONLY power the govt has is taxes - if you make a flat tax or anything else it takes away all the power

Look at AIG - congress is pissed about the bonuses - what are they going to do ? Go get the money back from AIG and the execs ? No - they are going to implment new taxes to get it back :hammer::hammer:

03-18-2009, 12:10 PM
complaining about taxes is a waste of time unless there is going to be a revolution

The ONLY power the govt has is taxes - if you make a flat tax or anything else it takes away all the power

Look at AIG - congress is pissed about the bonuses - what are they going to do ? Go get the money back from AIG and the execs ? No - they are going to implment new taxes to get it back :hammer::hammer:

As I understand it, that's the only legal way they can get that money back.

To put it another way -

If you purchased a controlling stake in a company yourself, and then found out they gave the CEO a big bonus, you would have no legal remedy for getting that money back.

Luckily, if you are in the business of drafting legislation, you can get that money back by doing what you do - make new law.

03-18-2009, 12:15 PM
complaining about taxes is a waste of time unless there is going to be a revolution

The ONLY power the govt has is taxes - if you make a flat tax or anything else it takes away all the power

Look at AIG - congress is pissed about the bonuses - what are they going to do ? Go get the money back from AIG and the execs ? No - they are going to implment new taxes to get it back :hammer::hammer:

Doug, we agree, however, there are some Boston Tea Parties being thrown all across the US.. even Whoopi Goldberg said something on The View about enough taxes already..
vote the incumbent out.. let them lose their seniority and benefits.. send emails to your representatives.. they will respond enough people keep telling them to do things differently.

03-18-2009, 03:26 PM
I say we revolt:gatling:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson


03-18-2009, 03:28 PM
I say we revolt:gatling:


actually there may be some movement on this.. the new Administration has takes SOOOO many liberties with spending our money that even the meek and mild, quiet moderates and the silent majority are getting motivated enough to stand up and be heard.. our current Congress is out of control.. IMHO


03-26-2009, 10:24 PM
Assuming I believe it

Whats the point ? How do the super rich, who have hundreds of billions and obey no laws, benefit from destroying the world economy ?

And to build one KRS-Ones credibility

Here is your answer.



03-27-2009, 07:53 AM
Pick your spot in the mass graves being prepared in AZ



03-27-2009, 09:16 AM
Wait, I am confused. Are the mass graves for the troops?

Or are they for the victims of the freak tornados that the super-rich people's weather machine will create in Chicago?