View Full Version : Formula 1 2009

03-15-2009, 10:19 PM
Well, the first real pre-race practice is in 10 days in Australia..This should be a very interesting year.. with the addition of KERS and other rule changes, the field could be a bit different. Rumor has it that Mercedes is down on power, that Ferrari is fast but not sure about reliable. The new Honda's under Ferrari's old manager are looking pretty fast.. could be another year where the championship comes down to the last corner of the last race like last year.. I still remember screaming at the screen as the race was ending thinking that Felipe Massa just might pull the championship ring out of the hat and that Hamilton would snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory..

Go Ferrari, Go Massa, Go Kimi.. (not necessarily in that order)

Also, what about the new American team that is being assembled to compete in F1 next year?


03-17-2009, 11:27 AM
F1 champion to be determined by race wins

PARIS – Formula One's championship will be decided by the number of race wins and not accumulated points.
Governing body FIA decided Tuesday that the current points system will remain in effect to determine the driver's title in the case of a tie, with points also determining the order of the drivers who finish the season behind the overall champion.
Under the new system, Ferrari's Felipe Massa would have won the 2008 championship instead of Lewis Hamilton of McLaren. The Brazilian driver won six grand prix races to Hamilton's five.
The 10 F1 teams had been looking to change the points to a 12-9-7 scoring system for first through third place, from its current 10-9-8 allocation. F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone had initially preferred a medals tally, but FIA approved Ecclestone's revised proposal, which will not affect the constructors' championship.
FIA's World Motor Sports Council also approved further regulation changes to decrease costs in the face of the worldwide economic crisis.
"All teams will have the option to compete with cars built and operated within a stringent cost cap," the council said.
A proposed cap of $42 million would cover expenditures of "any kind" and to give such cars greater technical freedom. That would entail "a more aerodynamically efficient upper body, movable wings and an engine which is not subject to a rev limit or a development freeze."
Car weights will be published following Saturday's qualifying session and would rename tire grades for better clarity to spectators. Drivers must also be available for further autograph sessions and better media availability.
F1 teams will also be limited to eight one-day aerodynamic tests during the course of the season instead of a total ban on in-season testing, and allowed three one-day "young driver" tests featuring pilots who have not raced more than two GPs in the preceding 24 months.
The council, meeting before the start of the season-opening Australian Grand Prix on March 29, also rubber-stamped Brawn GP's purchase of Honda while waiving the new entry fee that usually accompanies a new team on the starting grid.

03-25-2009, 07:22 PM
Right now it's a grab bag. Don't know what's going to happen. Kimi seems quietly confident, but I'm not going to hold my breathe with Ferrari. I don't expect McLaren to be in the middle of the pack either. I expect a good fight.


03-25-2009, 07:57 PM
Right now it's a grab bag. Don't know what's going to happen. Kimi seems quietly confident, but I'm not going to hold my breathe with Ferrari. I don't expect McLaren to be in the middle of the pack either. I expect a good fight.


What do you think about the Brawn team? running Mercedes stuff? they had some good times earlier..

Hey, I will be driving to town this Sunday, but will try to catch the end of the race before I leave, comes on here at 1:30a I believe.. anyway, the place I am staying doesnt carry Speed Channel:mad:.. want to try to find a breakfast place to watch the race? :eek:starting with the second one?:icon_wink:


03-29-2009, 09:24 PM
Sorry Dana, I didn't check the boards 'til tonight. I would have been down, as I got done playing hockey around 1 in the morning. I ended up watching about half the race. Kimi seems to be under some pressure to perform. Massa seems to be doing better than his teammate. I guess that Schumi training is paying off;).


03-31-2009, 03:30 PM
Was glad to see Jenson win a race.. he is one of my favorite drivers.. but Team Ferrari didnt look so good..


04-01-2009, 08:58 AM
Some of why I like F1

My favorite driver


And the crew



a red head - a really nice red head


04-02-2009, 08:28 AM
I do have to admit.. saw a lot more "beautiful people" at the F1 races than at any other kind... I miss going to the races:(...those are some good times..

Malaysia is this weekend..one of the venues I would like to go to before I die... I do believe we will eventually make it to Monaco knanafor that one.. although its not going to be cheap..


04-03-2009, 09:57 AM
Well, Trulli was put back in third place for the last race and Hamilton was stripped of his finish due to "misleading comments from him and the race team following an investigation after the race".. They have no plans to appeal the stewards decision..

Wow:eek:,, I have NEVER EVER heard of that happening before..


07-30-2009, 08:17 PM
Dana? Thoughts?


I think Schumi will bring the Ferrari up a bit as far as race performance goes, but it will be too little/too late to make a legit run at the DC or CC. It may only be a race or two until Massa returns as well...


07-30-2009, 08:22 PM
Dana? Thoughts?


I think Schumi will bring the Ferrari up a bit as far as race performance goes, but it will be too little/too late to make a legit run at the DC or CC. It may only be a race or two until Massa returns as well...

You can bet I will watch every minute, being the HUGE MS fan that I am.. however, he has been gone a long time and hasnt driven this car ever.. so I think he will do mid pack at best.. but one can hope.. if he finishes higher than Kimi, you know there will be rumblings and rumors and ALL kinds of DRAMA.. just the way F1 likes it..

hmmmm, wonder what Bernie thinks about this?


07-31-2009, 08:04 PM
Bernie will think its great publicity. Any publicity for F1 is good publicity, save the sex scandals;). I wouldn't be surprised if he did finish higher than Kimi. While I feel that the team will cater to him more than Kimi, he will be able to extract every single ounce of performance without going over the limit(something that Kimi's gotten better about, but still can learn from a master).

One thing I can almost guarantee. You won't see Kimi help Schumi, or Schumi help Kimi. I say almost...


08-01-2009, 12:08 AM
Bernie will think its great publicity. Any publicity for F1 is good publicity, save the sex scandals;). I wouldn't be surprised if he did finish higher than Kimi. While I feel that the team will cater to him more than Kimi, he will be able to extract every single ounce of performance without going over the limit(something that Kimi's gotten better about, but still can learn from a master).

One thing I can almost guarantee. You won't see Kimi help Schumi, or Schumi help Kimi. I say almost...


you got that right.. no love lost between them.. although, I was darned proud of Kimi at the last race.. he is my new favorite, well was until MS returned... but I was hoping he would be a much stronger competitor with Ferrari.. but not so much.. I am concerned that he just doesnt have the fire to win at all costs anymore.. he is driving to get the paycheck to support his other habits..at least he hasnt pulled a Villeneuve yet.. of course the silly season is going on and you get to hear all kinds of stories, there is the now perpetual, Alonso going to Ferrari, but I also have heard that Vettel is moving to Ferrari.. I wouldnt mind seeing that happen.. Of course I like Button and wouldnt mind seeing him in a Ferrari, but I have had enough of Rubens.. used to like him, not so much anymore..

outside of the Finns, follow anyone else?


08-02-2009, 03:03 PM
you got that right.. no love lost between them.. although, I was darned proud of Kimi at the last race.. he is my new favorite, well was until MS returned... but I was hoping he would be a much stronger competitor with Ferrari.. but not so much.. I am concerned that he just doesnt have the fire to win at all costs anymore.. he is driving to get the paycheck to support his other habits..at least he hasnt pulled a Villeneuve yet.. of course the silly season is going on and you get to hear all kinds of stories, there is the now perpetual, Alonso going to Ferrari, but I also have heard that Vettel is moving to Ferrari.. I wouldnt mind seeing that happen.. Of course I like Button and wouldnt mind seeing him in a Ferrari, but I have had enough of Rubens.. used to like him, not so much anymore..

outside of the Finns, follow anyone else?


I think that Kimi is seen as an outsider. He's so damn stoic, he(like most Finns) is the anti-Italian, which I think tends to make him an outsider. And when you only have more support going toward Massa(and now Schumi), what's a man to do? His paycheck is more important now though, I agree on that. I'm not sure how well he bonds with his mechanics and his crew. I think Kimi does want to win though. I just don't think the Ferrari is that good. Ferrari took a step back this season, while others moved forward. KERS doesn't seem to be as good as other manufacturer's. I dunno, something's just not clicking at Ferrari. While I do feel that Kimi is *part* to blame for not wringing out everything out of a car, I feel like the R&D is part to blame as well, as well as managment going all Italy. Just my 2 cents tho;).

I honestly have followed too much of anyone else. I'm a biased bastard;). That and McLaren kill me now since Lewis is such a deity there..


08-11-2009, 04:12 AM
Well, its not going to happen now.. MS had hurt his neck and its not going to be well enough for him to race now.. what a HUGE disappointment to me on this one.. one last hurrah, would have been nice but I bet that Kimi is one happy camper.. he is their #1 driver now for sure, well at least the next few races until Massa gets back.. Go Kimi Go.. interesting note.. the only athlete to win more money than Kimi is Tiger Woods..


08-15-2009, 01:19 PM
Kimi is a greedy bastard;). The good news is that Luca Badoer gets his chance to strut his stuff. He's been a real good test driver for Ferrari. I actually wanted to see Kimi vs. Schumi, actually. It would have been interesting to see. I'd like to see two same exact cars(if that's possible) and Schumi and Kimi pitted against each other. Interesting would be an understatement.


08-20-2009, 06:46 AM
McLaren: we want to keep Kovalainen, but he’ll have to improve

Looks like he is on the bubble to return. His contract ends this year and they want more out of him.. stay tuned..

Also, did you see the new regs for next year? They are messing around with success again.. no refueling.. didnt we do that one before and it was a huge dissatisfier? At least they can change tyres. They also increased min weight to help with fitting KERS on the cars.. but that means slower cars and they will need the extra weight to carry all that fuel around with them.. ARGHHH


08-23-2009, 11:29 PM
As far as Heikki goes, it's tongue in cheek. I watched the race today(replay) and they said that McLaren would love to have a German behind the wheel ala Nico Rosberg. Which is funny because I see Nico as a Finn(father is Keke, mother is German).

So now there's no refueling coming up next year? That's garbage...sorry to say that, but c'mon! What are they going to say next? Driver's can't piss after midnight before the race? I mean, it just doesn't make sense. The no tire changing was a failure, and it endangered drivers, spectators and stewards alike. No refueling is another stupid attempt to change things that don't need to be changed. Agreed on frustration, Dana!


08-24-2009, 07:17 AM
As far as Heikki goes, it's tongue in cheek. I watched the race today(replay) and they said that McLaren would love to have a German behind the wheel ala Nico Rosberg. Which is funny because I see Nico as a Finn(father is Keke, mother is German).

So now there's no refueling coming up next year? That's garbage...sorry to say that, but c'mon! What are they going to say next? Driver's can't piss after midnight before the race? I mean, it just doesn't make sense. The no tire changing was a failure, and it endangered drivers, spectators and stewards alike. No refueling is another stupid attempt to change things that don't need to be changed. Agreed on frustration, Dana!


I watched the race and really enjoyed it.. nice for Rubens to get a win before he retires.. hard to believe that he has only won 10 races over his career, but if you are MS's partner, well you arent going to win a lot of them..

I was happy for Kimi getting third, he drove fairly well, and I thought he might do even better. He got a great launch at the start and made pretty good use of it.


08-30-2009, 08:16 PM
Kimi made a great move at the start today and then KERS got him around Fisi for the win.. although, you do have to wonder, would Fisi ever have passed him anyway, since he is waiting on that long awaited call from Maranello on Monday?:D


Go Kimi Go

08-31-2009, 10:13 PM
This is going to sound kinda funny, and even borderline conspiracy theory-ish. I find it somewhat odd that Kimi takes third and first 2 races after Massa being out. It seems to me that maybe the team was giving some preferential treatment to Massa, and not just by having Schumi guide him either. One thing I still feel is that Kimi is an outsider. Not the boisterous type, rather the quiet one. <---except when he's drunk!:)

I also think its funny that Schumi won't help Kimi out at all, but will guide Massa without any hesitation. I think that Schumi may be a bit jealous of Kimi, despite the difference in DC's. Kimi's still young, but if he can get the whole team to support him, I think that he has a legit chance winning more DC's. I think in a way Schumi sees a lot of himself in Kimi, which is one reason why they don't get along.

Don't mind me, just rambling here...


09-01-2009, 06:09 PM
This is going to sound kinda funny, and even borderline conspiracy theory-ish. I find it somewhat odd that Kimi takes third and first 2 races after Massa being out. It seems to me that maybe the team was giving some preferential treatment to Massa, and not just by having Schumi guide him either. One thing I still feel is that Kimi is an outsider. Not the boisterous type, rather the quiet one. <---except when he's drunk!:)

I also think its funny that Schumi won't help Kimi out at all, but will guide Massa without any hesitation. I think that Schumi may be a bit jealous of Kimi, despite the difference in DC's. Kimi's still young, but if he can get the whole team to support him, I think that he has a legit chance winning more DC's. I think in a way Schumi sees a lot of himself in Kimi, which is one reason why they don't get along.

Don't mind me, just rambling here...

I see your POV.. but I think its more like, I was pushed out and you took my spot, so Kimi boy, you aint gettin nothing from me but hard looks.. see if you can really fill my shoes..in fact, I will show you that the number two guy on the team is better than you... (in my best MS voice)..

but I agree with your first part where, gee whiz, all of a sudden Kimi has a fast ride.. Well he has one more year on the contract.. we shall see.. too late for him this year.. but it will be interesting to see who wins.. Button has just about collapsed.. If it wasnt Kimi or Massa, I would like to see Jenson win, he seems like a nice chap.


09-01-2009, 08:20 PM
I see your POV.. but I think its more like, I was pushed out and you took my spot, so Kimi boy, you aint gettin nothing from me but hard looks.. see if you can really fill my shoes..in fact, I will show you that the number two guy on the team is better than you... (in my best MS voice)..

but I agree with your first part where, gee whiz, all of a sudden Kimi has a fast ride.. Well he has one more year on the contract.. we shall see.. too late for him this year.. but it will be interesting to see who wins.. Button has just about collapsed.. If it wasnt Kimi or Massa, I would like to see Jenson win, he seems like a nice chap.


I'm not going to rule out that Schumi was pushed out. But are we sure that he was being pushed out, or was it "his time to retire"? Was it his decision or Ferrari's? That's something that we won't know though.

I do think it's too late for Kimi. Not just this year, but next as well. The team is more willing to adhere to Massa than Kimi due to personalities. Kimi was a much better fit characteristically at McLaren than at Ferrari. It just sucks that McLaren's reliability was crap(improved slightly in the past few years).


09-01-2009, 09:00 PM
I'm not going to rule out that Schumi was pushed out. But are we sure that he was being pushed out, or was it "his time to retire"? Was it his decision or Ferrari's? That's something that we won't know though.

I do think it's too late for Kimi. Not just this year, but next as well. The team is more willing to adhere to Massa than Kimi due to personalities. Kimi was a much better fit characteristically at McLaren than at Ferrari. It just sucks that McLaren's reliability was crap(improved slightly in the past few years).


true, and wait until Fisi gets there and gets a win or two before Massa returns.. :eek:


09-06-2009, 04:46 PM
I'm almost certain now that they won't renew Kimi's contract, as he is the one black sheep of the squad. Now with Fisi there, he'll be pushed out when Massa returns. Fisi as a third driver(Ferrari's words)? Are you kidding me? They'll shove Fisi ahead of Massa due to his nationality. Politics, such is life.


09-06-2009, 05:23 PM
I'm almost certain now that they won't renew Kimi's contract, as he is the one black sheep of the squad. Now with Fisi there, he'll be pushed out when Massa returns. Fisi as a third driver(Ferrari's words)? Are you kidding me? They'll shove Fisi ahead of Massa due to his nationality. Politics, such is life.


you think they will shove Kimi out before his contract it up? thats a lot of cash to pay out to the unemployed.. I am thinking they will keep Fisi in pocket just to make sure that Massa does return.. then keep him around for backup.. I am thinking they may be looking longer term at someone like Vettel too..


09-06-2009, 05:51 PM
you think they will shove Kimi out before his contract it up? thats a lot of cash to pay out to the unemployed.. I am thinking they will keep Fisi in pocket just to make sure that Massa does return.. then keep him around for backup.. I am thinking they may be looking longer term at someone like Vettel too..


No, I do think that they will push Kimi out once his contract is up. They'll do what they can to keep Fisi and Massa. I feel that even though Kimi is more or less their #1 for now, he'll be shuffled back and in his place Fisi will go. I doubt Massa will leave as he is getting help from Schumi and the rest of his crew(more so than Kimi). I've been wrong in the past before, but this is just a guess/hunch.


09-06-2009, 10:27 PM
No, I do think that they will push Kimi out once his contract is up. They'll do what they can to keep Fisi and Massa. I feel that even though Kimi is more or less their #1 for now, he'll be shuffled back and in his place Fisi will go. I doubt Massa will leave as he is getting help from Schumi and the rest of his crew(more so than Kimi). I've been wrong in the past before, but this is just a guess/hunch.


I am thinking that Massa might not come back from the injury.. I do think Kimi is safe for one year and one year only.. Fisi is Italian, enough said there. Kind of like your old friend Sato and any team sponsored by a Japanese firm.. right?


09-06-2009, 11:50 PM
I am thinking that Massa might not come back from the injury.. I do think Kimi is safe for one year and one year only.. Fisi is Italian, enough said there. Kind of like your old friend Sato and any team sponsored by a Japanese firm.. right?


That's exactly what I'm thinking of. Except Fisi does have some driving skills. Crash Course Sato was good for a name and heritage, and that's it. It's the same reason why the US F1 team wants an American driver. Ferrari is an Italian company that wants an Italian driver to win DC. Even Montezemolo said it.


What makes you say that Massa won't come back from his injury? Did you read something or just a hunch? I mean, honestly it sounds like a good hunch.


09-07-2009, 07:09 AM
That's exactly what I'm thinking of. Except Fisi does have some driving skills. Crash Course Sato was good for a name and heritage, and that's it. It's the same reason why the US F1 team wants an American driver. Ferrari is an Italian company that wants an Italian driver to win DC. Even Montezemolo said it.


What makes you say that Massa won't come back from his injury? Did you read something or just a hunch? I mean, honestly it sounds like a good hunch.


Just a hunch.. freakish, head injury ( not the usual feet, ankle, etc from a real accident).. also, just had his first kid, wife will be all over him.. has a ton of money now.. it would be a slam dunk had he won the DC instead of Hamilton.. IMHO...
But we shall see. He really doesnt have much to prove except to win the DC and he will have to assess if Ferrari will put a car on the grid that can win, they didnt this year, not sure with the new rules that they will next year either.. competitive yes, win the DC, maybe.


09-07-2009, 05:50 PM
Just a hunch.. freakish, head injury ( not the usual feet, ankle, etc from a real accident).. also, just had his first kid, wife will be all over him.. has a ton of money now.. it would be a slam dunk had he won the DC instead of Hamilton.. IMHO...
But we shall see. He really doesnt have much to prove except to win the DC and he will have to assess if Ferrari will put a car on the grid that can win, they didnt this year, not sure with the new rules that they will next year either.. competitive yes, win the DC, maybe.


Like I said, it sounds like a good hunch. Agreed on the oddball injury. The kid definitely helps out quite a bit in keeping him home. I think that despite him being set up for life, but you gotta remember, these are drivers. They love the seat time. They love the glamour(most of them, Kimi being an exception).

I think if Ferrari can put together a good car and let the drivers do the rest, then Massa will be back. It's kinda hard to take a lifelong hobby/career away from someone. Most of these folks have been racing since they were young kids(5 or so maybe?). So to see them make it to the top and then just say "deuces" would be kind of hard. Then again, Hakk did that;).


P.S. I wish I had half the talent these guys got.

09-13-2009, 09:11 AM
P.S. I wish I had half the talent these guys got.

I remember Doug saying how these guys make lap after lap within .1 seconds of each other.. have you ever tried to do that.. they are incredible but like a lot of other things, people who have that kind of skill make it look easy, even when it isnt.

09-13-2009, 09:16 AM
Actually the race was really pretty good today. There were good pit strategies with one and stop strategies, obviously, the one stop strategies paid off. There was some drama with some very close racing, the Toyota boys trying to take each other out for a minute. If you are a Red Bull fan, this was not the race for you on all kinds of levels. The Brawn Team bounces back, Hamilton gets a tough break.. and Kimi makes another podium.. But the real news this weekend is Force India.. what a nice run for pole, very competitive all race. They new driver is running well until the transmission pukes. All in all, a really nice race to watch.

Mika, Kova didnt help his cause today. However, with more teams coming in next year, he will have a ride somewhere. Fisi was in heaven, I am sure, all weekend. His showing was clearly better than Badoer (sp?) but he only had 3 days in the car before the race.. so he should get better.


09-13-2009, 11:48 AM
I don't feel bad for Lewis. He's a cocky a-hole. He's almost as arrogant as Schumi. Almost;). Except Schumi has something to be arrogant about. As far as the rest of the race goes, I'm glad that things were at least interesting instead of the normal parade laps. It would have been nice to see Kimi win for a few reasons(home race for Ferrari, and the obvious;) ), but it wasn't in his cards. Rubens and Button did well(more power to 'em). Heikki said that he lost quite a few spots at the start, and couldn't push because his tires didn't have the grip. By the time he got tires that had grip, it was too late to play catch up. Such is life. The good news is that F1 is interesting again.


09-13-2009, 06:48 PM
It is interesting.. thing about Schumi, he deserved to be cocky but he ALWAYS gave credit to the team.. the team won and the team lost.. he was always good to the mechanics, since he was one at one time. I would have liked to have seen Kimi win today too, but I dont think he had the pace to win the race.. he drove a good race, got a podium for the team and was able to hold off Sutil at the end.. F1 is interesting again this week, but they are trying to kill the golden goose again with the rule changes for next year, IMHO..


09-30-2009, 11:04 PM
Yes, the rumors were true.. Kimi R is out and Alonso is in.. I just might have to rethink my team support.. :mad::mad::mad::mad:


10-04-2009, 01:03 AM
Yes, the rumors were true.. Kimi R is out and Alonso is in.. I just might have to rethink my team support.. :mad::mad::mad::mad:


I am not surprised one bit, honestly. Kimi was always the "odd man out". He's not flamboyant, he's not flashy, he sure as hell isn't emotional(except when he's drunk). He gave credit to his team when they merited it, and took the blame on himself when needed. An ideal driver pushed out. Fact is Ferrari's had problems this year, and they don't want to blame the engineers(Italian), or the crew(Italian). They don't want to blame Massa, because his personality suits the team. So out goes Kimi.

I'll even go so far to say that Schumi had influence on that as well. I'd be he was whispering in Montezemolo(SP!)'s ear that Kimi should be gone. Payback is a biatch, and Schumi will get his revenge for being pushed out. Such is behind the door politics.

Of course, this is just my 2 cents. But my dad has said before, if it smells like shit and looks like shit, chances are you're better off not stepping in it or poking it.


10-04-2009, 01:42 AM
But it does look like Kimi will be back at McLaren, probably the best fit for him at F1. The entire race weekend at Suzuka was weird.. not sure if you watched the race or not.. but a lot of accidents, red flags, penalties, etc.. not sure if this is a safe track or not..

However, Button didnt help his cause this weekend. Vettel helped his cause a lot and its off to Brazil and then Abu Daubi


10-04-2009, 10:23 AM
But it does look like Kimi will be back at McLaren, probably the best fit for him at F1. The entire race weekend at Suzuka was weird.. not sure if you watched the race or not.. but a lot of accidents, red flags, penalties, etc.. not sure if this is a safe track or not..

However, Button didnt help his cause this weekend. Vettel helped his cause a lot and its off to Brazil and then Abu Daubi


That's what the guys were commenting on last night. Kimi back at McLaren. I agree that McLaren is the best fit for him. Yeah, I sorta watched it. Was on the comp at the same time. I'm not sure how well that will go though. Kimi and Lewis at McLaren? Both are 1 or A drivers, and I doubt neither will help each other out until one of them is completely out of the hunt for DC. I wouldn't be surprised if they did get CC.


11-01-2009, 11:45 AM
Well, got up and watched the Abu Dabi (sp?) Grand Prix this morning.. what a great great racetrack.. I can not imagine how much money that was poured into making it.. WOW.. I would love to go there.. anyway, good race, great drama at the end for 2nd place in the race.. there were some really good shots of the entire complex, including FERRARI LAND.
They had a few cameo's of folks, Boris Becker, Mika Hakkinen, etc etc.. They also said that Flavio was going back to court combat F1..

Well, on to the silly season to see who will be signing with who.. easy prediction, Jarno Trulli has seen his last ride in an F1 car..

Jean Todt will usher in a new era, lets see what he does different..

Next year will be without the failed KERS experiment but will bring with it the no refueling rule that is being brought back from the mid '90's.. arghhh

And again, Congratulations to Jenson Button for winning the DC. One of the truly nice guys in F1. Now my allegiance to Ferrari will be tested with the addition of Fernando.. he is truly a great driver, its that he is such an arse.

Mika, will McLaren Merc sign Kimi for the $30M he wants? and dont forget, he gets $20M from Ferrari next year for not driving for them.. not a bad deal if you can get it. Also, I hear that HK has said good things about McM in every language except Finnish, and that McM wants him to come in and explain himself. So what gives there?


11-08-2009, 12:38 PM
What I don't get is why they keep changing the rules. I guess they do that to keep things on an even playing field. But I do feel that they go a bit overboard with it.

I'm done with Ferrari. I can see characteristically why Ferrari would be willing to go with Alonso. Talent wise, its' a moot point.

McLaren may/may not sign Kimi for the $30M. I wouldn't be surprised if he took a pay cut to get into a front runner team. If he really wants to race, he'll take a pay cut to get back with McLaren. Don't what the beef is with Heikki not saying good things about McLAren in Finnish. turunsanomat.fi is where I get my stuff from. Just spoke with my uncle, and from what he hears Kimi will most likely be with McLaren. He says that he's not worried about it though, as if he takes a sabbatical he can enter the rally scene. He's got $50M from Ferrari/Santander next year, $30M for the last season and a $20M penalty for breaking the contract. So he's not hurting for money.

The last few years, F1 hasn't had the same draw to me. Kimi going to Ferrari, Bernie doing his stuff, changing rules at a whim, Ferrari treating Kimi the way they did. $$$ talks, and Santander wanted Alonso in a red car. If Kimi takes a year off, I'll try to follow him in the rally scene, be it locally in Finland or if he somehow finds a ride in WRC.


12-23-2009, 05:35 PM
Schumacher to race for Mercedes in 2010

http://www.formula1.com/wi/225x/manual/schumacher_joins_mercedes.jpg (http://www.formula1.com/wi/597x478/manual/schumacher_joins_mercedes.jpg) http://www.formula1.com/wi/225x/manual/livery_merc_pet.jpg (http://www.formula1.com/wi/597x478/manual/livery_merc_pet.jpg) http://www.formula1.com/wi/225x/manual/schumacher_joins_mercedes_2.jpg (http://www.formula1.com/wi/597x478/manual/schumacher_joins_mercedes_2.jpg) http://www.formula1.com/wi/225x/manual/gala_prize_giving_brawn.jpg (http://www.formula1.com/wi/597x478/manual/gala_prize_giving_brawn.jpg) http://www.formula1.com/wi/225x/sutton/2009/d09bra283.jpg (http://www.formula1.com/wi/597x478/sutton/2009/d09bra283.jpg)
German firm welcome back their former 'apprentice'

After weeks of speculation Mercedes confirmed on Wednesday that Michael Schumacher will make a comeback to race for the team next season alongside fellow German Nico Rosberg.

Schumacher, who retired at the end of 2006, has signed a deal that will see him return to the Formula One grid at the age of 41, bidding to add to his record tally of 91 wins and seven world titles.

It follows a planned comeback earlier this year for Ferrari - the team with which he won his last five drivers’ championships - to replace the injured Felipe Massa. Those plans had to be abandoned because of a neck injury from a motorbike accident.

Now fully fit, Schumacher will revive his relationship with Mercedes, a company with whom he had close ties earlier in his career. The German carmaker recently purchased the 2009 title-winning Brawn GP team, retaining team principal Ross Brawn, who previously helped lead Schumacher to title glory at Benetton and Ferrari.

"Mercedes GP Petronas represents a new challenge for me both in a sporting and a personal context,” said Schumacher. “It is a new chapter in my racing career and I am really looking forward to working with my old friend Ross Brawn and my companions from my days with the Mercedes Junior Programme.

“I am convinced that together we will be involved in the fight for the Formula One World Championship next year and I am already looking forward to getting back onto the race track. For me, this partnership closes the circle. Mercedes supported me for so many years when I began my Formula One career and now I can hopefully give something back to the brand with the star."

Ross Brawn commented: "I am delighted that we can confirm today that Michael will make his much-anticipated return to Formula One next year and drive for our Mercedes GP Petronas team. As seven-time world champion, Michael's outstanding record in Formula One speaks for itself and I am looking forward to working with him again.

“With the completion of our driver line-up, I believe that we now have the most exciting partnership in Formula One with Michael and Nico, who provide the perfect mix of talent, experience, speed and youth. We can now turn our full attention to the preparations for the new season and everyone at Mercedes GP Petronas is extremely excited about the challenge ahead.”

Explaining Schumacher’s previous Mercedes relationship, Norbert Haug, Vice-President of Mercedes-Benz Motorsports, added: "In April 1991, when I had been in charge of the Mercedes-Benz Motorsport programme for just six months, Michael was standing beside me on the balcony one evening. Without the slightest doubt, he said in a low voice: ‘It's about time that I got into Formula One’. Michael had just turned 22 years of age and four months later, he made his debut at Spa in a Jordan. Mercedes-Benz helped him to this point and the rest is history: seven world championship titles, more than any racing driver, 91 Grand Prix wins, more than any racing driver. Michael has more of everything than every other driver.

“As part of the Mercedes Junior Programme, Michael had raced in Group C sports cars and competed in a few DTM races. Ross Brawn, then our opponent at Jaguar, quickly realised Michael's talent and they went on to win all seven of his drivers' world championship titles together at Benetton and Ferrari. Our sporting ambition has always been that Michael should drive again where his professional career had started and Michael knew that. We often joked about it after the races and discussed the prospect seriously several times during the last 14 years in Formula One. It didn't happen in 1995, it didn't happen in 1998 and it didn't happen in 2005. I am delighted that it will now happen in 2010. I am very much looking forward to working with Michael and everybody at Mercedes-Benz and Daimler extends a very warm welcome to our 'apprentice' of 19 years ago. That apprentice is now the most successful racing driver of all time."

Mark #2
12-23-2009, 07:54 PM
I am with Mika on the rules thing, now no pit stops, lost is all the strategy calls and the the team feel to it.

I think it is cool to see MS back though.

I watch F1 quals and races, and have been fortunate enough to go to a couple, but I am loosing interest.

Mark #2
03-13-2010, 10:40 PM
No comments on F1 qualifying now:D

03-16-2010, 08:53 PM
I am with Mika on the rules thing, now no pit stops, lost is all the strategy calls and the the team feel to it.

I think it is cool to see MS back though.

I watch F1 quals and races, and have been fortunate enough to go to a couple, but I am loosing interest.

It's hard for me to follow/care any more. Kimi's out, Heikki's in a crap box(happy to get 15th!!!). Schumacher seems to have his hands full, but I bet he will pull a few better results than his teammate. No Finns for contention. The good thing is that Schumi is back, if nothing else.

I'd like to see WRC back on Speed, but Speed is too far up NASCAR's butt(owned by them)...


03-16-2010, 09:09 PM
A few of the drivers are complaining.. no real strategy now.. no real driver skill needed.. too loaded up with fuel to pass.. so its whoever has the most reliable car will win..


Mark #2
04-17-2010, 08:41 PM


04-17-2010, 09:51 PM


That was pretty wild.. apparently they were trying a new type of material and I guess they found out it doesnt hold up.. so they are going back to the old compound..


Mark #2
04-18-2010, 05:29 PM
A little OT: I don't watch a lot of the Indycar IZOD series, but did today and I think that having the driver's name in huge block letters on the rear spoiler is brilliant.

I think F1, Nascar, etc. should do this as well for the casual viewers, kind of like the stick and ball sports do: NFL,NBA, MLB, etc does on the back of the jerseys.

Just thought it was very clever.

04-18-2010, 06:25 PM
I agree with mark on the names ...

I think the female drivers should do all interviews in Beach wear as well, again to help name recognition..

I watched the F1 race - I really like the wet races, especially the ones tht are dry then wet then dry - much more fun to watch the struggles with tire selection and traction

Shumacher is supposed to be a wet weather god but wasn't today

Mark #2
04-18-2010, 07:42 PM
I think the female drivers should do all interviews in Beach wear as well, again to help name recognition..

I watched the F1 race - I really like the wet races, especially the ones tht are dry then wet then dry - much more fun to watch the struggles with tire selection and traction

Shumacher is supposed to be a wet weather god but wasn't today\

Disagree with female driver comment, all are way overexposed already.

Agree with the F1 comments, just finished watching the race.

04-18-2010, 09:11 PM
I agree with mark on the names ...

I think the female drivers should do all interviews in Beach wear as well, again to help name recognition..

I watched the F1 race - I really like the wet races, especially the ones tht are dry then wet then dry - much more fun to watch the struggles with tire selection and traction

Shumacher is supposed to be a wet weather god but wasn't today

Being an MS fan and having my dog named after him.. he is but you cant expect too much from a guy that hasnt driven in an F1 race for 3 yrs, is 40 yrs old and is in a new car in a series that has very severe limitations on testing. Give the old boy some time..

One of the reasons I like F1 is because they race, rain or shine.. I also like the standing starts rather than the rolling starts, this way there is a bit more challenge to the driver to get off well.

Lastly, off topic, the rookie in IndyCar is Sato, the same loser that had a ride in F1.. and he is awful in IndyCar as well.


04-21-2010, 09:13 PM
Being an MS fan and having my dog named after him.. he is but you cant expect too much from a guy that hasnt driven in an F1 race for 3 yrs, is 40 yrs old and is in a new car in a series that has very severe limitations on testing. Give the old boy some time..

One of the reasons I like F1 is because they race, rain or shine.. I also like the standing starts rather than the rolling starts, this way there is a bit more challenge to the driver to get off well.

Lastly, off topic, the rookie in IndyCar is Sato, the same loser that had a ride in F1.. and he is awful in IndyCar as well.


Is that Crash Sato that you are speaking of, Dana?;) He got his ride because of his nationality, and very little else;).


04-21-2010, 10:39 PM
Is that Crash Sato that you are speaking of, Dana?;) He got his ride because of his nationality, and very little else;).


One and the same.. and his performance isnt any better in IndyCar either..

On another note, the no refueling thing with F1 is a real downer. Pit strategy was always good for a few good passes during a race. At least with the last race in China, the on and off rain made for some good drama..


04-22-2010, 01:00 AM
One and the same.. and his performance isnt any better in IndyCar either..

On another note, the no refueling thing with F1 is a real downer. Pit strategy was always good for a few good passes during a race. At least with the last race in China, the on and off rain made for some good drama..


Yeah, it seems that Bernie and company love to screw with a good plan. I mean, right now there's 5 driver's in contention, so I shouldn't complain. But I still feel that pits are an integral part of racing.

Edit: As long as Hamilton doesn't win, I'm happy;). Too arrogant IMHO.


04-22-2010, 05:23 AM
Yeah, it seems that Bernie and company love to screw with a good plan. I mean, right now there's 5 driver's in contention, so I shouldn't complain. But I still feel that pits are an integral part of racing.

Edit: As long as Hamilton doesn't win, I'm happy;). Too arrogant IMHO.


Hamilton has changed over the last year or so, I agree.. I hope that MS will make it back up front, but I think time may have finally caught up with him. I do like Button, and am happy to see him win.. I am conflicted with Alonso as I am a Ferrari fan but not an Alonso fan, I enjoyed and rooted for Massa or Kimi a lot more, but Massa is fading away already.. but Alonso can drive. I am just not that much of a Red Bull fan nor of their drivers, but Vettel seems like a nice kid. So, I havent thrown my support behind anyone so much yet and that is the problem.


04-22-2010, 10:35 AM
Edit: As long as Hamilton doesn't win, I'm happy;).
I like his GF

and his boat

04-22-2010, 08:02 PM
Hamilton has changed over the last year or so, I agree.. I hope that MS will make it back up front, but I think time may have finally caught up with him. I do like Button, and am happy to see him win.. I am conflicted with Alonso as I am a Ferrari fan but not an Alonso fan, I enjoyed and rooted for Massa or Kimi a lot more, but Massa is fading away already.. but Alonso can drive. I am just not that much of a Red Bull fan nor of their drivers, but Vettel seems like a nice kid. So, I havent thrown my support behind anyone so much yet and that is the problem.


I refuse to root for Hamilton. He thought he was the shit and that everyone would bow down to him. So far that's not happening.

I think that time has caught up with MS, honestly. I still think he can wring a lot(not the most) out of his car, but it's tough.

I'd root for Massa, but he's not doing so hot. Alonso's got the desire, but he's also got the uppity a-hole attitude as well.

I like his GF

and his boat

Oh, no doubt. If he's changed recently, then maybe I'd sing another tune. But Hamilton is another perfect example of money not being able to buy you class. (Mark)Cuban's another perfect example.


Mark #2
04-22-2010, 08:13 PM
Another proof of the hypothesis that the hotness of your girl is a logarithmic or maybe exponential function to the size of............
your boat.;)

04-22-2010, 08:25 PM
another proof of the hypothesis that the hotness of your girl is a logarithmic or maybe exponential function to the size of............
Your boat.;)
