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View Full Version : Shelby GT500 Customer Engine Photos...Plenum Intake Piece Polished...

05-01-2009, 07:36 AM
Hello everyone,

One of my customers sent in a couple photos of his engine compartment out of his Shelby GT500. He just received back the Supercharger Plenum piece from us not too long ago after we polished (http://www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com) the plenum for him. This Supercharger Plenum was heavily coated black until we got ahold of it! I thought some of you may be interested in seeing this piece after our metal polishing services (http://www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com) were performed on it. The customer was extremely happy with how everything came out with the polishing service (http://www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com) and the coating services (http://www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com). We put the extra time, materials, etc into every single part we do from the many sanding phases all the way down to our unique triple polishing phases...all of this provides the parts to a Guaranteed Mirror Finish every single time!

For more Metal Polishing Photos and Metal Polishing Info (http://www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com) visit the website: www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com (http://www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com)

Here is the forum where the customer posted his review about his plenum polishing service from Mirror Finish Polishing: http://www.teamshelby.com/forums/index.php...rt=#entry696641 (http://www.teamshelby.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=42465&pid=696641&mode=threaded&start=#entry696641)

Shelby GT500 Supercharger Plenum Intake Piece AFTER Metal Polishing and Clear Coating Services (http://www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com)


Shelby GT500 Supercharger Plenum Intake Piece AFTER Metal Polishing and Clear Coating Services (http://www.mirrorfinishpolishing.com)
