View Full Version : Two weeks in Austin was rough on the L

05-19-2009, 11:32 AM
I had to go down to Austin for a couple of weeks. My DD needs some work done to it so I had to take the truck. The streets in Austin are HORRIBLE. They beat the crap out of my truck. A guy there told me that most of the utilities are under the streets and every time they need to work on them, they dig up the street, do the work, and then patch the hole. The streets in the downtown area are the worst. They are continuous patch jobs. My truck also had to stay outside during this whole time.

On my way home on Friday, I was about 10 miles south of Waco doing about 75 when the truck nosed over and started to sputter. My A/F gauge was pegged on lean. I knew immediately what had happened. Those F'd up streets vibrated my fuel pickup lines loose in the tank. It was 7pm and I did not have a single tool with me. I finally got a 24 hour road service guy to come by around 11:30pm. He said he could do the job in the morning. He got there around 8am and finished up about 11am. It cost me $300, but he earned his money. It was pouring down rain for two hours while he was working on it.

The L is running good, cleaned up and back in the garage.:)

05-19-2009, 11:46 AM
Dang, I see nothing has changed down there since I was down there in '04 and '05. Those streets are some of the worst I have ever driven on. The night time partying and club scene sorta made up for it while I was there though. :icon_mrgreen:

Glad you were able to get the L back up and running again.