View Full Version : Driving in Mexico

05-27-2009, 10:28 PM
Drove the family down to Guanajuato, Mexico this last weekend to visit my wife's family & all I can say is these people drive like madmen. (I kinda fit in:evil) I'm slowly getting used to it, but it is definitely a different game. Traffic rules are only a suggestion. I was cruising down MX57 withe the cruise set on 95 (150kmh in a 120kmh zone) & got pulled over by a Federalie. He was pretty cool... Didn't care about my speed, just a preliminary check due to the TX plates. We were back on our way in under 2 minutes. In the city is just plain nuts. You drive defensively & aggresively, like never before in your life. I'm going to have to be careful not to drive the same way when I get back to Dallas... They'd just throw me in jail.:eek:

I did see 1 Harley truck since getting here... It looked pretty rough though, what a shame. No L's yet... I kinda hope not to see one because it would kill me to see a L that had been trashed.

05-27-2009, 10:56 PM
Sound's fun!!

05-28-2009, 07:02 AM
Did you take the L to Mexico or another vehicle? Just wondering what you were willing to subject to the traffic there.


BC Lightning
05-28-2009, 07:44 AM
When I spent 2 months playing ball in Merida and Oaxaca, Mexico it was as bad during the day as it was at night, blowing their horns, they would bump cars if not moving, Police did basically nothing. Our translator told us that if we were in a cab and the driver gets into a wreck to flee the scene because they would blame the Americans for the wreck.

05-28-2009, 07:57 AM
heck of a drive...have fun!!... I go out to Zacatecas & Durango a couple times a year.

05-28-2009, 09:38 AM
Did you take the L to Mexico or another vehicle? Just wondering what you were willing to subject to the traffic there.


The L is sitting peacefully in the garage. We took our Focus. I did take out a separate ins policy on it for the time it is in Mexico. I just hope to get it back without any bumps or bruises. So far, so good, but my wife will be here for a little over a month, before I fly back & we drive home together.

05-28-2009, 09:39 AM
Ya'll are better men than me. Mexico scares the hell outta me. I can just see my white ass rotting away in some jail cell while jose is driving around in my G1. :evil

05-28-2009, 09:41 AM
heck of a drive...have fun!!... I go out to Zacatecas & Durango a couple times a year.

Fun is in the plan. Were spending a lot of our time in Leon, but heading over to Guanajuato to get out & prty a little tonight. (The kids will be @ her sisters;))

05-28-2009, 09:46 AM
Wish I could be in Mex right now. I usually go to Queretaro Leon i just like to travel there no speed limit on the toll ways :icon_wink: hehehe. I am from Zac by the way hopefully I will be there in two months to Mazathlan.

05-28-2009, 09:54 AM
Wish I could be in Mex right now. I usually go to Queretaro Leon i just like to travel there no speed limit on the toll ways :icon_wink: hehehe. I am from Zac by the way hopefully I will be there in two months to Mazathlan.

The road to Mazatlan scares the crap out of me......it's not called "the devils spine" for $hits and giggles that's for sure.....ha.ha

Ya'll are better men than me. Mexico scares the hell outta me. I can just see my white ass rotting away in some jail cell while jose is driving around in my G1. :evil
with the drug wars & swine flu, even my mom is scared....... she was ALWAYS out there since most of her family lives down there.

05-28-2009, 12:12 PM
Ya'll are better men than me. Mexico scares the hell outta me. I can just see my white ass rotting away in some jail cell while jose is driving around in my G1. :evil

That's one of the many reasons that my Gen1 is at home in Arlington... I doubt that anyone wants to take the Focus for much of a joy ride... Though the antenna did disappear pretty quick. I'm just happy that my Brother-in-law has a warehouse about a block away that I can park the car in @ night. That place is like Fort Knox... The door must weigh around 1000lbs with a dozen deadbolts on all sides the size of my wrist.

05-28-2009, 12:21 PM
When I spent 2 months playing ball in Merida and Oaxaca, Mexico it was as bad during the day as it was at night, blowing their horns, they would bump cars if not moving, Police did basically nothing. Our translator told us that if we were in a cab and the driver gets into a wreck to flee the scene because they would blame the Americans for the wreck.

It's not that bad here in Leon & Guanajuato, but... Guanajuato is the capital, so they keep things and people a little nicer here. Guanajuato, in particular, is very nice. They are pretty much Gringo friendly there. Leon, it is a little different. You don't leave your car out @ night if you want it to be there in the morning. I get a lot of looks as a Gringo walking down the street. (Mostly by women) I do have to say that I don't feel real comfortable in Leon without a knife in my pocket, though nothing has ever happened to me to cause that uneasy feeling. I think that it is mostly just being this far from my own element. Everyone I've met has been real nice, so far. I will say that northern Mexico is another story. We crossed the boarder @ about 9:00 PM & I was tired enough it would have been good to stop. It was ugly enough though, that I decided to keep on driving until Monterrey before stopping for the night.

05-28-2009, 12:23 PM
Wish I could be in Mex right now. I usually go to Queretaro Leon i just like to travel there no speed limit on the toll ways :icon_wink: hehehe. I am from Zac by the way hopefully I will be there in two months to Mazathlan.

I definitely like the tollways. If it weren't for the fact that the kids were in the car, I think that the cruise control would have been set a little higher than 95.

05-28-2009, 12:31 PM
The road to Mazatlan scares the crap out of me......it's not called "the devils spine" for $hits and giggles that's for sure.....ha.ha

with the drug wars & swine flu, even my mom is scared....... she was ALWAYS out there since most of her family lives down there.

There was a road on the way here to Leon that has the same nickname. I kinda liked it, but I think that I scared the crap out of my wife. It was just 2 lanes, no guardrail, and nothing but switchbacks. I'm glad that The Focus had new brakes & tires... Might need em' again when I get back.

We seriously thought about postponing this trip because of both. The drug issues aren't as bad here as most of the rest of the country, but it is a concern in the back of my mind. I definitely would not have made the trip if it was to Northern, or Western MX, or Mexico City.
As far as the Swine Flu Goes, that was the #1 thing that ALMOST postponed this trip. It has not been bad here in Leon, or Guanajuato, but I have seen a few people wearing masks. Right now there are more than twice as many cases in the States, so we decided to go ahead with the original plan, & go now.
There is 1 catch though... The company I work for may not let me come back to work until I have been back in the states for @ least 72 hours. (incubation period)

05-28-2009, 12:36 PM
When I go I try to travel solo, but when the GF goes with me she is like slow down so it takes ma a little longer to get there.

05-28-2009, 12:37 PM
One of these day we should have a meet out there it would make for a long convoy. maybe monterey than party afterwards.knana

05-28-2009, 02:17 PM
One of these day we should have a meet out there it would make for a long convoy. maybe monterey than party afterwards.knana

"Lipstick" in Reynosa is a crazy fun place but probably not too safe since it's a border town...

05-28-2009, 02:32 PM
I grew up in El Paso, so we used to head over the border to Juarez cuz they are pretty liberal with the drinking age! This was in the 80s-90s. I sure as hell wouldn't go over there now. That place was a hole back then, but with all the drug BS nowadays it's far worse. I think they had around 3000 murders or something like that in 2008 in Juarez alone. Sounds like a great place, eh?

If I ever go back to Mexico again it'll be too soon.


05-28-2009, 04:38 PM
Matamoros was enough for me. Closest thing to a 3rd-world country/city I've ever been.

Walking down the narrow streets, cars lining both sides solid and the Federales are flat-out hauling doing every bit of 60+ lights/sirens going.:banana:

The resort towns might be another matter, all together.

05-28-2009, 06:36 PM
The L is sitting peacefully in the garage. We took our Focus. I did take out a separate ins policy on it for the time it is in Mexico. I just hope to get it back without any bumps or bruises. So far, so good, but my wife will be here for a little over a month, before I fly back & we drive home together.

Whooo hooo! We going racing? :tu:

05-30-2009, 11:30 AM
Whooo hooo! We going racing? :tu:

Most likely, yes!

05-31-2009, 02:39 AM
Man i wish i could be there now :icon_cry:, im from celaya,gto wich is like 2 hrs south, its been 11 years since i came here and havent been able to go, have fun Steve and im glad u like it so far :tu:

05-31-2009, 09:32 PM
Flew back today. My wife & kids are staying until the 4th of July weekend, when I'll fly back down & we'll drive back together. Had a blast down there. I spent most my time in Leon, Guanjuato (the city), & Cojillo. So far I managed to keep all the body panels intact on the Focus. My wife says that I must be Mexican @ heart, because I drove fine down there. (Did have a close call with a motorcycle yesterday though) Now it's in her hands until I fly back. Her sisters place in Cojillo was amazing. I think that they own some 150 acers, give or take a little, on a mountain side. They have a beautiful 3 story home out there... Actually makes me think it might be a good place to retire. Guanajuato is a beautiful city & I reccommend anyone who goes to MX to go there. Leon is fun... It's kinda like bumper cars in reverse.. .You are trying to get pint A to B without getting run over. The thing I like the most about Leon, is that you really don't need the car much. If I was hungry, I had 3 tacarias within a block & a corner store about 5 steps from the front door of the house we were in. Whatever yo need, you can get there faster than you can buckle your seatbelt.
Overall, had a blast. Looking forward to the trip back in 5 weeks... Looking forward to seeing my family more than anything... Missing them terribly already.

06-01-2009, 12:35 PM
Now you are totally bacheloring it! Michael, Rocks...sounds like we need to raid the entertainment complex again! This time I swear I will not even think about face planting any ho for trying to swipe our beer!! knana


06-01-2009, 01:07 PM
Flew back today. My wife & kids are staying until the 4th of July weekend, when I'll fly back down & we'll drive back together. Had a blast down there. I spent most my time in Leon, Guanjuato (the city), & Cojillo. So far I managed to keep all the body panels intact on the Focus. My wife says that I must be Mexican @ heart, because I drove fine down there. (Did have a close call with a motorcycle yesterday though) Now it's in her hands until I fly back. Her sisters place in Cojillo was amazing. I think that they own some 150 acers, give or take a little, on a mountain side. They have a beautiful 3 story home out there... Actually makes me think it might be a good place to retire. Guanajuato is a beautiful city & I reccommend anyone who goes to MX to go there. Leon is fun... It's kinda like bumper cars in reverse.. .You are trying to get pint A to B without getting run over. The thing I like the most about Leon, is that you really don't need the car much. If I was hungry, I had 3 tacarias within a block & a corner store about 5 steps from the front door of the house we were in. Whatever yo need, you can get there faster than you can buckle your seatbelt.
Overall, had a blast. Looking forward to the trip back in 5 weeks... Looking forward to seeing my family more than anything... Missing them terribly already.

I knew there was a party involved when he said he was trying to get from "pint" A to B...:d:d

06-01-2009, 04:34 PM
I knew there was a party involved when he said he was trying to get from "pint" A to B...:d:d

Ooops! I guess that was a Freudian-slip?:cool: I am Bacheloring it though, so I'm looking forward to this months meet. It'll be my 1st one & I've been here for 4 years... Unless you count the 05' photo-shoot & the shootout. Maybe I'll bring some of this Tequila I brought From MX, to share. :twitch:

06-01-2009, 05:01 PM
Dang now I'm actually gonna have to come out. Dang thats a long drive from Rockwall though..

06-01-2009, 08:31 PM

This is the only word I seen....... You better have 2 of them you sob!

Call me when you get back.

06-02-2009, 09:26 PM
This is the only word I seen....... You better have 2 of them you sob!

Call me when you get back.

I'll bring a bottle or two for ya when I go back in July.

06-03-2009, 12:57 PM
Hey Steve, when u go to Guanajuato city, by any chance u went to see the momies :eek:? Thats something u dnt see everyday, BTW if u like Guanajuato, defenely u have to go to San Miguel Allende, u will like it too :tu:

06-03-2009, 04:24 PM
Hey Steve, when u go to Guanajuato city, by any chance u went to see the momies :eek:? Thats something u dnt see everyday, BTW if u like Guanajuato, defenely u have to go to San Miguel Allende, u will like it too :tu:

This last trip was the first time I checked out the mummies. I was surprised to see that they weren't ancient mummies, and that there were no special preparations... It's just from the minerals in the ground & the air... At least that's what the experts are thinking... Still under study. It's pretty freaky to see a mummy that only died in the 70's. & their oldest mummy... I think that he's 300, or something like that... He is very well preserved. He almost looks like he could come to life.
I've been wanting to check out San Miguel. I know that I won't have time on this next trip. We'll only have enough time for me to fly in, pack up the family, & drive back. It's on my list for next year though.