View Full Version : anyone wanna give me a job?

01-30-2003, 09:53 PM
im tired of my job, i hate it. anyone wanna give me a job? im really good with cars and computers. im an out of work networking engineer with an a+ cert and a tcom major, i rebuild motors alot so im pretty flexible. anyjob computer or car related ill take. :D

i just had a horrible day at work today and decided i need to get a decent well paying job in something im interested in (cars and computers). im just out of luck in the tech area.

02-01-2003, 01:17 AM
Hey...listen up....if you have a damn job...you better keep it. I am talkin' from experience. I went from 80K to Zero in less than 3 seconds. Guys who worked for me don't have the money to pay their mortgage etc. This is the perfect opportunity to learn some new skills. This is the worst job market in many moons....

02-01-2003, 01:27 AM
very true, im thinking about getting ase certified so i can be a mechanic, that way i have a skill to fall back on if the tech world never clears up. my current job just isnt cutting it, but it looks like i might have to keep it even though its not a technical job (although im considered a senior tech, theres not much technical knowledge in changing tires)

02-01-2003, 04:04 AM
Hint. Go to DCCC, Northlake Campus nights. They have an excellent curriculum. Some of the girls rock too. Man....this chick in CCNA is something. So, membership does have its privileges. :p

02-02-2003, 01:17 AM
already did that, took the ccna classes and part of the ccnp (cisco 5) also took unix 1-2, great classes, the girls are nice hehe. currently im enrolled at devry

02-02-2003, 07:47 AM
Hang Tough....your skills will be put to use in good order. The economy will rebound. The US is industrious and economies are cyclical...

02-02-2003, 03:36 PM
i hope so ;)