View Full Version : 3 chinese firms found to have created malware

07-22-2009, 12:31 PM
In the good old days it was a lone hacker or group of hackers that created bad software now the same country that is poisoning the world with bad quality food ingrediatents is home to 3 companies that created a Trojan for cell phones.

Chinese firms behind 'Sexy Space' Trojan (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-10292917-83.html?tag=newsEditorsPicksArea.0)

XiaMen Jinlonghuatian Technology, ShenZhen ChenGuangWuXian Technology, and XinZhongLi TianJin cloaked the malware, also known as Yxe, and submitted it to the Symbian Foundation under its Express Signing program, security company F-Secure said Wednesday in a statement.

they were ballsy enough to submit it for security scan ... and it got through

should be interesting to see what if anything the communist govt does

07-22-2009, 10:09 PM
it's worse than that.. there have been speculations that similar incidents were government backed.

Where do you think all of our hardware comes from. Even the stuff all our top secret stuff is stored on. It all comes from china.

There has been more than once incident of hardware coming equipped with malware at no extra charge. You have a digital photo frame? Buy it at best buy? Check this out. (http://www.engadget.com/2008/02/15/insignia-photo-frame-virus-much-nastier-than-originally-thought/)

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