View Full Version : Looking for a hood....

07-26-2009, 06:04 PM
....I'm wanting to put a hood on the truck. I'm thinking bout a Harwood or Cowl. Does anyone know where I could get a Harwood from?

07-26-2009, 08:39 PM
It's your truck man, but with your paint combo a Cervinis Cowl would look absolutely beautiful. Not sure how the Harwood wouuld appeal to me with that paint combo though. Might look like a sore thumb sticking out of the hood. It is in the end your truck though, and what looks good to you is what matters! I love that paint job on your truck though, so only giving you my suggestions. :tongue:

07-27-2009, 10:23 AM
It's your truck man, but with your paint combo a Cervinis Cowl would look absolutely beautiful. Not sure how the Harwood wouuld appeal to me with that paint combo though. Might look like a sore thumb sticking out of the hood. It is in the end your truck though, and what looks good to you is what matters! I love that paint job on your truck though, so only giving you my suggestions. :tongue:

Thanks bro! The only reason I would settle for a Harwood was if the truck was one color. But the Cervinis Cowl is the one that people have suggested.