View Full Version : internet issues.. just for 1 site
08-23-2009, 07:15 AM
wondering if maybe you could shine some light on this. i have a vista computer and internet over here in iraq, i cant get on wtf? i used a different computer on this same internet provider and still wont let me. i also used a completely different computer at a different place with different internet provider and i could get on with no issues what gives?
08-23-2009, 09:44 AM
Sounds like for some reason its getting filtered
If you are only having issues with one site the site is either down, or you have been banned from that site or your ISP is filtering the site. One of other options is the server firewall has banned your IP or country.
Try pinging the site and see what happens
Click start then on the search line type cmd hit enter
in the black box that opens type
ping and see what the replies are
then go here
and try another ping
post the results here
if howsmydns can get there and you cant that means the site is up but something is blocking you
Finally I dont go to Lightningrodder much if ever but there has been a bunch of posts about how its down pretty often
An idea you might try is using RDP to surf from another computer. BUt seting it up is pretty complicated to do correctly and securely.
Lets say you had a PC you left at your parents house that was on all the time and it was running a version of windows that wasnt a HOME edition. You could set it up to accept remote desktop sessions. Which would let you connect from anywhere to that PC and surf from that PC. So ANY filtering or scanning that is going on on the PCs in Iraq wouldnt apply as long as you could get to the PC at the parents house you would be using THIER ISP to get to Lightningrodder or anywhere else. You would need to setup the router there to forward the RDP traffic to that PC.
08-23-2009, 11:41 AM
ok i did the ping and it says request "timed out" "sent 4 packets, recieved 0, lost 4, 100% loss"
i went that site but im not sure what im supposed to do there can you explain more please?
the ping thing is pretty cool lol, im not a computer expert by any means though.
08-23-2009, 12:33 PM
if the ping doesn't come back with replys that means that the site is down OR you cant reach it
if you look at the list of tools at the other site it has a ping as well - the advantage of THAT ping is it will tell you if THAT server ( which is in norway ) can hit the site - which will tell you if the site is really down or if you are getting blocked
here are my results from pinging lightning rodder
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=51
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=51
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 32ms, Maximum = 32ms, Average = 32msYou can see it replies 3 out of 4 times
the fact that it failed once out of 4 means SOMETHING is likely up with the site BUT its working for now
I just tested pining fom that site and lightningrodder failed from there .. Strange
you can use the ping here to test
08-23-2009, 12:35 PM
I tried the ping tool from howismydns, but it says target is not valid.
What Doug was trying to figure out is if you could reach the site from elsewhere. howIsMyDns allows you to essentially ping from a remote box. If you can't reach it from you box with ping, but you could from howIsMyDns, then as Doug said
If you are only having issues with one site the site is either down, or you have been banned from that site or your ISP is filtering the site. One of other options is the server firewall has banned your IP or country.
08-23-2009, 12:42 PM
"well reading this on lightning rodder
since I know you cant see it here is the text of the first post
This has been happening quite a bit now where I am unable to access this site from my home. I can get every other site in the word but not lrodder. I am currently posting from work and hoping that the moderators will be able to assist.
means to me that THEY have something JACKED on their end
this thread shows they have trouble with the server time as well
at one point I offered to help them host the site they claimed
I am the owner/webmaster/coder/server admin for LR and a multitude of sites we run. We own two servers that are colocated and do everything in-house."
not sure why they need 2 servers since LR is the biggest site they have but whatever ....
08-23-2009, 01:18 PM
hummm interesting, il have to try the other ping tomorrow since i need to go to bed now, if i do a ping and it doesnt work i be online all night trying to learn everything about the interwebs by myself...
thanks for the help.
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