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View Full Version : Classis BMW Cars and Coffee car show

11-17-2009, 10:07 AM
Y'all... I went to this last month and had a blast. Had to be 500 or so cars there everything from the classics to exotic. There were even a few motorcycles there.

It was absolutely hilarious but not so fun for a few of the owners. As they were leaving the event they exited going north on the access road to the tollway. Even though the dealer posted a sign for no burn outs it was pretty much ignored. Too bad... the Plano men in blue we sitting there with several cars ready to ticket and man... they did. It seemed the guys that got nailed the most were AMG cars.

One guy with a 64 Plymouth with a built Hemi rapped it up before heading out on the road to make it sound like he was going to tear it up. Just antagonizing the cops hidden around the corner... when he got to the access road you could hardly tell he was running performance mufflers. He just eased out and nothing happened. A white Supra got sideways and bikes were up on one wheel. Sort of scary as the crowd got out of hand and were too close to the road.

Cops eventually gave up. The dealer feared they would get shut down if it continued so they really warned the drivers before heading out.

Anyways, that was just part of the fun. The cool stuff was seeing all the vehicles there.

I am planing on taking the L out there... anyone else interested? No cost, starts at about 8 and is over by 12. There were plenty of Mustangs there but I think I was the only Lightning. The show is just for fun... Oh yea, the Dallas Star's cheerleaders where there too (The Ice Girls) the Zamboni was there but so what!

Here's a link to some photo's I took.
http://cid-ca70935acafd17e4.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/2009%5EJ%2010-31%5EJ%20car%20show%20at%20BMW%20dealer?wa=wsignin 1.0&sa=308680254

It's Saturday Nov 28th at Spring Creek and the DNT. Address is 6800 N. Dallas Pkwy.

11-17-2009, 11:37 AM
This is a really fun event. I have been a couple of times and everything from mild to wild and in between

11-17-2009, 08:36 PM
Doug and I went once and it was a good time.. will be better now that it has cooled off a bit.. everything from trucks to Lambo's...

We need more events like this to go to..


11-18-2009, 08:23 AM
Went to one a while back, def a good time. The widest variety of cars I have seen in one place around Dallas in a while. :tu:

11-19-2009, 09:47 AM
Maybe Wes can bring his Z06 there were a ton of Corvettes there including a 2009 ZR1... nice but not my thing.

I decided to volunteer and help staff this thing for this month. Still gonna bring my Lightning. I told one of the guys in charge that I would push it up here on the board and see if we can get a few L's up there.

Let me know if you're coming. Format is simple... show up and find a spot to park near others you want to hang with, like SVT guys. Needless to say don't go hanging with the Lambo guys or Ricers... they're territorial!

Everything is pretty much over by noon so no need to burn an entire day.

11-19-2009, 10:03 AM
Maybe Wes can bring his Z06 there were a ton of Corvettes there including a 2009 ZR1... nice but not my thing.

I decided to volunteer and help staff this thing for this month. Still gonna bring my Lightning. I told one of the guys in charge that I would push it up here on the board and see if we can get a few L's up there.

Let me know if your coming. Format is simple... show up and find a spot to park near others you want to hang with, like SVT guys. Needless to say don't go hanging with the Lambo guys or Ricers... they're territorial!

Everything is pretty much over by noon so no need to burn an entire day.

My IT guy here at work hangs out there. He's got a cycle he brings up there. Sounds like a good time. I'd like to make it out. Glad you warned me about the territory thing. I'd sure hate to clutter up the ricer area with my old Gen 1..:rll:

11-19-2009, 06:48 PM
What time does it start? I say we make a showing Talon old school style and roll up in there with a bunch of trucks- I'll supply two:tu:

11-19-2009, 07:39 PM
The official time is 9am - 11am. But when I was there people were pulling in at 10am. If I get an idea as to how many will show I can try and reserve a space... don't know if that is possible or not but since I have to be there at 6:30 I should have a chance to mark our territory!

11-19-2009, 11:05 PM
If we can get a serious showing, I will drag mine out of the garage to bring it down. It needs to breathe some of this cold air anyways. :evil

11-20-2009, 10:53 AM
I'm in.

11-20-2009, 11:11 AM
Ill go to.

11-20-2009, 11:57 AM
Literally right down the street from my house so barring some unknown
thing coming up I can bring a Lightning.

11-22-2009, 01:45 PM
I decided to volunteer and help staff this thing for this month. Still gonna bring my Lightning. I told one of the guys in charge that I would push it up here on the board and see if we can get a few L's up there.

Who did you talk to? I work at classic as a tech and will be working this Saturday but I may bring the L out.

11-22-2009, 04:59 PM
My brother and I will be there.. may or may not be in the L though..


11-24-2009, 06:12 PM
Who did you talk to? I work at classic as a tech and will be working this Saturday but I may bring the L out.

John Berry... according to his signature he's the service drive manager.

11-24-2009, 06:49 PM
I need to get a quick number of who all is coming with their L's.

So far I got::tu:
- ZeusSVT, Michael (provided we get a serious showing)
- Pump, Bob
- Svtroky
- Toddwaren
- Dboat, Dana
- and me, Rickgig

Please let me know no later than Friday if you want to be added to the list or removed... this way I can get an area for all of us.

Weather is supposed to be party sunny highs in the upper 60's... just right for... well you know!

Everyone have a good Thanksgiving!

11-24-2009, 08:48 PM
I need to get a quick number of who all is coming with their L's.

So far I got::tu:
- ZeusSVT, Michael (provided we get a serious showing)
- Pump, Bob
- Svtroky
- Toddwaren
- Dboat, Dana
- and me, Rickgig

Please let me know no later than Friday if you want to be added to the list or removed... this way I can get an area for all of us.

Weather is supposed to be party sunny highs in the upper 60's... just right for... well you know!

Everyone have a good Thanksgiving!

I will be there, most likely NOT in the L though..


11-25-2009, 01:05 AM
I'm in

11-25-2009, 09:48 AM
IN, so WTF Zeus only shows if there is enough for a proper greeting???:rll::rll: He goes and buys a GM and now he's all snobby:rll:

11-26-2009, 09:07 PM
IN, so WTF Zeus only shows if there is enough for a proper greeting???:rll::rll: He goes and buys a GM and now he's all snobby:rll:

I will be there. :icon_mrgreen: :rll:

I was just trying to get some people to come out!! The monthly meeting this month only three of us showed up. :confused: Me, Dana, and Mark. Granted we had a good time, it would have been great to see a better turnout at the North Dallas Location.

I still love my Lightning. :evil:evil :tongue:

11-26-2009, 09:08 PM
Just for John......maybe I should show up in my dirty GM. :evil:evil

11-26-2009, 10:50 PM
Just for John......maybe I should show up in my dirty GM. :evil:evil

:rll::rll:It would be good just to see ya man!!! no matter what you are driving. LOL!!!

11-26-2009, 11:51 PM
:rll::rll:It would be good just to see ya man!!! no matter what you are driving. LOL!!!

I'll be bringing the truck for sure. It's all nice and clean right now. I've been touching it up this week to get it ready.... :tongue:

Glad you are coming out!!

11-27-2009, 08:14 AM
So far I got:
- ZeusSVT, Michael (showing bring the truck for sure)
- Pump, Bob
- Svtroky
- Toddwaren
- Dboat, Dana (leaving the L at home)
- and me, Rickgig
- 99WhiteBeast, Steve
- Shiner1, John

This is cool. I'll get a spot reserved for us, I should be able to do that without any problem.

Zeus... I am guilty on the meeting issue. I've been to one since I joined! I know... slacker! Let's see, one meeting since June of '02. Attend another and I increased my attendance by 100%.

I drove by the BMW dealer yesterday and it looks like they are going to move the cars to a different spot on the lot. Guess there were too many that got crazy on the tollway service road... maybe Plano cops told them something too.

It'll still be a good show.

11-27-2009, 12:10 PM
So what time is everyone planning on showing up??

11-27-2009, 12:14 PM
I got to be there between 6:30 and 7:00 but the show really gets moving around 8'ish.

11-27-2009, 12:43 PM
8 ish


11-27-2009, 12:59 PM
Y dont wee meet somewere close to it then wee all show up at the same time.knana

11-27-2009, 06:26 PM
Where and when for the roll in????

11-27-2009, 08:36 PM
Ok Todd warren is in I am bringing the sons 2002 true blue L. we cleaned it pretty well tonight. I guess I will be there at 8.

11-27-2009, 09:35 PM
Well guys i will be there around 8 8:30 am driving from fort worth.

11-28-2009, 11:28 AM
It was nice meeting you guys, i appreciate yall for reserving a spot for me. Hope to see yall on December 12, and also yall all have nice trucks. Thanks

11-28-2009, 06:20 PM
Nice Seeing Everyone Today. What a nice turnout. The Cars and Coffee event is definitely back in full effect again compared to the past.

Oh, and shame on Steve for sticking me and John with the whole tab at Twin Peaks.....:evil:evil:evil

11-28-2009, 06:26 PM
Nice Seeing Everyone Today. What a nice turnout. The Cars and Coffee event is definitely back in full effect again compared to the past.

Oh, and shame on Steve for sticking me and John with the whole tab at Twin Peaks.....:evil:evil:evil

oh she must have got one hellava nice tip:D-nice hanging out today. Next time I'll get out there earlier

11-28-2009, 06:51 PM
oh she must have got one hellava nice tip:D-nice hanging out today. Next time I'll get out there earlier

LOL........yeah we were there til almost 4. :d It got quite interesting after you left. lol. Around 2 o'clock they kicked this one dude out because he was so trashed. It was pretty funny. Then after that me and John decided to compete for next to be evicted. :evil We failed. :d

It was nice seeing you today....hope you can make it out on time, next time.

OHHHHH and Dana.......what's with the dirty NON-V CTS that you rolled up in. Were you too good to show in the L. :evil

11-28-2009, 08:23 PM
LOL........yeah we were there til almost 4. :d It got quite interesting after you left. lol. Around 2 o'clock they kicked this one dude out because he was so trashed. It was pretty funny. Then after that me and John decided to compete for next to be evicted. :evil We failed. :d

It was nice seeing you today....hope you can make it out on time, next time.

OHHHHH and Dana.......what's with the dirty NON-V CTS that you rolled up in. Were you too good to show in the L. :evil

Yep, the CTS hadnt had a bath, I had bro in tow.. then we were leaving and jetting over to Market Hall for the Gun Show.. got my AR today.. but after getting the L broken into, I just didnt want someone nicking it up again.. next time the L and will hang out a bit more with the boys..


11-28-2009, 08:27 PM
Yep, the CTS hadnt had a bath, I had bro in tow.. then we were leaving and jetting over to Market Hall for the Gun Show.. got my AR today.. but after getting the L broken into, I just didnt want someone nicking it up again.. next time the L and will hang out a bit more with the boys..


I know, I just had to give you a hard time. :evil It was good to see you show!!

11-29-2009, 07:44 AM
It was a good show. I didn't get the final count for the number of cars before I left but the number I had was 630.

Y'all left too soon. This guy in a Lambo, even after my warning to him about the unmarked cops, get in to it as he left and didn't let up. Snap.

The funny part is the Lambo made it all the way around the loop on the service road before the cops even caught him. I guess it was some sort of victory lap or something. When he pulled back into the lot, he was followed by a motorcycle cop, unmarked Charger and Crown Vic.

I talked to the guy while he was getting ticketed (which was weird when you think of it... I wasn't the only one talking to him), but they got him for 71mph on the service road. Mark, the owner of the Lambo said he knows he was booking it and 71 was a far cry from what he was doing.

It was a great time and I'll be a regular there (except for this next on on Dec 26th).

It was great meeting everyone too. I gotta start hitting some of the events. John... awesome Gen 1. Michael, looking forward to seeing how your truck runs when you get things sorted out. Todd and the rest of the guys... awesome day for a car show and I am glad we had a decent showing.

11-29-2009, 10:46 AM
Thanks for your hard work Rick and thanks for the compliments. It was great seeing you guys. Great pics by Michael and Rick. The entire event was fantastic. I'm a little upset at Steve for letting Michael and I get stiffed on the bill at Twinpeaks:evil But our talent for the afternoon and the "cougars" made me forget. I guess the beer didn't hurt either. BTW can anybody tell me when Shinerbock was moved to the imported beer list and therefore the price reflects that?? Isn't that chit brewed RIGHT HERE IN Texas!!!! I'm out for the December meet. I'll be in San Diego on vacation but will be looking forward to the next one.

11-30-2009, 08:17 PM
Thanks for your hard work Rick and thanks for the compliments. It was great seeing you guys. Great pics by Michael and Rick. The entire event was fantastic. I'm a little upset at Steve for letting Michael and I get stiffed on the bill at Twinpeaks:evil But our talent for the afternoon and the "cougars" made me forget. I guess the beer didn't hurt either. BTW can anybody tell me when Shinerbock was moved to the imported beer list and therefore the price reflects that?? Isn't that chit brewed RIGHT HERE IN Texas!!!! I'm out for the December meet. I'll be in San Diego on vacation but will be looking forward to the next one.

Yeah.....first he shows up late and then leaves early........:evil:evil

I am out for December as well. I will be in Indianapolis and Chicago from the 24th thru the 30th. Back just in time for the New Year though. Look forward to seeing everyone in January. :tu:

11-30-2009, 09:05 PM
Weather permitting I will be at the January event with the car.

11-30-2009, 09:08 PM
Weather permitting I will be at the January event with the car.

which one would that be?

11-30-2009, 09:13 PM
Turbo Porch

12-01-2009, 12:25 AM
Lightnings rolling out at 5:50 in


12-01-2009, 05:32 AM
Lightnings rolling out at 5:50 in




12-01-2009, 08:00 AM

12-01-2009, 11:33 AM
Lightnings rolling out at 5:50 in


Yep... Lambo getting nailed by cops in the last 45 seconds of the video.

I spoke with John Berry and starting in January we will have a spot just for us like this last time.

12-01-2009, 12:02 PM
That's great Rick. I think the spot we had was perfect. Good viewing location. Thanks to Steve for finding the video!!

12-01-2009, 05:24 PM
Lightnings rolling out at 5:50 in

I left earlier, my white l is at 3:37 inknana