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View Full Version : which camera for around 300 bucks?

11-30-2009, 10:55 PM
hey guys my fiance is trying to figure out what to get me for christmas and i really dont know what i want and she mentioned a camera... well i want a kick ass camera but they are like 1k or so. for around 300 bucks whats a good camera to get these days? thanks for the input.

11-30-2009, 11:38 PM
about 2 years ago I was heading to Hawaii for Parents anniversary trip

On the way to the airport I bought a Olympus 1030 underwater camera
Its designed to take pics at up to 30 feet under with no case
I was happy with the pictures it took under water but its also a good pocket camera with decent zoom - its drop proof etc - I also have a Nikon D80 slr and find myslef sticking the olympus in my pocket more often

Im NOT recommending you get this camera just that there are lots of good cameras in your price range

Go to dpreview.com and look up the stats and reviews of the cameras you are considering - there are some REALLY cool new features now - touch screens and face recognition etc

12-02-2009, 02:34 PM
I'm a Nikon fan myself, shot with D300, D90 and D40, as well as a plethora of their point-and-shoot cameras. Like Doug said, at the price range you are looking in, you can get some great cameras. If you don't mind the size of the DSLR, for the money, you just cannot beat the D40. Crystal clear pics, even with the kit lens. dpreview.com is AMAZING for research. In your price range, you should find plenty of great cameras!

12-02-2009, 03:29 PM
lots of places wont let you in with a SLR anymore

AAC and the new cowboys stadium are 2 examples - the pocket cameras take almost as good pictures BUT the security guards are told to look for lens size -

12-02-2009, 04:03 PM
The lens size rule is no longer than three inches at both places during most events. A standard 200mm lens of many kinds will get you in both places. I learned how to get my 300mm in recently though, with the new camera bag that I bought. If I pack it a certain way they don't even look in that little bag to see if the lens is there. Done it 3 times in each of the last three weeks at AAC, and got thru with no issues. Texas Stadium, haven't attempted yet.....not sure I wanna try it with the long walk back to the car I would have if turned around, lol. :icon_mrgreen:

12-02-2009, 04:30 PM
Ive seen people removed from concerts that had made it to the seats

Security at the door is one step - but depending on the event they remove cameras from the seats as well ....

External flash is another BIG no no

The SLR to me is all about the lenses - not going to take the chance

12-02-2009, 11:16 PM
i searched for slrs and the cheapest one iv seen so far is like 500... i didnt look hard though and i havent been to the site posted above b/c i havent had the time to really sit down for more than 15mins to read stuff. thanks for the help guys.

why cant you get in to games and stuff with a SLR? whats the reason behind it?

12-02-2009, 11:55 PM
i searched for slrs and the cheapest one iv seen so far is like 500... i didnt look hard though and i havent been to the site posted above b/c i havent had the time to really sit down for more than 15mins to read stuff. thanks for the help guys.

why cant you get in to games and stuff with a SLR? whats the reason behind it?
they think you are a pro aince you have pro equipt and will sell the pictures

12-03-2009, 08:52 AM
Nikon CoolPix series offers some very nice compact digitals for the price

S640 12.2 megapixels 5X zoom for $249

S1000PJ 12.2 megapixels 5X Wide zoom with built in projector for $449

P90 is sweet 12.1 megapixels 24X wide zoom for $399

12-03-2009, 04:52 PM
cool il let her know about them and let her choose one, its either a camera or a tool set from sears since i cant brine my big roll around to the apartment :(

04 RedApple
12-06-2009, 10:17 PM
Have the CoolPix S630 and love it!! Reasonable price!

12-15-2009, 05:19 PM
well she ended up getting me a nikon d3000 with the 18-55 lens and also the 55-200 lens as a package from best buy. its WAY over 300 but she still got it for me. so far im still learning this thing but i like it so far. damn wide angle lens are EXPENSIVE :(