View Full Version : LCD Monitor Mounts

12-02-2009, 01:41 AM
So I picked up a couple of lcd monitors over black Friday and they sit a little low for my liking and i would like to be able to rotate them. So I started to do a little research on dual monitor mounts. Some of this stuff took a little time to find, so i thought i would post up my findings for anybody that might care.

It seems the dual monitor setups can get quite expensive real quick. This was the best build setup I could find for the best price:

Setup #1
Some pics (http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1032489700&postcount=83):


Best I can tell, this is the same monitor mount.

This setup is wide enough for most monitors (states up to 22" and I have read reports that some 24" monitors will work). It is fully adjustable in all aspects except for independent height. The monitors will be at the same height, so you can't say, place one monitor over the other. The joint tension is also adjustable. You should be able to get this setup for ~$70 shipped.

Setup #2
If you want to have your cake and eat it to, then you'll pay for it. This one should do all of the above and let you independently adjust the height of the monitors.

http://www.ergotron.com/Portals/0/images/products/lxArm/45-218-195.jpg (http://www.ergotron.com/Products/tabid/65/PRDID/248/language/en-US/default.aspx)
I've read the best price is here (http://www.provantage.com/ergotron-45-218-194%7E7ERGT0F7.htm).

Of course there are triple mounts, quad mounts, wall mounts, etc. I've only researched for my immediate needs. But here are some additional links:
Well build relatively inexpensive configurations:
OutletPC (http://www.outletpc.com/monitors-monitor-mounts.html)
MonoPrice (http://www.monoprice.com/products/subdepartment.asp?c_id=109&cp_id=10828) - It seems some of there stuff is good, some is ok, so do your research. Overall they seem to have the cheapest prices around.

Here is a thread (http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1273248&page=18)over at [H]ard|Forum on monitor mounts. Lots of pics.

**Note** I haven't actually bought anything yet and I have actually never bought anything from any of these vendors. So buy at your own risk.

12-02-2009, 07:30 AM
Thanks, I used to have a dual monitor setup with my prior job.. once you have it, its hard to go back to just one.. however, I had both sitting on my desk. This would have been a good solution to get some of that desk space back.


12-02-2009, 10:22 AM
HUGE Dual monitor fan. Been using one at home and work SO long that I feel cramped when using a Laptop since it only has one screen

I have my monitors split so I can look between them to see the TV in the next room .... Desk space isnt an issue - Bought Dell Monitors with adjustable stands and Built in USB - May "need" to upgrade from dual 19" to dual 22"

12-02-2009, 01:45 PM
Yup, I'm the same way. It's really hard for me to develop on my laptop screen.
Desk space isn't a huge issue for me, but I do like to rotate my screens based on what I'm doing.

Looks like they have some dual screen laptops (http://mashable.com/2009/11/27/dual-screen-laptop-sale/) out now.

Wonder what the battery life on that beast is like.

12-02-2009, 02:20 PM
Thanks Andy! I run a 15" laptop with a 17" desktop but they are not optimally side by side. This is a good solution- the ergotron is probably the best one but a little pricey.

dibs on Doug's 19's if he decides to upgrade:icon_mrgreen:

12-02-2009, 03:33 PM
Thanks Andy! I run a 15" laptop with a 17" desktop but they are not optimally side by side. This is a good solution- the ergotron is probably the best one but a little pricey.

dibs on Doug's 19's if he decides to upgrade:icon_mrgreen:

They have some that allow you to mount one monitor above the other, but they usually don't let you swing the monitors around. If you don't need that, then they'll be a lot cheaper than the ergotron. Check the OutletPc and MonoPrice links above. I have a hard time spending more on the mount that I did for the monitors :)