View Full Version : End of year support promotion - Get some tech support & tax deduction at same time

12-02-2009, 10:27 AM
For the months of November/December
Im running a end of year charity special

During December, Ill do 2 hours of tech support for a $150 donation to JDRF (http://www.jdrf.org/)

Its easy, you simply write a check to JDRF (http://www.jdrf.org/) and Ill send it to the charity - they will mail you a receipt for end of year tax deduction.

You get a tax deduction and I get the chance to help my charity of choice. Ive been told this is crazy but thats not anything new for me.

November was Diabetes Month and I had that on the brain when I wrote this - meant December - As usual I come up with good ideas a little late :hammer::hammer:

12-02-2009, 09:19 PM
Don't need any computer work at present, but JDRF is on my regular charitable donation list thanks to you. Much easier to make a donation when you have a personal tie to someone that it would, or could have, helped.