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12-11-2009, 04:32 PM
I went to the Family Dr today. As I was sitting waitkng a really long time I noticed a sign on the wall that said that as of the end of the year they no longer take patients on medicare or medicare advantage. I also saw a note that said that patients older than 60 should see an internist.

I went from there to the Pharmacy where I saw a sign for H1N1 shots with all the rules based on the CDC requirements. Age brackets that were allowed and prerequisites.

At the Drs office I was considering getting up and leaving 60 minutes after the scheduled Appt time. I was trying to set a time in my head when would be too long and when I would get up to leave. Then I began to think that Obama care means that a 90 min wait will be a SHORT wait in the future, while everyone is being pushed to Medicare as a solution the good doctors cant make a living takjing medicare and are not taking Medicare patients. The pharmacy sign was another sign of the future - IMO soon all care would be rationed based on similar rules. If you dont meet the requirements you don't get to wait in line.

Keep in mind - I have GREAT insurance 100% paid. What will it be like in 5 years

Rant off

12-11-2009, 05:06 PM
it will be worse, much worse.. I would go to the window and ask at 15 minutes and leave at 30 minutes..


12-11-2009, 05:25 PM
Yeah... I'm thinkin I'll just quit going if it gets too bad..... I can only hope anything that is done can be undone by the next administration. :icon_rolleyes: I quit going to the larger office in Tyler and opted for a smaller one in Quitman. Have not been sorry yet. :tu:

12-11-2009, 05:58 PM
it will be worse, much worse.. I would go to the window and ask at 15 minutes and leave at 30 minutes..

It was 20 before I was put in a room - at about 60 I was apologized to by a stunning young woman in a white lab coat ... She looked about 14 - did I mention she was stunning ?

12-11-2009, 06:03 PM
It was 20 before I was put in a room - at about 60 I was apologized to by a stunning young woman in a white lab coat ... She looked about 14 - did I mention she was stunning ?

if there are other benefits to the visit.. then thats a whole 'nother matter.


12-11-2009, 06:07 PM
NObama Care is the worst thing for this country... that and the govt bailouts of big corporations.

Let the free market work, people.

Honestly, if we would not provide healthcare to non-US citizens (or at least non-US citizens who do not have insurance) then we'd carve a huge chunk out of the expense for the rest of us.

Why is this so hard? I find nowhere in the Constitution that HealthCare is a right. Frankly, I'm so very sick of paying for other people's issues. I'm sure I'll sing a different tune when I'm 70 (if I make it that long), but if I had the opportunity to save the $$ it is costing now (and the rising cost I will incur shortly) then its likely I wouldn't be a burden on society financially when I'm that age.

12-11-2009, 07:17 PM
. I can only hope anything that is done can be undone by the next administration.

That will not happen. That would be like trying to undo Social Security now.

Just pray it does not pass. Or that some one with real big balls is Governor
of Texas, and stands firm on the 10th amendment on this one.

12-11-2009, 07:46 PM
I strongly disagree with you guys. Some of us have more than others and providing health care to those who are not as fortunate is really something we need to do.

12-11-2009, 07:52 PM
I strongly disagree with you guys. Some of us have more than others and providing health care to those who are not as fortunate is really something we need to do.
Sounds similar to the logic that the Execs at many companies use when making decisions that wont effect them. These decisions definitely will effect me.
Counting on infrastructure and efficiencies similar to the USPS to keep me alive on a day to day basis is NOT what Im looking forward to. I work very hard to make sure that I have the coverage and medical care I need. I make life decisions based on those requirements. Id love to own my own company but I cant get insurance, and Obamacare ISNT going to fix that. What it will do is put people like me at risk in an attempt to offer more care to people that in many cases DONT make the same kinds of responsible decisions.We are already paying taxes to cover medical care at places like Parkland..

Im not trying to say that there isnt some room for improvement. I just dont think that politicians and big pharma have the best intentions in mind and dont think that they should be the ones that fix this issue.

An article in the paper this morning was talking about FDR and his programs and how they turned around the economy. The problem is the monster permanent expenses that he put on all our shoulders didnt solve the depression. World War II solved the depression. The same way WWI solved the recession from the beginning of the century. In the past 8 months the deficit has been increased by 20 %. The result is what ? Besides debt that we will never be able to repay ? Lots of executives that should have been put in jail have received millions of dollars in bonuses and the unemployment rate continues to climb.

Some will say that Im ranting that the sky is falling. I have already seen an number of technology improvements that I was counting on to imporve my health be canceled due to companies insecurities about Obamacare. My Insulin pump company is out of business. The sensor company has laid off ALL their clinical staff which means that even though I have full coverage there is no one to call.

Rant off
Back to stockpiling insulin and syringes, no need to stockpile batteries because the insulin pump that I currently rely on is not typically covered by Medicare now and once everyone is on Medicare (or whatever the new single payer plan will be ), and the 30% of "efficiencies" are implemented I wont be eligible for it. In exactly the same way the 2 people today weren't eligible for H1N1 vaccine.

12-11-2009, 08:15 PM
I strongly disagree with you guys. Some of us have more than others and providing health care to those who are not as fortunate is really something we need to do.

Then you're welcome to provide for my health care... given that I am self-employed and have to provide my own. No one (not even under Obamacare) is going to pay for my healthcare, but I guess its ok that I get to pay for lots of other people's?

more "spreading the wealth around" propaganda from the far left.

I'm kind of thinking you're being sarcastic, John. ???

Also, just so you don't think I'm mean-spirited, I am more than happy to give to local charities to help those in need and do it often. If good research is done, I can find a quality charity organization that has a lot less red tape (meaning they meet the needs of those much quicker than the govt) and _way_ less overhead than the govt.

12-11-2009, 08:18 PM
maybe I need to focus on that govt job next... hmmmm


12-11-2009, 08:39 PM
Well I certainly was being sarcastic. This plan is going to cripple our health system.

I am more fortunate than some but come from incredibly humble beginnings and anything we have accomplished has come from hard work and perseverance.

The reality is that capitalism works and needs to be left alone and allowed to do it's thing.

I just wanted to stir the pot a little. :D

12-11-2009, 08:54 PM
Wes I will also add that contributing to charitable causes is a thing we do as well. The reality is I get as much or more from it than the recipient most of the time.

My criteria is that the charity or individual is someone that is helping them self first.

12-11-2009, 09:37 PM
Wes I will also add that contributing to charitable causes is a thing we do as well. The reality is I get as much or more from it than the recipient most of the time.

My criteria is that the charity or individual is someone that is helping them self first.

I believe that I fit into that category.. send a little or really a LOT my way will ya.. ;)


12-11-2009, 09:44 PM
I believe that I fit into that category.. send a little or really a LOT my way will ya.. ;)


I don't help those that kel tech.......:tu:

12-11-2009, 10:14 PM
Wes I will also add that contributing to charitable causes is a thing we do as well. The reality is I get as much or more from it than the recipient most of the time.

My criteria is that the charity or individual is someone that is helping them self first.

12-12-2009, 12:00 AM
I don't help those that kel tech.......:tu:

that would be Kel Tec to you junior... :evil


12-12-2009, 07:59 AM
To build on the efficiencies comment from my earlier rant ... i2 is being acquired again and the new company is looking for 20 - 30 million in efficiencies when combining the companies. So I may have the opportunity to "be an efficiency again ".
It warms my heart to have the opportunity to be so efficient

12-12-2009, 08:45 AM
To build on the efficiencies comment from my earlier rant ... i2 is being acquired again and the new company is looking for 20 - 30 million in efficiencies when combining the companies. So I may have the opportunity to "be an efficiency again ".
It warms my heart to have the opportunity to be so efficient

that usually comes out of the management and supervisory ranks...


12-12-2009, 10:13 AM
that usually comes out of the management and supervisory ranks...

legal dept
HR dept
and IS dept 90+% expected to be gone