View Full Version : My trip to the post office ... Healthcare

02-04-2010, 10:40 AM
This week I went to the post office to mail a package to Iraq for my cousin, I also wanted to get some help expediting my Passport renewal. I ended up making 2 trips to the PO and spending 90 minutes.

While I was there I was constantly reminded that our President wants the SAME govt that runs the Post Office to run Health Care.

I kept replacing the word mail with Dr or Medicine while I was there and it gave me chills.

Here are some of the highlights

The package to Iraq went really pretty well except that I had filled out the 7 page customs form online from the Post office Website and the Agent who looked like he was half asleep didnt seem to recognize the form. He stamped them - asked me if I had taken my copy. I said no, he then gave me a copy and lectured me for not having read thru the ridiculously small print to determin that copy #4 was for the sender.

I asked him about the Passport service, he said they had a lady that helped with that "over there" and she leaves at 3:15. It was 12:30. I had left the expiired passport home so I ran home and hurried back. I returned at 12:45 to find out to find that he failed to mention that she isnt scheduled to start passport work until 1pm. At 12:45 I was the second person in line "over there" No sign indicating that it was the passport office, the door said cobference room but the conference room had long ago been converted to the passport office. I waited for "her" to return. 1 pm came and went. 1:15 and nothing yet. 1:30 and she finally appears and acts like a shop keeper opening her shop after it had been closed all weekend. Moving slowly, opening doors, sweeping the floor, arranging papers and books, all the while ignoring the 5 people in line waiting for her help.

I had printed the forms to renew my passport form the net. I simply wanted some help to check them and make sure I had everything in order including the right fees to send it for expedited service. After waiting nearly an hour she tells me that she doesn't help with that form and I need to fill out the other form, the initial application form, AND if she helps me with it there is an additional $25 fee. There is no doubt that I couldn't use the form she recommended to renew the passport. The web was VERY clear on which form to use to renew if no information changed.

So here is a public servant who works on passports at least 6 hours every day - including sweeping time- and she doesn't appear to understand the basics of renewing a Passport, which the website and the signs in the post office both clearly say they can help with.

She did recommend that I use a paperclip to secure the documents, gave me a free paperclip and then helped me pick out the right size envleope from the wall of envelopes...

So I wanted help with the process and the local govt worker misinformed me and then focused on the envelope the form goes in...

Does she or her supervisor have no concern for the people that waited 30 minutes before she arrived then another 10 while she did busy work? Does she also sweep in the morning ?

Does she not understand what conditioner is ? Or the purpose of a bra ? Or the difference between the clothes you wear in the house and the ones you wear in public ? ( she appeard to be about 60 )

Wow will this be a pain in the ass if they take over healthcare.

Rant off ...

02-04-2010, 11:01 AM
I always pay a professional to handle my passport and visa issues and have them expedited. My thinking is that if health care was ran in the same manner I would probably have to pay for private health care.

Difference is a couple hundred bucks to have a visa expedited is no comparison to the cost of a major health issue.

02-04-2010, 11:27 AM
Vegas loves our president:icon_mrgreen: OQYhnCrnkgI What a mess

02-04-2010, 11:40 AM
The government run airport security system is very similar. No competition for jobs so they are great at making honest travelers jump through hoops. Not so good at catching actual crazies with weapons capable of doing mass destruction.
Government run healthcare gives me the chills. Medicare is bad enough. When you turn 65, all other options go out the window. When a health care worker sees that you are 65 the standard statement is "you are covered by Medicare". Never the question "are you ....?" If you were not a patient before you turned 65, chances are about 50/50 that they wont agree to see you when you hit the 65 marker. I can't imagine what "universal coverage" will end up being.

02-04-2010, 06:56 PM
Speaking of the TSA...

http://www.jaunted.com/story/2010/1/22/135338/379/travel/TSA+Agent+Reduces+Coed+To+Tears+With+Fake+Drug+Pra nk

02-04-2010, 07:19 PM
But... you got a free paperclip right? :evil

02-04-2010, 08:00 PM

I have paid expediters in the past as well but felt pretty comfortable I could handle this one - Until Wed I wasn't in a hurry to travel.

Like you I will likely be paying for the upgraded ins BUT we will all have to deal with the govt at some level.

Read a note on the web that said that the Govt planned to cut Drs medicare reimbursement by an other 20%. Most Drs have already backed out of medicare and its being touted as the Health Care savior ....

I need a drink ...

02-04-2010, 09:02 PM
Well, most doctors havent backed out of Medicare .... YET... if the reimbursement drops 20%, you will see a mass exodus.. within the last month the MAYO CLINIC, yes that Mayo Clinic has stopped seeing Medicare patients..


Believe me, what the govt wants to do with healthcare is very scary.. we need some change, but what their prescription is for the fix is fatal. IMHO


02-04-2010, 09:59 PM
Read a note on the web that said that the Govt planned to cut Drs medicare reimbursement by an other 20%. Most Drs have already backed out of medicare and its being touted as the Health Care savior .....

Dr's are between a rock and a hard place though (just like my practice) Unless you are in pediatrics there are not enough patients with private insurance to be able to opt-out. Most all seniors have Medicare/caid (79 % in my practice) We have to take it and deal with the cuts.

02-04-2010, 10:06 PM
Well, most doctors havent backed out of Medicare .... YET... if the reimbursement drops 20%, you will see a mass exodus.. within the last month the MAYO CLINIC, yes that Mayo Clinic has stopped seeing Medicare patients..


Believe me, what the govt wants to do with healthcare is very scary.. we need some change, but what their prescription is for the fix is fatal. IMHO

I misspoke

everyone of the Drs I see has stopped accepting Medicare Patients, or put huge restrictions on them in the past year.

02-04-2010, 10:14 PM
Dr's are between a rock and a hard place though (just like my practice) Unless you are in pediatrics there are not enough patients with private insurance to be able to opt-out. Most all seniors have Medicare/caid (79 % in my practice) We have to take it and deal with the cuts.
John, I hear you but if Medicare cut reimbursement by 20%, then I bet you would see them opt out.. the ones that wouldnt would be the ones that are employed by hospitals.. because the hospitals would make them stay in it.

I misspoke

everyone of the Drs I see has stopped accepting Medicare Patients, or put huge restrictions on them in the past year.

Now that wouldnt surprise me.. there is enough folks under the age of 65 in Dallas that you could have a decent non-Care practice.


02-05-2010, 12:12 AM
That TSA gag really p*sses me off. If a passenger jokes about something like that they get the anal probe and possibly some jail time. While they were having fun messing with this traveller, who was actually watching for terrorists? Wonder how they chose her, and how could they know if she had 15 minutes to catch a plane or how she would deal with the change fees and delays of potentially missing her flight.

I'm all for a good gag on my friends, but a professional security agency that I've often placed my personal safety in the hands of should not be screwing around like that. If they pulled that on me I'd likely smack the crap out of them and end up in all sorts of trouble.

And Doug, my advice for mailing international is to use Priority Mail if you can (it's usually within a few bucks of Parcel Post). With PM you can schedule a pick up online and your mailman will come to your door and pick up your packages. I am fairly sure you could have them pick up the passport envelope too (they will send you some boxes/envelopes for free if you register online and order them, I keep a few of each type of box handy). I never go to the PO, ever!

As for Gub Ment running healthcare, don't get me started. They can't even synchronize traffic lights and they want to try to determine what's best for our health?

02-05-2010, 06:37 AM
As for Gub Ment running healthcare, don't get me started. They can't even synchronize traffic lights and they want to try to determine what's best for our health?

I like that one and will have to remember it... :tu:


02-05-2010, 08:42 AM
And Doug, my advice for mailing international is to use Priority Mail if you can (it's usually within a few bucks of Parcel Post).


As for Gub Ment running healthcare, don't get me started. They can't even synchronize traffic lights and they want to try to determine what's best for our health?

I used an APO flat rate box that they sent me for free. If I could have paid the postage somehow I could have sent it from home. But since it was the first time I used one I was willing to show up to make sure it was right.
We will know in a few weeks about how both packages travelled. Shoud be interesting

02-05-2010, 01:53 PM
Goverment run anything is a disaster. :nono:

02-05-2010, 03:57 PM
John, I hear you but if Medicare cut reimbursement by 20%, then I bet you would see them opt out.. the ones that wouldnt would be the ones that are employed by hospitals.. because the hospitals would make them stay in it.

I'm sure a lot would Dana. After speaking with a few of the office managers/physicians that I have contact with on a regular basis, at least these offices don't feel like their practices could survive without medicare. Even at a 20% cut it's better than no patients. As for our situation we will be stuck as we also serve the dialysis community which is almost 100% medicare. My senior partner often talks of giving up the ship and becoming a hospitalist and just collecting a check.

02-05-2010, 04:27 PM
Saw this story, made me think of this thread.


02-05-2010, 04:37 PM
Saw this story, made me think of this thread.



02-06-2010, 03:27 AM
Saw this story, made me think of this thread.


Thats classic... :tu::tu::tu:


02-06-2010, 03:29 AM
My senior partner often talks of giving up the ship and becoming a hospitalist and just collecting a check.

if he does, have him call me.. we have a hospitalist division and would love to talk to him..

I forget about the segments like yours on dialysis. I do know that if Care decreased reimbursement 20 percent, there would be a lot of docs dropping out though and try to tough it out..


02-06-2010, 01:53 PM
I bought 5 stamps for a total of $2.20 and received the correct change back from a ten yesterday at the Denton Post Office. Everyone in the post office, looked like an alien (and I'm not talking foreigner here). :tex

02-16-2010, 11:02 AM
More TSA awesomeness. Everyone feel safe yet?


02-16-2010, 11:18 AM
Did anyone really believe that the government was capable protecting us without being corrupted by the power????

02-16-2010, 03:19 PM
I still stand by my previous post.