View Full Version : John P. Murtha passed away - RIP

02-08-2010, 08:43 PM
While Im pretty sure Ill go to hell....

He was in congress since 1974 ? How can that be good ?
We need term limits BAD

02-08-2010, 09:29 PM
The Supreme Court has already ruled term limits for federal Reps and Senators to be unconstitutional. So, federal term limits would require a Constitutional Amendment. Probability of that happening starts at zero and tapers off. Voters have to practice term limiting votes which requires thinking and putting good of the country ahead of personal wants or needs. Probability of that hapening also starts at zero. Our only hope is that a majority of our elected federall representatives start thinking about our country and future generations instead of themseves. Just my 2-cents.

02-08-2010, 09:54 PM
While Im pretty sure Ill go to hell....

He was in congress since 1974 ? How can that be good ?
We need term limits BAD

you wont.. if you know anything about this guy.. he was the king of getting money to help himself and his family.. got their own airport and called the folks in the rural areas a bunch of hicks... this was a former veteran and yet did things that the vets hated... at least there is a good chance that maybe, just maybe we might see someone go to Washington that will do something good for the folks..


Mark #2
02-09-2010, 07:30 PM
Maybe this thread should be in the national health care thread.;)

Taking out a patient's gallbladder is routine. At least 500,000 such surgeries are done each year in the United States. It takes an hour or two, and the patient can go home that day or the next. But in rare cases, the surgery (http://topics.cnn.com/topics/Surgery) can be deadly. Democratic Rep. John Murtha (http://topics.cnn.com/topics/John_Murtha) of Pennsylvania recently died after complications from the procedure after doctors "hit his intestines" during surgery, a source close to the late congressman told CNN.
Murtha underwent the scheduled laparoscopic surgery at the National Naval Medical Center (http://topics.cnn.com/topics/National_Naval_Medical_Center) in Bethesda, Maryland, on January 28, to remove his gallbladder, and was discharged. Three days later, he was admitted to Virginia Hospital Center's Intensive Care Unit because of major complications from surgery, the hospital said in a statement. He died there Monday at age 77.
The National Naval Medical Center declined to reveal additional details on Murtha's death.