View Full Version : What way to go?

05-20-2010, 09:42 AM
After reading this thread,


IMHO, there are three good ways to go

in your sleep
while on a final high speed drive in a sports car/truck

Which way would you prefer to go?

Vote early and often:D


05-20-2010, 10:32 AM
I would like to go in a manner that leaves the least amount of mess as possible so that folks don't have to clean up or fuss over me. Having said that, a car crash is out. Even though driving a top fuel funny car @ 300mph is on my bucket list, I don't really want to die that way. Too much to clean up. Banging is out. The trauma that would inflict on one's partner would not be pretty. Unless you were fapping when it happened. If that's the case then Doug needs to invent a new program for the laptop that automaticly deleats your history if you die while watching porn.:d Just remember that with your dying breath you need to remember to drop your johnson and pull up your drawers or the auto deleat won't matter. So IMO, while sleeping would appear to be the easiest for everyone involved and my choice.

05-20-2010, 01:18 PM
Agreed - whoever said banging...I guess if it is revenge sex, thats OK. :D

05-20-2010, 04:07 PM
I am more fascinated by what will happen after death rather than the cause of. However, I would prefer not to be eaten alive by some carnivorous animal. :(

05-20-2010, 04:50 PM
I am more fascinated by what will happen after death rather than the cause of. However, I would prefer not to be eaten alive by some carnivorous animal. :(

I agree, but post up anyway..


05-20-2010, 06:12 PM
I would like to go in a manner that leaves the least amount of mess as possible so that folks don't have to clean up or fuss over me. Having said that, a car crash is out. Even though driving a top fuel funny car @ 300mph is on my bucket list, I don't really want to die that way. Too much to clean up. Banging is out. The trauma that would inflict on one's partner would not be pretty. Unless you were fapping when it happened. If that's the case then Doug needs to invent a new program for the laptop that automaticly deleats your history if you die while watching porn.:d Just remember that with your dying breath you need to remember to drop your johnson and pull up your drawers or the auto deleat won't matter. So IMO, while sleeping would appear to be the easiest for everyone involved and my choice.Well put:tu: While the other two have some amount of facination, exitement of any sort only has real meaning when you can reflect back upon it.

05-21-2010, 12:12 AM
I voted sports car....but not sure I would want to land my G8 in the top of a gym like this or not. :tex

I can neither confirm nor deny having ever actually got my car up to that speed or not. But that speedometer pic came off of the guys myspace account that had the accident.

That time of sports car death just wouldn't be anywhere on my bucket list.......and I think that left a whole lot for someone else to clean up.

05-21-2010, 08:26 AM
Not sure that I can come up with how I want to die, but I can definitely come up with ways I don't want to die. Like Dennis, I'd prefer not to be eaten. Burning to death is out, as is drowning or suffocation. And although there is little dignity in death, I'd really rather not die on the pot. I've seen countless numbers of folks who died on the can while straining to do their morning bidness. Terribly embarassing to be found croaked, face all mashed up against the tub, britches around your ankles, and a final floater in the bowl staring at those who find you. :nono:

I think just waking up dead some day is probably the least traumatic for all involved.

05-21-2010, 08:29 AM
And although there is little dignity in death, I'd really rather not die on the pot. I've seen countless numbers of folks who died on the can while straining to do their morning bidness. Terribly embarassing to be found croaked, face all mashed up against the tub, britches around your ankles, and a final floater in the bowl staring at those who find you. :nono:

Like Elvis!

05-21-2010, 08:41 AM
Like Elvis!

Yeah, and with a firm grasp on a jelly donut. :cool:

05-21-2010, 11:00 AM
Yeah, and with a firm grasp on a jelly donut. :cool:

I thought it was a fried PBJ or something like that!!:rll:

Mark #2
05-21-2010, 04:45 PM
Well since I have witnessed a few die at their desk, dying of stress, I prefer not to die that way, but better than on the toilet, but kind of the same I guess.:D

05-27-2010, 01:10 PM
I say I want to die peacefully in a sex induced snooze in my sports car while doing 150mph. So I guess that means peacefully in my sleep. Too bad my passenger will likely be screaming as we go off the cliff :eek:

05-31-2010, 10:04 PM
i'll probably keel over at work.