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View Full Version : OK a little rant

Mark #2
09-17-2010, 09:31 PM
I believe in keeping up the neighborhood, but seriously one limb a half of an inch in violation of the 12 inch rule from the alley and I get a mailed document/notice.

Are you kidding me, there is someone actually paid to measure my tree limbs exact distance from the edge of the alley and write a report and send me a notice for 12.5 inches.

Nice use of my tax dollars. Ridiculous, it really pissed me off opening that mail notice...just needed to vent.

09-17-2010, 09:33 PM
Richardson has one of, if not the, highest ratios of City employees to population in the metroplex. Now I see why - Alleyway Tree Branch Measurement Specialist. Who'd a thunk it.

Mark #2
09-17-2010, 10:03 PM
Richardson has one of, if not the, highest ratios of City employees to population in the metroplex. Now I see why - Alleyway Tree Branch Measurement Specialist. Who'd a thunk it.
No kidding, and it was a single 1/4 " branch of a Crape Myrtle.
Just stupid that someone actually gets paid to write a report and send an official document and that they will follow up next week to make sure that I corrected it for a 1/4" branch.
Okay, can you tell I am pissed...just venting again.

09-17-2010, 10:07 PM
I hate stuff like that

Why dont they just cut them ?

Would be cheaper

BUT people would get upset about that as well

09-18-2010, 09:50 AM
Cut off said limb and mail it back with the notice to the city:d

09-18-2010, 12:01 PM
just goes to show you misplaced priorities and the need to slim down govt..


09-18-2010, 12:05 PM
IIRC, Richardson has something like 12-15 City employees per 1000 population. The City I work for (I'm no longer allowed to say where I work, but that's a whole other story) has 4.3 employees per 1000 population, which is the lowest ratio in the metroplex.

09-18-2010, 12:15 PM
Cut off said limb and mail it back with the notice to the city:d


09-18-2010, 09:29 PM
Will trim 4 free LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw9uQZ0KDno

09-21-2010, 10:18 AM
Reminds me of my HOA when I lived in DFW. I once got a warning letter about the newspaper being left out in the yard. It was a free paper that I never read and I tossed it in the trash each day when I got home from work. Apparently they expected me to drive 25 miles home at lunch time to throw it away so it wouldn't be on the lawn for a few hours.

I also got a notice about the trash cans. Same deal, I'd put it out before going to work and pick it up when I got home but that wasn't good enough for them.

I understand they have to keep people from leaving Xmas lights up all year or having broken, stripped cars on their lawns but sheesh let me bring the f-in trash cans in when I get home from work!

09-21-2010, 10:59 AM
Just wait until they implement this:


The chips will allow city workers to monitor how often residents roll carts to the curb for collection. If a chip show a recyclable cart hasn’t been brought to the curb in weeks, a trash supervisor will sort through the trash for recyclables.
Trash carts containing more than 10 percent recyclable material could lead to a $100 fine, according to Waste Collection Commissioner Ronnie Owens.

It's coming to Cleveland in the next year.

09-21-2010, 11:33 AM
Reminds me of my HOA when I lived in DFW. I once got a warning letter about the newspaper being left out in the yard. It was a free paper that I never read and I tossed it in the trash each day when I got home from work. Apparently they expected me to drive 25 miles home at lunch time to throw it away so it wouldn't be on the lawn for a few hours.

I also got a notice about the trash cans. Same deal, I'd put it out before going to work and pick it up when I got home but that wasn't good enough for them.

I understand they have to keep people from leaving Xmas lights up all year or having broken, stripped cars on their lawns but sheesh let me bring the f-in trash cans in when I get home from work!

My HOA are winners too, I brought home some furniture and used a little black utility trailer to carry it. Got home around 7pm and decided to leave the trailer in the driveway over night since I was leaving out the next morning with it and I was gone by 7am the next morning. Came home that evening to a notice on the door to move the trailer with a picture attached of the trailer in the driveway. Must have taken the pic in the middle of the night......

09-21-2010, 12:20 PM
In some cases I think HOA is a nice way of saying Nazi Bastards! I don't have one and If I have any say in the neighborhood....never will.

09-21-2010, 12:47 PM
Even though my HOA is pretty much a liberal group, I have never received a complaint in 10 years even with trucks and trailers parked everywhere from time to time. I guess the 1+ acre lot acts as an acceptable buffer zone.

Much rather deal with the HOA than city government. :cool:

09-21-2010, 01:30 PM
We have an HOA at our new place in Allen, but it must be the most laid-back HOA ever. Walking the neighborhood there are at least a couple houses that have DEAD trees in their front yards. I mean, Monty Python parrot DEAD.

Overall I am ok with laid back, but what am I paying dues for?

09-21-2010, 06:39 PM
Don't want an HOA, don't want a City. As much as possible I try to live in unincorporated areas and keep up the "neighborhood" through deed restrictions.

09-25-2010, 09:26 PM
My HOA are winners too, I brought home some furniture and used a little black utility trailer to carry it. Got home around 7pm and decided to leave the trailer in the driveway over night since I was leaving out the next morning with it and I was gone by 7am the next morning. Came home that evening to a notice on the door to move the trailer with a picture attached of the trailer in the driveway. Must have taken the pic in the middle of the night......

Mail them a picture back!


09-25-2010, 09:31 PM
Just wait until they implement this:


It's coming to Cleveland in the next year.

The the HOAs will start using the system to tell whether you put them back in the garage or back yard before the 12 noon cutoff on trash day! Time to put them in the back of your truck and watch them try to figure out how their trash can did 110 on the freeway:banana:

Mark #2
09-25-2010, 10:22 PM
Okay, OT, but I started the thread.;)
Everyone that carries a cell phone(I don't) is time monitored for your location/change of location, ie speed.

How do you feel about others(companies, employers or govt) examining the charts tracking all of your daily movements? The places you visited, the time you spent there, the implied interests/activity that you have at the places that you visited, and implications for marketing employment, or enforcement?

Oh and I should have mowed my yard last weekend, it is probably in violation now and too wet.

09-25-2010, 10:37 PM
Just wait until they implement this:


It's coming to Cleveland in the next year.
It already in Carrollton - I get "points" for recycling

The trouble with the system is the trucks dont have scales on them AND all you have to do is wheel out the bin full or empty

My neighbor fills his bin every 2 weeks with miller lite beer cans and never wheels it out .. there is a guy who comes by every other Friday and takes the cans and gets the $$ for himself. So the monitoring wouldn't work for him - even though he is clearly recycling AND he cant be expected to control the trash at the curb.