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View Full Version : looking for a tuner in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area

12-06-2010, 06:19 PM
Is there anybody tuning our trucks that are local?

I am currently runnig a Predator custom tune by Sal of PSP and I also have a 4-way flip chip that he also did.

I have not ran the flip chip yet because I was told that if I remove the Predator that I would loose my custom tune. Is this true?

I'm also looking at maybe upgrading my MAF and if I do I will need to adjust or modify the tune, Right?

Any information is appreciated, Thanks.

12-06-2010, 10:23 PM
yes if you upgrade to 6#lower you will need a 90mm maf which is already equipped with the truck if its a 01-04, unless your going with sct big air maf, then yes you will need a re-tune. there is no one reliable near to tune the trucks that i know. Im planning to hit up PSI sometime in Jan-Feb 2011. if you wanna make a trip together down south to get tuned.

12-07-2010, 01:14 PM
Mine is an '01 with the 90mm but I have read that if your pushing the 450HP range that you may need to upgrade the MAF.
also how do I check the voltage at the MAF?
And last question, Do you know how much they charge for the dyno and tune and will the be able to use my Predator?


12-07-2010, 01:33 PM
It depends on your set up, tuning can take 2 minutes if you dont have alot done to your truck. I know PSI does SCT but idk about any other tuners. Call them, they are a good batch of folks.