01-09-2011, 04:58 PM
Thought you all might find this funny!
01-09-2011, 06:22 PM
LOL. That was pretty good. :tu:
01-14-2011, 11:28 PM
Here's the text in case you missed it last time:
Date: 2011-01-14, 10:58PM EST
Reply to: sale-3vr6r-2161316480@craigslist.org (sale-3vr6r-2161316480@craigslist.org?subject=Stupid%20Goddamn %20Fish%20Tank%20-%20%2450%20(South%20Deltona)&body=%0A%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Forlando.craigslist.org%2Ff or%2F2161316480.html%0A) [Errors when replying to ads? (http://www.craigslist.org/about/help/replying_to_posts)]
So we went to one of those crappy fairs that have the reject rides that the County Fair deemed too lousy even for their standards. The kids love it, so I have no problem blowing the money, they genuinely have a good time. Hey, they're 6 and 4, in a while they'll realize that it's a rip-off and a waste of time, but not yet. For now they love being among a throng of people, drinking $4 goddamn sodas and eating $5 goddamn hot dogs.
We get to the games of chance. $3 a shot for a chance to win some piece of shit toy worth a quarter that's going to break before they get to the car. A waste of money for an adult, a great goddamn time for the kids, so of course I indulge them. So there they are with a little goddamn fishing pole with a little goddamn ring on the end trying to pick up a goddamn glass soda bottle, which I didn't even know they made any more. $18 later they haven't won shit, they're 6 and 4 years old after all. But the fair doesn't want them to go away empty handed, that's not good for business, so the barker reaches down behind the counter to bring out what I can only assume was the only prize they didn't have on display, because if they did, no one would let their kids play the ****ing game.
Two goddamn goldfish.
I mean, seriously. What the hell? Giving children some live animals without even asking the parents? They know I'm stuck, I'm not going to tell them absolutely not, give them back. They know I'm going to take the goddamn fish with us. Which we do. And before we even get to the car, the kids have given them goddamn names (Jaws and Hulk). Trouble is, we don't own a goddamn fish tank. We don't have any fish food or any ****ing idea how to keep fish alive. Which was really evident when I woke up the next morning and one of the fish was dead. Fortunately we have a PetSmart nearby and the kids were so tuckered out from all the goddamn fun they had at the fair the night before that I was able to zip out and get a replacement fish before they woke up. Trouble was, with the size difference, I had to switch names on the goddamn fish because the bigger one was Hulk, but with the replacement fish the bigger one was now Jaws, so I totally screwed up that fish's sense of identity.
With the kids in tow we went back to PetSmart and spent $100 goddamn dollars on this lousy little 10 gallon tank and rocks and cute little ceramic figurines for the goddamn fish to swim through so they won't be so goddamn bored while we're all at work and school and not there to keep them company. But we also don't know how to keep fish alive, so in the course of 30 days 6 goddamn fish die and 6 new ones are brought in to replace them. BTW, Jaws lived through all of this, I was always replacing the same kids goddamn fish. Well, finally Jaws died and soon after, like ****ing clockwork, the other fish died and the kids saw them before I did. And kids are more resiliant than we give them credit for, they were a little bummed and then went outside to play.
So now I have this goddamn fish tank and extra stuff that all fits in a stylish homemade storage compartment (that little white box with 'Phish' written on it in Sharpie). There's food, stuff to clean the water and and a few other things including the rocks and all those cute decorations. I spent $100 on it if you don't count the $18 it cost us at the goddamn fair and it's all only 45 days old, so I want at least half my money back. If you know how to keep fish alive, here's $100 worth of fish gear for half price, and that's firm. Don't offer me any less or I'll slam the goddamn door in your face and call 911 and tell them there's a stalker in my yard just because you pissed me off.
02-05-2011, 06:12 PM
I just tried to post my first ever ad on craigslist. All went well, for about 30 minutes. The I got an email indicating that my ad had been flagged for removal. Reason? I had posted an ad for rifle scope, which they consider a "weapon". :hammer: Geez, that's even more tightassed than ebay.:throw:
02-05-2011, 09:43 PM
Isnt there a good place to post that type of stuff? Do any of the gun sites let you sell gun sights? (See what I did there?)
02-05-2011, 10:16 PM
LOL. Well, gunbroker.com and auctionarms.com are both geared towards guns rather than accessories and more towards dealers than individuals. I've had decent luck with the classifieds on ar15.com and glocktalk.com, but I've actually done the best with scopes on ebay.
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