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View Full Version : bogging issues

05-03-2011, 09:09 PM
Hey all, I have been having an issue for about the last year with the L. First started off shuttering under hard acceleration, then gradually got worse. It was at the point where if I was doing 40+ and gave it any gas it would shutter and fall on it's face. I changed the plugs and all was good. 6 months later I am having the same problem. I pulled all my plugs and 2 looked kinda bad so I went ahead and changed them. I am running the TR6IX. The truck was running fine for about 5 miles then I went to pass a car and it did it again but not very bad. I went home and let it cool off then got back out. It was not doing it at first then it started again. I decided to change the fuel filter and now it has yet to do it. I feel like in another 6 months or less it is going to start again. Any idea what could cause this? I have searched and searched and can not find too much on it. The only thing I could find that sounded close was "spark blow by." My plugs are gapped .34 and I am running a 6#, C&L Elbow, Airaid, and SCT prog w/ exhaust. The truck idles fine too. If I give it gas in park it's ok but under a load is when it was happening.


05-03-2011, 10:29 PM
Sounds like a weak coil pack or two, you can google how to test ford coil packs. Also check or change fuel filter and pressure next.