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View Full Version : Sta-Bil, Sea Foam, or other

05-31-2011, 04:42 PM
I've been using Sta-Bil as a fuel stabilizer for years and never had any problem with it, but recently I've been reading that some folks think it may be harmful to some engines. Other folks seem to prefer Sea Foam. What's your preference, and why? Is there really any difference? Is there a third option that's even better?

Mark #2
05-31-2011, 06:02 PM
I've been using Sta-Bil as a fuel stabilizer for years and never had any problem with it, but recently I've been reading that some folks think it may be harmful to some engines. Other folks seem to prefer Sea Foam. What's your preference, and why? Is there really any difference? Is there a third option that's even better?
3 decades of sta-bil, only data that I have
3 best option, drain.

05-31-2011, 08:47 PM
I have only used Sta-bil in my engines. I will say then when I was up north, I used to run my engines dry at the end of Fall. But I did have some items that I was pretty consistent in using Sta-bil. No issues for me.


05-31-2011, 09:40 PM
I've been using a Amsoil product with similar claims as Stabil. I don't have a lot of small engine stuff but my buddy who has a farm swears by it. He uses it all his equipment and toys.

05-31-2011, 10:17 PM
I use Sea Foam in all my 2 cycle fuel at the course, no problems. I have some weed eaters 5+ years old & thats good for a golf course. I also use it in all the utility vechicles too.

06-01-2011, 11:15 AM
As a default rule I always put Stabil in my fuel cans when I fill them up. No gas gets put in my small engines without it. It's sometimes hard to guess how long before the gas gets used up. I do try and run them dry if I know I'm not going to use them for a while, but when I do forget I don't have a problem.

I started doing this consistantly about 5 years ago because one year I had to clean out gummy carburators in 8 different small engines due to not using Stabil. Haven't had a problem since, even when I leave the fuel for months at a time.

I fill up all my gas cans in late February because it's typically the lowest gas prices of the year. I always use premium fuel. It helps improve the longivity of the fuel although I can't scientifically back up that claim. In my experience I have never had a gummy carburator using preimum fuel but I've had many issues when regular fuel was used. Also, Logically, if there is any breakdown of the octane level from longer storage it's provides a little buffer needed to maintain a minimum octane rating.

06-01-2011, 06:28 PM
As a default rule I always put Stabil in my fuel cans when I fill them up. No gas gets put in my small engines without it.

I do the same, and everything that gets infrequent or seasonal use gets all the fuel run out of it at the end of the season. And I don't store fuel for the lawn equipment over the winter.

What I don't do is buy premium fuel for the small engines. I've read that some recommend premium, claiming it doesn't have any alcohol in it. Is that true? I thought all three grades were up to 10% ethanol these days.