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09-08-2011, 03:06 PM
I had a random guy send an email to SVTlightnings.com webmaster
does this look right ?? Seems like a lot of oil in the intake but not a reason to replace the engine

thanks. here's the pic they sent me. so, just talked to the guy and the price for the engine delivered to them is about 3900. do you know who could work on it in dallas? i am from odessa tx and there isnt many ppl that work on lightnings either. the closest i can think of is dallas. the problem is that im leaving to london monday and dont know what to do with it. i can leave it there with a reliable shop and come get it when finished or go get it tomorrow and bring it back to sit in odessa til i figure out where to take it.

From: Doug
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 1:46 AM
Subject: RE: quick tune up
Depends on where the oil is

EVERY lightning has oil in the intercooler area below the super charger – It gets sucked in when the truck is running at low RPM- ( vacuum rather than boost )

Be careful with Dallas Mustang – they know mustangs BUT not a great deal about lightning’s
The reason I recommended them is it sounded like you needed a tune – they can handle that
AND they are big enough to handle last minute work

Send me a picture of the oil they are complaining about


Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 11:10 AM
To: Doug
Subject: Re: quick tune up

sorry to bother you again man but it looks like you know what you're talking about lol. i dont know anything. so dallasmustang has my truck and it seems to be a worse problem than expected. it wasnt fuel, it was oil. there's oill up in the intake. thwy told me that the engine will have to come out regarless and go to machine shop and all kinds of work pretty much. 2800 for taking it out plus all the extra work. they suggested to buy a jsaper rebuilt engine. what do you suggest since the engine is coming out might as well go all out. please forgive me for taking your time man, i really appreciate someones knowledge. again thanks

From: Doug
Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2011 9:59 PM
Subject: RE: quick tune up
It sounds like you need it reprogrammed
You need to figure out what kind of tuner/chip was used and go from there

Getting it done on one day is going to be tough – You could call places like Dallas Mustang or
21st century motor cars

Good luck


Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 3:09 AM
To: webmaster@svtlightnings.com
Subject: quick tune up

i need to tune my truck like immediately. im running too rich and it blows black smoke when i get on it. just drove in to dallas 3 am tues morning and i have to ship it to england on wednesday. any suggestions on where i can get it looked at same day. thanks so much. white 01 lightning

09-08-2011, 03:51 PM
I'm with you. That's a lot o oil, but not necessarily indicative of a need for an engine swap.

09-08-2011, 09:51 PM
I think that I'd look for a 2nd opinion. At the very least, I'd want to see the results of a compression test, or better yet, a leak-down test before I pulled it. Just my .02 for what it's worth.

09-09-2011, 08:36 AM
I second the compression test and leak down.

That amount of oil is not totally abnormal. It could be just a sign of spirited driving by the owner. Normally that tube in the TB boot allows air to flow into the crankcase but under heavy load or high RPM (regardless of boost) the blowby past the ring seals will pressurize the crankcase and vent back that tube the opposite way.

A compression test would identify if you have any ring or cylinder wall issues.

If the compression test checks out ok you may find that you can clean all the residue out and drive it like a sane person and the problem may go away.

DO NOT Buy Jasper products, you will regret it. They have a good warranty, but the problem is that you will use it over and over again. I know from personal experience

09-09-2011, 09:31 AM
Looks like my old throttle body. It ruined my engine for sure. It only lasted 9 years and 100K miles of torture before it crapped out on me. :icon_mrgreen:

09-09-2011, 12:17 PM
What may make that one look bad is the oil has collected dirt - perhaps a bad air filter or something ...

At least we all agree that the oil by itself is NOT the issue

09-10-2011, 11:21 PM
:icon_twisted:mine looked liked that when i had my heads done . i took my truck back in and i had a valve stuck . had it fixed and it's all good now.

09-14-2011, 03:44 PM
I didn't see the picture but it could be as simple as Jiffy Lube overfilling the oil at some point. It gets spread around in the vac system and eventually works its way back into the intake. Alternately, I would guess that a stuck PCV valve could in theory force oil to leak or seep into various places due to crankcase pressure.

Only solution IMHO is to take the time to do a compression test and maybe stick a camera into the cyls to check for damage. Might be inconvenient to delay shipment, but swapping a motor for the wrong reason would be a waste of money. Maybe find a good shop that would be willing to load it up onto a trailer for shipment on your behalf?

Mark #2
09-14-2011, 06:45 PM
Wipe it out, change oil/air filter, fill oil to mid point on the dip stick and drive it for 10K miles, repeat the process. There has always been oil in the intake on Ls.