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View Full Version : Don't know these guys out of Dallas

Mark #2
06-27-2012, 07:57 PM
Discovery Channel, Fast and Loud
Watched a couple of hours of the show and I like it and a lot of cool local stuff on cars. I say check it out, they run at North Star, so some may know them.

06-28-2012, 09:54 AM
I liked the show, but...

http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/gas-...ost700714.html (http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/gas-monkey-update-discovery-drops-rawlings-99495-post700714.html)

http://www.TalonClub.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Jon
Here's an update on the Gas Monkey scandal. For those of you who aren't up-to-date, please read this section of our site: Gas Monkey Scandal (http://www.hotrodders.com/bad).

Yesterday, I spoke with Kristin Brown of Discovery Communications, the corporation that owns the Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Animal Planet, the Travel Channel, and many others. Kristin is a Vice-President of Communications for Discovery.

Richard Rawlings and Gas Monkey Garage were filmed in episodes of the show Overhaulin', to be aired this television season.

Anyway, after reading our Monkey Boys Media Center (http://www.hotrodders.com/bad), Kristin said that Discovery has agreed to discontinue their relationship with Richard Rawlings.

All episodes of Overhaulin' which feature Richard Rawlings or Gas Monkey Garage have been pulled from the air!

Also, Kristin said that Discovery won't be working with Rawlings or Gas Monkey Garage in the future. She said that the Discovery Channel logo, which now appears on GasMonkeyGarage.com (http://www.gasmonkeygarage.com), will be disappearing shortly.

Kristin has also given me a direct phone number to reach her whenever necessary. And, she said that Discovery may want our input on future hotrodding shows. This may possibly include a Discovery representative sent to our forums, to gather our feedback before scripting new seasons of Overhaulin'.


So, now SEMA has dropped Richard Rawlings and Gas Monkey Garage (discussed in this thread (http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/update-gas-monkey-garage-scandal-97414.html#post687882)), and so has Discovery http://www.TalonClub.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.png.

It's interesting to note that we still haven't received that apology from Richard Rawlings. Next, I'll be calling SpikeTV. Apparently, Gas Monkey Garage is scheduled to appear on episodes of their show MuscleCar.

06-29-2012, 07:43 AM
I found the show to be amusing - he seems to lose money pretty often

Sixpipes quote and link leads to a weird collection of accusations that link to dead links from 2006 - No real info about what he is accused of or why. Just lots of dead links.
If he was removed from Discovery for cause in 2006 and as is suggested in the threads - there is some inappropriateness with kids - NO TV show would connect with that

Who knows what happened in 2006 - I just find it hard to believe with ALL the reality TV shows out there that Discovery would do ANOTHER show with someone that had that kind of past - if it were true

the site admin making the accusations is also saying that Discovery will be using them to help select other show topics ... Really ?

06-29-2012, 04:58 PM
A little more detail here... seems the guy is accused of buying built cars and then changing a few things and then trying to resell them, claiming they were built in his "shop".


06-30-2012, 10:21 AM
Thats not a surprise if you watch the show - they have a habit of buying BADLY - spit shining it in a hurry and selling BADLY
One car he liked the rust "patina" enough he sprayed clear over it ... WTF

True embodiment of used car dealer ....