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View Full Version : I WON !! Again !!!

09-16-2012, 11:19 AM
Dear Winner,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of Facebook Award 2012. Your e-mail address has been selected for an award prize of (US$1,500,000). We have authorized Credit Financier Limited in conjuction Western Union Money Transfer, Dubai United Arab Emirates (UAE) to immediately start transferring your ($5000) twice a day until your total amount of
(US$1,500.000.00 USD One Million Five Hundred Thousand United State
Dollars) is received in full.

Credit Financier Limited Dubai United Arab Emirates has taking over the release of all payment of Winning prize, Atm Debit cards. Henceforth commercial banks, Security Companies,ATM Credit,Debit Union and offshore payment centres are no more authorized to handle release of funds.

Contact Credit Financier Limited Manager: Wolfgang Rudolf Fiedler.
Email: wolfgangfiedler@financier.com
Direct phone numbers is: +971 52 949 3196 +971 52 949 3197

We agreed that you will pay $290 to them for authentication Approval document from the court to enable them release your remaining 2 digits MTCN to you.
Here is your Payment Information.

MTCN :_______________ 409-789-00-- ## request for remaining 2 digit numbers.
Sender's Name:_________Wolfgang Rudolf Fiedler Amount Sent___________ $5000.00 USD
Address: Dubai,United Arab Emirates (UAE)

You have just Seven (7) working days to process your payment file. send your Full Names, Address and cell phone number in your reply to Wolfgang Fiedler


Mrs Jessica Martins Browns,
Chairperson: Payment Reconciliation Board, FACEBOOK


09-16-2012, 01:40 PM
Doug, it only costs you $290 to get $1.5M??? why wait, do it, do it now.... :icon_eek:


09-16-2012, 08:21 PM
Man, you won a Facie? I never win those.